There is an opinion that building a new house is easier than remodeling an old one. Indeed, most often the demolition of a dilapidated garden structure and the construction of a more modern one is often cheaper than reconstruction. But sometimes it is still more expedient to rebuild a country house than to dismantle it.
When it is worth reconstructing
The owners of suburban areas usually demolish old dachas only when such a building becomes completely unusable. In the case of dilapidation of only individual structures, reconstruction is most often carried out. It is also considered expedient to redo a country house when the need arises:
- in increasing its useful area - expanding or building new floors;
- in the installation or replacement of various kinds of communications.
Reconstruction plan
Reconstruction of a country house can include a variety of types of work. Therefore, before getting down to business, the owner of a suburban area should carefully inspect the building and draw up a reconstruction project.
The following types of work can, for example, be carried out during the reconstruction of dachas:
- roof and ceiling replacement;
- replacing walls;
foundation repair;
- installation of water supply, heating, sewage and ventilation systems.
Also, remodeling very often includes activities such as the construction of an extension or redevelopment. The procedure for warming a country house can also be attributed to reconstruction.
Foundation repair
As you know, the reliability of the foundation of any building directly affects its service life. It is necessary to repair the foundation of the cottage in a timely manner. Any problems associated with the foundation are bound to have the most negative impact on the other structures of the building.
To carry out repairs to the foundation is necessary if necessary:
- gain;
- recovery.

In both of these cases, along the perimeter of the house, they first dig a trench to the depth of the foundation. Next, the walls of the base are cleared of the ground. At the next stage, if reinforcement is needed:
- Mount a bandage from a 200 mm channel. This is done using threaded metal rod studs 30-40 mm.
- At the corners of the building, the channel is connected through mortgages with bolts.
- The ends of the bandage are pulled together with pins along the length of the wall.
Sometimes the reconstruction of the foundation, if it is necessary to strengthen it, can be carried out using the following method:
- after removing the dirt, the walls of the base of the building are cleaned to the reinforcement;
- formwork and frame are installed in the dug trench, after which the elements of the latter are welded to the old reinforcement inside the foundation;
- formwork is poured with concrete mix.
If it is necessary to restore the base of the building, in most cases the following types of work are performed:
- under the foundation section to be replaced, make a tunnel no longer than 80 cm;
- remove the material of the destroyed part of the base;
- mount the frame and weld it to the reinforcement located on both sides of the digging of entire sections of the foundation;
- set the formwork, leaving a small gap at the top;
- concrete mixture is poured through the gap.
Roof reconstruction
When rebuilding country houses, the owners of suburban areas have to repair foundations relatively infrequently. During the construction of residential buildings, including seasonal ones, special attention is usually paid to this part of them. When assembling houses, they always try to make the foundations as reliable as possible.
The roofs of dachas are usually assembled from not too durable material - wood. Therefore, they require reconstruction much more often than foundations. The same applies to the floors of garden buildings.

When reconstructing country houses with roofs, the following types of work can be performed:
- replacementdesigns;
- arrangement of a residential attic or attic.
In the first case, the reconstruction or overhaul of the roof becomes necessary when the frame is destroyed due to wood decay or drying out. The arrangement of a residential attic often also involves the replacement of the truss system in order to increase the under-roof space.
In both of these cases, the reconstruction of the roof of a country house is carried out approximately according to the following technology:
- the old frame is dismantled, including the Mauerlat, if it is also rotten or dried out;
- a new rafter system is being assembled.
Mauerlat for a new frame is usually mounted from a bar 200x200 mm. Rafter legs are made of thick boards. For the installation of the crate, lumber with a width of 150 mm is used.
If it is necessary to expand the under-roof space, the roof of a modern one-story country house can simply be increased in height using longer rafters, or you can change its shape by building, for example, a broken one.
If the attic is subsequently supposed to be made residential, it is additionally insulated. This operation is performed using the following technology:
- a wire mesh is stuffed onto the installed rafters from the side of the attic;
- insulation plates are mounted between the rafters, for example, mineral wool;
- a waterproofing pad is stuffed over cotton wool with a slight sag using slats up to 3 cm thick;
- installation in progressbattens and roof cladding with selected material;
- on the reverse side, the attic is covered with a vapor barrier;
- the attic is sheathed with plywood, clapboard, etc.
Roofing material during reconstruction is chosen in most cases, of course, modern. The roof of a beautiful country house in our time is usually covered with colored ondulin or, for example, metal tiles.
Reconstruction of ceilings
The owners of dachas to be rebuilt also have to do this operation quite often. Before repairing or replacing a roof, the procedure for inspecting floors must be performed without fail. If they sag, they have dips or their supporting elements have lost strength, they are replaced.
In this case:
- remove attic floor boards and house ceiling boards;
- take out the insulation boards, remove the waterproofing and vapor barrier;
- dismantling beams.
Next, the floor is assembled with the replacement of materials in the reverse order.
In approximately the same way in the dachas they change the floors:
- remove boards;
- dismantle the lags;
- Check the support posts and change or repair them if necessary;
- mount new lags;
- if necessary, fill the underground space with insulation, for example, expanded clay;
- stuffing new floor boards.

