The plinth in the interior of a house or apartment plays the final chord in interior decoration. The overall impression of the work done, the style, and the embodiment of the design idea depends on how he connects all the rooms into a single whole space.
In addition to the aesthetic component of this element of the finishing material, the floor plank also has a utilitarian function: to hide the joint between the floor and walls. In the spirit of the latest trends, another appointment has appeared: placing wires and cables behind the plinth. The high plinth copes with all tasks.
First skirting boards
Until recently, the plinth plank was a standard size, about 4-5 cm, in the section it looked like an equilateral triangle, wood served as the material for manufacturing. For lack of an alternative, the rectangular bar was used by everyone.
She created some inconvenience when arranging furniture along the walls, and her only task was to close the junction of the floor and the wall. The advantages of the model include only the material from which it is made. Today, narrow skirting boards are used only by lovers of retro design.

New opportunities - newfashion
The high plinth in the interior of the modern home has added style to the design of the space and is loved by professionals and consumers. Demand and fashion give rise to supply, and high models began to be produced from natural and the latest composite materials.
The advantages of modern skirting boards include:
- The height of the skirting board reaches 200 mm, and the width varies between 15-20 mm.
- Variety. Floor plinths are available in several shapes and designs. The “boot” shape is very popular - an elegant option that allows you to hide telephone, television and Internet wires behind the bar.
- The high plinth is combined with any type of wall and floor covering, due to its small width it can be both an accent detail of the interior and an inconspicuous element.
- The variety of design allows you to choose the skirting board according to your preferences: from planks that are smooth along the entire length to decorated with carvings, inlays, paintings or other decorative elements.
- High planks located along the walls do not interfere with the placement of furniture and do not disturb the composition of the interior.

Universal skirting board color
In search of a universal color for the floor profile, designers and consumers agreed that a high white plinth in the interior is the most effective, beautiful and successfully unites the entire space of the apartment into a single whole. If we take a closer look at the color scheme of any popular interior style, then white is the neutral color.
And since he hasmany shades, it ideally frames windows, doorways, it is most often used for finishing the ceiling. If you have any doubts about choosing the color of the floor edging, feel free to choose white: any interior will acquire lightness, harmony and unique style.
White high skirting board - a universal edging for the interior in any color scheme. Contrasting with dark surfaces, it gives a graphic look to the interior, and with a light finish, it dissolves the contours of the room, adding air, spaciousness and lightness to the room.
Material for plinth can be anything: wood can be painted, and polyurethane white piping will maintain the interior in its original form for many years.

Cons of white baseboards
The only disadvantage of white skirting boards can be the wrong choice of material from which the profile is made. Poor-quality planks will quickly lose their gloss and color, even if treated with special compounds. Produced foam floor planks are best not used in rooms with high traffic, kitchens or bathrooms. Styrofoam is a fragile material, and the best option for its use is installation under the ceiling, it is not suitable for the floor.
Soft wood (pine, spruce) without staining, impregnation with oil or wax, will also last a short time without gentle care. When choosing a floor plinth, pay attention to the material from which this important interior decoration detail is made.

Natural wood forskirting boards
For fans of natural shades in the interior, a high floor plinth made of wood is suitable. It will give the room sophistication, authenticity, warmth. Most effectively, wooden models are combined with a wooden floor board, laminate or parquet. Even if the floor is finished with artificial materials that imitate natural wood, a plinth made of beech or oak will add solidity to the interior.
Hardwood is an expensive material, and only a few companies mass-produce high-size skirting boards, so wood models are high-end finishes.
Manufacturers, meeting the needs of the consumer, offer skirting boards made of MDF, PVC, polyurethane and other modern materials with a wide range of colors. This gives room to use the plank in those areas where previously the wooden plinth quickly fell into disrepair, for example in the bathroom.

Popular types of materials
Plastic baseboard is the most in demand. It imitates all types of wood, has a different width, shape and low cost. Matching the color of the plastic version to a cork, wood or linoleum floor is easy and time-consuming. PVC strips are easy to install, resistant to aggressive detergents and minor mechanical damage.
High MDF skirting board imitates natural wood as closely as possible. High-quality plank coating repeats in its pattern the texture of any rare type of wood, color palette, resistant to wetenvironment, has a long service life. A wide range of models in shape and height makes the plinth in demand among the consumer, and designers are willing to use it in the design of the most sophisticated interiors.
Polyurethane plinth is a real find for finishing work. Any curved surface can be edged with a polyurethane skirting board of various heights without loss of aesthetic and functional qualities. The material is easily dyed, resistant to mechanical and chemical damage without the slightest trace on the surface, moisture resistant. Models are produced with a flat, faceted, ornamental surface, which ideally repeats the expensive stucco molding on the ceiling. But unlike expensive gypsum samples, polyurethane products are much cheaper and stronger.
Cable channels cut on the inner, hidden surface of the plinth, allowing not only to lay the wires, but also to fix them in the grooves, made the high plinth especially popular. Photos of interior decoration with high skirting boards can be seen in this article, as well as in various publications devoted to interior design. Almost always high skirting boards are made of polyurethane, which confirms its versatility.
When choosing a skirting board for your home, consider not only the aesthetic value of the finish, but also the multitasking practicality of an indispensable and almost invisible floor skirting strip.