The fact that Georgia is the birthplace of most grape varieties can be considered an indisputable fact. Impressive figures are given as an argument, because it is here that there are up to 500 varieties of such a sought-after culture. The fruits of this sun-loving plant are considered the berry of life. And every gardener, having even a small plot, would like to plant at least a few grape bushes on it. Just one brush of transparent, emerald berries absorbs a lot of vital elements. In order to preserve all the useful properties and individual characteristics of the fruit, so that representatives of the best varieties of Georgian grapes feel good on your site, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specifics of growing plants and caring for them.
A bit of history
Georgia's centuries-old history, thanks to local grape varieties growing here, is inextricably linked with the birth of original methods of wine production. Interestingly, innatural environment, on the foothills and plains of this country, a wild specimen of this plant grows. Local residents have long been engaged in the cultivation of grapes. In turbulent times for the country, he again ran wild and multiplied on his own until the hand of the breeder touched him. Therefore, many modern hybrids are indebted to the native plant.
Each individual grape variety - Georgian and other varieties - will be unique in its taste and commodity characteristics, endurance and yield. This is due to the fact that the area in which it grows and the microclimate of the site matters for culture. The geographical factor is so strong that the varietal characteristics of grapes, provided they are grown in another country, can become too blurred or get a completely different description. Nevertheless, Russian farmers successfully cultivate it and get a good harvest. According to the description of grape varieties presented in our review, each gardener will be able to find the type that he would like to plant on his site.

Classification of species
The characteristics and quality of wine are directly dependent on the color, taste and ripeness of the fruit. And some crops are grown for the food industry and the production of raisins. In cosmetology, oil is obtained from grape seeds. About nine varieties have a table purpose, 29 items are allocated for making wine. Therefore, it is advisable to divide Georgian grape varieties into main groups: white and black. in Georgia for productionstrong drinks, endemic cultures are used - formed precisely in the conditions of the local climate. Imported specimens from Italy and France are also found here. Next - grape varieties with photos and descriptions.

Under the white varieties are meant all cultures with light berries - yellow and various green shades. They are canteen and technical. The latter are cultivated for industrial purposes, but they can also be consumed fresh. Tables are grown for eating fruits and for culinary use. For the manufacture of strong drinks they are used extremely rarely. It is noteworthy that light berries are the most common in the world. Let's pay attention to the description and photos of grape varieties that are considered the most valuable:
- Hehli. A rare species, the advantages of which are resistance to weather conditions. It survives well in severe frosts and drought. Not susceptible to phylloxera, high yielding. Sugar accumulation is moderate - 25-30%, used to make branded strong drink using port wine technology.
- Gorian. Grapes with white berries. A late-ripening variety, its fruits are usually ready for harvest in October. It has excellent properties for making old wines. Champagne spirits are also made from it. The berries are large, the pulp is juicy, the sugar content is slightly more than 20%.
- Chinuri. It is found in the eastern and central parts of Georgia. Has increased immunity to diseases. Sugar content - 20-22%, used for the manufacture of sparkling spirits. On its basis, a product under the Chinuri brand is prepared and produced.
- Kishi. A rare variety of Kakhetian grape variety. Suitable for the production of dry white wine. However, it also makes an excellent semi-sweet drink.
- Crahuna. A copy with white sweet fruits. Significant fluctuations in the sugar accumulation of fruits were noted, taking into account the geographical location of the plantations. Technologies for making wines from this type of culture are used in Europe. The fruits have ideal properties that are necessary for settling strong wines.
- Tsitska. A special type of Georgian grape, which is widely used for the production of sparkling high-quality drinks. Characterized by late fruit ripening and aroma with floral notes.
- Tsolikauri. This is a more popular type of culture with light berries. It is a mid-season variety, the fruits ripen by the end of October. The accumulation of sugar is from 20 to 25%, the average acidity is 8.5 g / l. Georgian wine made from Tsolikouri grapes has a golden color with a greenish tinge. The bulk of hard liquor is produced in the western part of this country. On sale there are products under the brands "Tvishi" and "Sviri", which are made with the addition of a variety of Tsitska. The varietal wine comes out under the name Tsolikauri.