Wall reconstruction
This procedure, as well as the replacement of ceilings, is carried out, of course, before the assembly of a new roof when rebuilding country houses. Reconstruction or overhaul of walls may include the following operations:
- strengthening;
- replacement.
In the latter case, the wall is usually first destroyed inside the house. Then a new one is built in its place. If it is necessary to strengthen near the dilapidated enclosing structure, a new structure is also erected at some distance. At the same time, a reinforcing reinforcing cage is built up in the gap between the walls with pouring the concrete mixture. Under the outer new wall in this case, of course, the foundation is poured.
If a through crack appeared in the enclosing structures of a country house, in some cases they are strengthened. If the building does not have a very large area, it can simply be fitted around the perimeter with a corner in several belts. Further, the walls of the house are ennobled using hinged facades. At the same time, the country house is also being insulated.
It is possible, unfortunately, to overhaul the walls only if they are built of bricks, blocks or are monolithic. Chopped enclosing structures, when cracked or rotting, usually have to be completely demolished.
Adobe walls during reconstruction are most often simply lined with some modern material. This makes it easier to maintain facades and make the house more modern in appearance. In this case, on the firststage, an additional foundation is also being built. An excellent answer to the question of what to impose on a country house made of earthen blocks are, for example, facing or ordinary bricks or foamed piece materials. Laying during cladding is carried out in most cases using the “half-brick” method.

According to the project for the reconstruction of a country house, in some cases such a procedure may also be carried out. Often, the overhaul of such buildings with reconstruction implies, among other things. and the demolition of partitions or the construction of new ones. Such houses are being remodeled to improve the comfort of living in them.
The technology of demolition of partitions depends on what material they were built from. Brick and block structures of this type are dismantled using a perforator. The partition demolition technology looks like this:
- furniture and other household items are being taken out of the premises;
- disconnected wiring;
- stucco is knocked off the partition;
- weakens the joint between the floor and the wall by striking the seam;
- select the bottom row;
- the masonry is loosened and knocked out.
The openings in the partitions begin to be disassembled from the lintel.
Shield structures are dismantled using a much simpler technology. From such partitions, the skin is first removed. Next, the sound insulator is removed, if any. Then the frame is dismantledpartitions.
How to rebuild an old country house: expanding the area
When performing reconstruction, garden buildings, among other things, can be joined by various additional structures. Thus, the owners of suburban areas increase the usable area of their property. In different cases, both blind structures with full walls and open verandas can be attached to country houses.
The material for assembling such structures is chosen in accordance with what the cottage itself was built from. But sometimes "heavy" houses made of bricks or blocks are joined by lighter shield extensions or verandas.
Build structures of this type in compliance with the following recommendations:
- the foundation of the extension is laid to the same depth as the foundation of the dacha itself;
- rigid foundations and walls of the box houses and outbuildings do not attach to each other;
- the roof of the extension is led under the eaves of the roof of the house by 20 cm and sheathed with the same material.
The gap between the walls of the extension is clogged with tow or sealed with mounting foam. A shock-absorbing tarred thick board is laid between the foundations of structures.
It is impossible to rigidly fasten the constructions of summer cottages and extensions because the latter will shrink for several years. If fixed, this can cause the destruction of the foundations or walls of both the house itself and the veranda.
The walls of beautiful country houses today can be finished with decorative plaster or sheathed with sidingor, for example, lining. For the exterior design of the extension, of course, it is better to use the same material that was used for cladding the building envelope of the main building.

Installation of the heating system
As soon as the reconstruction of the old house is completed, you can begin to carry out reconstruction work aimed at improving the comfort of living in it.
Heating utilities are, of course, not considered mandatory for summer cottages. However, today many owners of garden houses mount such systems. If there is a heating network, being in the country during the off-season will, of course, be much more comfortable.
In most cases, simple one-pipe systems are assembled in summer cottages. In this case, gas heating units are used. The main advantage of single-pipe heating systems is ease of assembly and low cost. The disadvantage of networks of this type is the uneven heating of the batteries. However, since dachas in most cases have a small area, the last drawback for them can be considered insignificant. In this case, the water heated in the boiler does not make too large a loop. Accordingly, the spread in the heating of batteries in such structures is not particularly large. In addition, in this case, special plumbing fittings can be used to adjust the microclimate in the house.
Radiators in dachas during the assembly of the heating system are usually connected using the saddle method, and the pipes themselves are laid under the floor. Sometimes when installing such networks ingarden houses do not even use a circulation pump. In this case, large-section pipes are laid in the building, the coolant moves through them under the influence of gravity.

Plumbing in the country
A well, of course, is available in almost every suburban area. However, the owners of allotments still consider such a source of water supply as a well to be more convenient to use.
Drilling of such mines is in most cases entrusted to specialists. But with a close occurrence of groundwater, a well can be equipped with your own hands. In this case, home-made mini-rigs and special steel needle filters are used for drilling. In this way, a well can even be drilled, for example, inside an extension.
When using a double-circuit boiler or boiler in the country, if desired, you can also mount a hot water system, and then install a small shower in one of the rooms.
Wiring replacement
Overhaul of a country house with reconstruction often involves the implementation of this procedure. In the past, aluminum wiring was commonly used in garden buildings. Today, such networks, unfortunately, may not be able to cope with the load exerted on them by various household appliances. In dachas today, in addition to traditional electric stoves and heaters, they can also install, for example, washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, and other energy-intensive equipment.
Accordingly, aluminum wiring in such houses often has to bechange to copper. Of course, it is better to entrust such an operation to specialists. But if you have certain skills, you can change the wiring yourself. This procedure is performed approximately according to the following technology:
- a new wiring diagram is being created;
- mains out of power;
- dismantle old wires, sockets, switches;
- if necessary, new strobes break through the walls;
- a new wiring is being pulled with the installation of all necessary elements;
- The network is being checked for security and operability.

A control check of the wiring in the house is carried out at the final stage using an indicator screwdriver and a multimeter.