An energy-saving light bulb has broken: first steps and recycling

An energy-saving light bulb has broken: first steps and recycling
An energy-saving light bulb has broken: first steps and recycling

In modern premises, energy-saving lamps are increasingly being used instead of accumulation paws. They save energy. But if an energy-saving light bulb breaks, is it dangerous? This phenomenon is considered threatening to human and animal he alth. Therefore, when using these types of light bulbs, you need to know what to do in this case.

Inside there are mercury vapor or mercury amalgam, components of the 1st hazard class: they are present in the tube and get out if its integrity is violated. Therefore, if an energy-saving light bulb breaks, then you need to take measures to safely remove it.

Benefits of light bulbs

The advantages of these products are as follows:

  1. Low energy consumption. Now the issue of payment for services is quite acute. Constantly rising averages per light.
  2. Durability. Compared to incandescent bulbs, energy-saving bulbs last longer.
  3. Low heat dissipation. excludedmelting a chandelier or lamp.
  4. Intense light output. Light bulbs emit light that is safe for the eyes.
  5. Lighting by personal preference. You can choose warm yellow light or cool light blue light.
  6. Power surges do not affect durability.
broken energy saving light bulb
broken energy saving light bulb

With so many advantages, the products also have disadvantages. If broken, the lamps pose a he alth hazard to people. The negative effect is aggravated if several items are damaged.


If an energy-saving light bulb breaks, why is it dangerous? Mercury vapor negatively affects he alth, as it can lead to chronic poisoning. This manifests itself in the form of hand tremors, gingivitis, disorders in the central nervous system. If the vapor concentration is high, then acute mercury poisoning is likely. This manifests as weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding gums.

if the energy-saving light bulb in the apartment is broken
if the energy-saving light bulb in the apartment is broken

Mercury in the vapor state is considered dangerous for children and pregnant women, so you need to know what to do in such a situation. One lamp does not cause severe harm, but this does not mean that security measures can be ignored. If an energy-saving light bulb breaks, what should I do? Reviews indicate the need for high-quality processing of premises, clothes and shoes.

Symptoms of poisoning

If you follow the safety rules, the danger from mercury vapor is minimal. But sometimes the consequences are invisible. It maybe revealed hours or days later.

Symptoms of poisoning include the following:

  1. Fatigue and headache appear quickly. With a strong concentration of the substance, trembling of the fingers, convulsions appear.
  2. Disturbances in the digestive system - frequent vomiting, cramps in the abdomen.
  3. The occurrence of non-infectious bronchitis.

Another problem is the long-term elimination of mercury from the body. With constant evaporation, it accumulates. Therefore, if you experience even some of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Amount of mercury

If an energy-saving light bulb in an apartment breaks, how much mercury can come out? One bulb contains 1-400 mg of this substance. There will be a he alth hazard at a vapor concentration above 0.25 mg / cubic meter of the room. As a comparison, there is 2 g of mercury in a mercury thermometer.

Domestic and Chinese bulbs include mercury vapor, while European-made products usually use a less dangerous mercury amalgam - an alloy with another metal. The danger of one broken light bulb is greatly exaggerated. But it is important to know about the actions to eliminate the accident. It is also important to carefully and carefully treat products of this type.

broken energy saving light bulb is it dangerous
broken energy saving light bulb is it dangerous

A mercury thermometer is considered more harmful, since metal mercury in the form of small balls rolls under the plinth, into the cracks, under the furniture. This is how long-term indoor air poisoning occurs. In energy saving lampsmercury is in vapor form, so you should not look for balls on the floor.

Needed actions

What to do if an energy-saving light bulb at home breaks? The following steps are required:

  1. Close the premises, remove people and pets.
  2. You should open the window, but close the windows in other rooms so that there is no draft. This is the main action to be taken. Vaporous mercury should leave the room. Ventilate for at least 2 hours, preferably 12-24 hours.
  3. Pour cold water into the jar, add potassium permanganate, if any.
  4. Wear rubber gloves or plastic bags on your hands.
  5. Noticeable leftovers are collected in a jar, including the base.
  6. Small glass, pieces of luminescent coating are removed with a wet cloth or cotton wool, which is soaked on the surface. A rag and cotton wool are placed in a jar of water.
  7. The jar should be closed and left in a dark non-residential area. Then you need to inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations, having found out where the waste is delivered.
  8. We need to inspect all areas where pieces of the lamp could penetrate.
  9. The floor should be washed with a chlorine detergent and a soapy soda solution.
  10. Then you need to take a shower.
energy saving light bulb crashed than dangerous
energy saving light bulb crashed than dangerous

If an energy-saving light bulb breaks, there is no need to dispose of clothes and shoes. You just need to wash everything in a separate basin.