Foreign types of grapes, such as White Muscat, Chardonnay, Aligote, have taken root well in Georgia.
Georgia cultivates both rare andquite popular grapes of black varieties. The description and photo of the Saperavi variety will be given the first place in this list. This famous culture is the main source of raw materials for the production of red wine. Its main advantage is that the juice obtained from the fruit has a thick saturated color. It is devoid of transparency, rather dark, so it allows the production of drinks with similar shades. Even the name of the species from the original language means "dyer". Georgian wines from Saperavi grapes: Kvareli, Napareuli, Mukuzani, Saperavi - dry; "Algeti", "Kindzmarauli", "Akhasheni" - semi-sweet; "Pirosmani", "Alaverdi" - semi-dry. The aging process of noble strong drinks is slow, they are well preserved. The best time to start using them is four years.
Familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of black grapes and crop photos:

- Saperavi brushes can reach up to one kilogram in weight. The berries themselves are not too large (length 15-17 mm, width - 15), have a black and blue color. The structure of the pulp is tender, juicy. The peel is strong, but thin, a wax coating forms on its surface. Each berry has two seeds and weighs up to 13-15 g.
- Aladasturi. One of the ancient representatives of red grape varieties, which was almost exterminated by phylloxera (aphids). The vine is fruitful, one brush weighs 250-300 g. The fruits reach full maturity in October, are distinguished by good transportability, and can be stored until spring. Used for makingsemi-sweet wines.
- Cabernet. The variety was brought to Russia from the Crimea, now it is distributed everywhere. It is known by two names - Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon.
- Ojaleshi. The latest crop of red grape varieties. Harvesting usually takes place at the end of the autumn season, and sometimes at the beginning of winter. At the same time, acidity indicators reach - 8 g / l, sugar - 22%. Drinks made from grapes are distinguished by an optimal ratio of acid and alcohol, a harmonious combination of color and rich aroma. Wines are made from it semi-sweet.

In addition to the crops described above, the following Georgian grape varieties are used for wine: Tavkveri, Alexandrouli, Usakhelouri, Mujuretuli, Tavkveri, Chkhaveri. The drinks made from them are characterized by high quality, playfulness and color intensity.
Grapes with red fruits
From the description of grape varieties, it can be concluded that varieties with red and black berries are often referred to the same group of crops. However, there are three other foreign species that have a dark fruit color.
The first one is red Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine from it turns out to be amazing, with an interesting bouquet of aromas, a delicate taste, and a normal concentration of all components. The fruits of this variety ripen in September.

Another red French grape is Naur. It is used for the production of sparkling spirits, ripens at the end of summer. Harvest time,in particular, depends on the region in which the culture is cultivated. For example, in Imereti, fruits are harvested in August, and in Kartli - at the beginning of the autumn season.
Isabella variety is characterized by high yields, frost resistance and unpretentious care. It also has good immunity to diseases, is not damaged by aphids. Recommended for growing for fruit consumption, but not for winemaking.

Pink grapes
Photos of crops from the group of pink varieties allow you to notice that the color of their fruits can vary from light pink to almost red. The coloring of berries occurs as they ripen, and also depends on some external factors. For example, in conditions of intense heat, where there are almost no temperature differences between day and night, a barely noticeable pink tint appears on the fruits. Crops that have rich, dark red fruits are not included in this group, these may be blue or black grape varieties.
- Anyuta. The hybrid, which was obtained by crossing the famous radiant variety Kishmish and the variety Kesha-1, is included in the amateur selection of V. N. Krainova. The species is characterized by intensive growth of the vine and the large size of the brushes, which is why the culture is prone to overload. It belongs to mid-late varieties, the flowers are bisexual, pollination is stable, not subject to cracking. Sugar accumulation, depending on the region of growth, from 20 to 50%, the average acid content is 6 g / l. The berries have a pronounced pink color, oval shape, inweight reaches up to 10-20 g. The structure of the pulp is dense, the skin is thick. The fruits have a light nutmeg aroma. The crop can be grown by rootstocks with any other grape varieties.
- Rkatsiteli pink was bred for technical purposes, used in the manufacture of dry wines. The bushes are medium-sized, they are distinguished by good maturation of the vine. The bunch is cylindrical, fairly elongated, weight 250-340 g. The berries are evenly distributed, not too dense, they have a normal taste. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, the skin is medium. The berries are medium-sized (1.8-2 g), have an oval shape. In the description of the pink grape variety Rkatsiteli, it is noted that the culture does not tolerate frost and is susceptible to fungi. There is a plant with the same name and with white fruits.
- Azalea. A variety of complex breeding, where the species of Nadezhda Aksaiskaya and pollen of Taifi and Vostorg (red) varieties were used. Resistant to oidium, gray rot, mildew. The vine is characterized by moderate growth, forms massive clusters, weighing about 900 g. The berries are of a beautiful even color, long, large oval, the weight of one is 13 g. The skin is tender, thin. The flesh is fleshy and juicy. It belongs to the ultra-early frost-resistant varieties, the yield is high. The accumulation of sugar reaches 22%, the acidity is average - 6 g / l. Survival is good.
- Arched. It is characterized by intensive growth of shoots. The brushes are large, conical, with a moderate distribution of berries. Usually clusters on one plant are formed with the same weight (500 g). The berries have a reddish tint, oval, narrowed on one side, shape. They have a firm, but at the same time juicypulp, thick skin. Fruits differ in refined harmonious smack. This pink grape variety responds responsively to organic and mineral supplements at higher doses. With a poor soil composition, the berries are medium-sized. The plant is susceptible to oidium and wasp invasion.
- Dubovsky. Representative of the selection of S. E. Guseva. The bushes are tall, the brushes are huge, with good care and microclimate they can gain 900-1300 g in weight. The bunch has an interesting branched structure, due to which the berries are somewhat chaotic. They have a papillary shape, on the one hand they are too narrowed. The skin is of moderate thickness, the structure of the pulp is compacted. Fruits need pinching to improve the presentation. The variety has an early ripening period, frost resistance, has an excellent tasting rating.
- Libya. It is a vigorous hybrid. The berries are collected in a moderately dense bunch, which grows 20-30 cm in length. Against the background of other pink varieties, the grapes are distinguished by uneven coloring of the fruit. As they mature, the shades range from more delicate to very dark colors. On one brush, along with pink, even greenish berries can be found. Their skin is very tender, the flesh is juicy. Livia has a nutmeg taste and a pleasant persistent aroma.

Green grapes have long been considered the most refined and useful. It became known earlier than its other counterparts; farmers in many countries of the world are engaged in its cultivation. Seedlings take root remarkably in the regionswith various weather conditions and give abundant harvests. There is information that Egypt is the birthplace of the Kishmish variety, but there is no reliable information regarding this. It is important for the modern winegrower to understand that the culture was the result of a natural mutation through the vegetative propagation method.
Thanks to the diligence of breeders, there are several varieties of this popular plant. Grape varieties Kishmish reviews are positive and deserve consideration. All of them are divided into two groups: frost-resistant and heat-loving. And they also have common characteristic features: the absence of seed rudiments (rudiments), increased fruit preservation, and a dense pulp structure.
- Radiant. It belongs to high-quality vigorous varieties of the group of seedless crops, the average ripening period is 4 months. The brushes are large, the berries are tasty, with pronounced notes of nutmeg. The fruits are distinguished by good transportability and beautiful presentation.
- Senteniel (Centenary). The vine of this variety is capable of great returns, forms massive cone-shaped brushes, the weight of which ranges from 0.8-1.30 kg. The berries are arranged with a uniform density characteristic of this variety. This is one of the most ancient varieties, from the fruits of which high-quality raisins are obtained. Among gardeners, this variety is commonly called the "seedless century." The weight of one berry reaches up to 8 grams, the length is about 30 mm, the width is 15.
- In memory of Dombrovskaya. Suitable for growing in harsh weather conditions, in regions with a designated riskyagriculture. The progenitors of culture are such varieties as Zarya Severa and Kishmish unique. The bushes are fast growing, have a strong, flexible vine that can grow up to five meters in one season. The berries are almost black, medium in size, collected in large clusters. There are no bones in the pulp.
- White. The origin of the variety is rooted in the deep times of the Central Asian countries. It is a dessert grape grown for fresh consumption and raisin production. The clusters are dense, forked at the top, have a conical shape. The berries are medium-sized, with the presence of small seeds in the pulp.
- Hungarian. Early winter-hardy variety. From the moment the ovaries appear, the fruits ripen for 105-110 days. Refers to table varieties with pronounced taste qualities. The culture was obtained with the participation of the American species Perlet Seedlis and the technical universal Vilar Blanc. The varietal characteristics of this variety make it possible to cultivate it in regions with frosty winters.
- Autumn royal. Mid-late variety with seedless fruits. The growth of bushes is determined by weather factors and the composition of the soil. The grapes produce massive clusters weighing up to 800 g. The fruits are dark purple or black, very large, one berry weighs up to 6 g.