On the carpet

If an energy-saving light bulb on a carpet breaks, is it dangerous? light bulb in thiscase is dangerous with small pieces of glass that can get stuck in the pile. All noticeable pieces must be collected as above.

The carpet should be carefully twisted and taken out to a place where there are no people, for example, in the forest, shake out or knock out the product. For reliability, the carpet is left outdoors for a day.


How to unscrew the base if the light bulb is broken? First you need to de-energize the lighting device. If wiring is installed with several inputs, the power supply is turned off only in a specific area. In the absence of such an opportunity, the shutdown is performed in the entire apartment. A self-contained light source is required, such as a flashlight. How to unscrew a broken light bulb if only the base remains? The broken central tube in the base is broken before dismantling. The procedure is performed in several ways:

  1. Pliers. The edge of the plinth is tucked in with pliers. The rotation of this part is counterclockwise. Metal often sticks due to rust. In this case, the damaged area is treated with cologne or other alcohol-containing liquid. After soaking, you can unscrew the part.
  2. Disassembly. This method is not suitable for ceramic new products. But it can be used for carbolite elements, since they can be disassembled. Twisting must be done carefully, supporting the base with one hand. The cylinder must be removed, divided into 2 parts.
  3. Plastic bottle. It must be heated under an open flame until it melts. You must work carefully, otherwise hotplastic gets on your skin. The heated neck should be directed to the metal base. We must wait for the plastic to harden, and then pull the lamp out of the cartridge.
  4. Champagne cork. This method is similar to the principle above. It is necessary to sharpen the edges of the cork a little with a knife, removing the chamfer. Then the cork is inserted into the base of the lamp. Then you need to unscrew the base to remove it.
  5. Potatoes. This method is especially relevant when fragments stick out of the base. Cut the potato into 2 parts. One must be taken in hand and put pieces of glass on it. And then the base is unscrewed.
an energy-saving light bulb crashed what to do reviews
an energy-saving light bulb crashed what to do reviews


If an energy-saving light bulb breaks in a toilet or in another room, it must be disposed of. Special technologies are used for processing. Broken lamps should be placed in sealed plastic bags or in closed glass jars. They are handed over with used lamps to a recycling facility.

There are collection points for collecting mercury-containing devices. Ecoboxes can also be installed. Dispose of lamps in sealed containers. Demercurization is carried out using the hydrometallurgical and thermal methods.

Hydrometallurgical processing

This procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The lamps are ball-milled.
  2. Then liquid reagent is added and grinding continues.
  3. The liquid fraction is drained from the mill and sent to the recovery plantmercury.

Thermal demercurization

The procedure involves grinding lamps, heating cullet until the stage when mercury takes on a vaporous form. Vapors are also condensed and cleaned. Metal parts of lamps are divided into concentrates for non-ferrous metallurgy:

  • aluminum;
  • copper-nickel;
  • copper-zinc;
  • solder;
  • lead.

Crushed glass is moved to landfill with household waste. It can also be added as a filler to concrete if it does not contain mercury residues.

what to do if the energy-saving light bulb at home is broken
what to do if the energy-saving light bulb at home is broken

All of these methods may not provide purification of solid fractions to MPC standards. In addition, there are effluents in which there is always some mercury and other harmful substances. Modern methods include the processing of lamps. It is carried out on special modules, where there is no sewage, and the remains of mercury vapor are captured and processed in the absorption column. As a result, harmful emissions into nature are excluded, and there are no toxic chemical components in solid waste.

How to determine that there is no mercury

If in doubt that some of the mercury droplets could not be removed from the room, it is necessary to call specialists for laboratory measurements. The demercurization service performs a study of the air of the contaminated room and establishes where mercury could be. Experts will provide recommendations on how to protect the premises from hazardous metal.

Such measurements become necessary iffragments fell on furniture and carpets. Due to the porous surface of the products, particles of mercury droplets are difficult to remove. If the laboratory analysis reveals an increased level of air pollution, then a decision must be made - throw these things away or endanger he alth.

What is forbidden to do

If an energy-saving light bulb breaks, do not:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner as the vapors will settle in the appliance.
  2. Collect leftovers with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Use a whisk, as careless movements scatter small pieces of glass.
  4. Pour a jar of water and glass residue down the drain.
  5. Dispose of in landfill or chute.
an energy-saving light bulb broke in the toilet
an energy-saving light bulb broke in the toilet

Do not dispose of used lamps with household waste. They must be handed over to special points.