This variety is a selection novelty by NV Krainov. It does not yet have an official status, but many gardeners fell in love with it. Although it does not belong to the Georgian varieties of wine grapes, it is worth considering one by one.for a simple reason - the hybrid is the champion in fruit ripening. Within the space of our country, it is grown in different regions and even where caring for it is distinguished by complex agricultural technology. The main advantage can be seen in the photo of grapes. Variety Transformation, according to the description, is a hybrid with very large and beautiful berries.
Let's highlight the main advantages of grapes:
- short growing season, early fruit ripening;
- guaranteed self-pollination, the plant has bisexual flowers;
- high exterior features;
- no pea berries observed;
- hybrid has excellent breeding ability;
The presence of a large number of stepchildren makes it possible to get a second crop. Plant cuttings are grafted onto other crops. The bush can develop intensively and independently due to the fact that the seedlings have a good ability to root.

The downside of the elite variety is its capriciousness. Grapes require special attention, as they are prone to infections and pests.
Growing advice
Light varieties of grapes are best grown in cool climates, crops with dark fruits need warmth for intensive shoot growth and fruit ripening.
Autumn royal farmers recommend planting at a distance of 2.5 meters, leaving 3.5 between rows. With moderate development of the vine, the intervals from one bush to another are reduced to 1.8-2 m.
Grapes loveloamy and silty soil, chernozem. The presence of a drainage layer is mandatory. It would be good to dilute the soil composition with sand.
Saperavi feels good on chestnut and sandy soils.
Spring and autumn are the time for planting grapes. The soil should be warm, and the weather should be consistently warm. In the spring, this time usually falls at the end of May. The site for the vineyard should be chosen in a well-lit and protected from the winds place. All bushes should be planted in one rad for full exposure to sunlight.
Seedlings can be purchased as annuals or biennials. The optimal parameters of the pit are 70x70 cm. The top layer of soil must be folded separately, since it is the most fertile. The depth of the landing hole should be 0.5 m. At the bottom, you need to create a drainage layer of gravel and expanded clay.
One pit will require up to three buckets of rotted manure or compost, 200 g of potash fertilizers and superphosphate. All components must be mixed with the top layer of the earth, sprinkled with fertile soil, poured with water in the amount of five buckets. After it is absorbed, it is necessary to create a mound of soil in which the seedling will be placed.
Before planting, a young bush should be placed in water so that its root system is saturated with moisture. Then you need to cut it. Root shoots are cut off to a length of 14-16 cm. Then they are immersed in a mash, consisting of water, humus and clay. When planting a young bush, it is necessary that the lower buds are flush with the soil surface. Then the seedling wellbeing watered.
Georgian wine grape varieties and universal varieties are easy to grow. The rules of agricultural technology are as follows:
- timely pruning of the vine;
- katarivka;
- garter green twigs and dry;
- moisturizing bushes;
- mineral fertilization;
- fight disease.
For preventive purposes, plants are sprayed with copper-containing agents and fungicides. Insecticides are used to combat phylloxera, as well as mechanical methods.
This technique is the most important and most decisive for the proper development of the vine. It is also carried out in order to make it easier to care for the bushes. The formation is fan or standard. In regions with a warm climate, it is advised to leave 60 eyes each. Clusters in this case will grow larger.
Competent pruning is done taking into account the load on the vine. If it is thin, then it is better not to overload it. By reducing the number of brushes in one year, you can give impetus to subsequent good harvests. The plant will renew its strength and will delight you with generous fruiting in the new season.
The easiest way to form a bush is to leave 2-4 sleeves. Crops growing in the northern regions need such pruning, it will be more convenient to cover them for the winter. In autumn, the vine is given the optimal shape. Each sleeve that has grown on the trunk should have only two branches - a long and a short one. All others should be cut off. In the structure of the bush, long vines are called fruit-bearing, andshort - substitution shoots. On the first, it is necessary to leave from six to nine buds, on the second - from three to five.
Spring formation is to eliminate unnecessary branches. To prevent excessive fruiting, one shoot should be left at one point of growth. Sick, weak shoots and stepchildren are also cut off, formed at each base of the second young leaflet.
What growers say
Photos of grape varieties and reviews make it possible to appreciate each individual type of culture. All described plants are in good standing with gardeners. True, the reviews about the quality of Isabella wine are not always positive.
Kishmish grapes have received good responses not only among experienced gardeners, but also attracted the attention of many beginner farmers with their huge clusters and dense fruit structure.
Georgian grape variety Saperavi is liked by many and is grown in the conditions of our country. Gardeners point out that the culture freely tolerates frosts, grows steadily, brushes do not deteriorate, being on the bushes for a long time. This is a versatile variety from which you can make wine and eat its fruits.
We hope that the descriptions of grape varieties presented in the review are enough for you to make your choice and plant the one that will suit your taste preferences on your site.