Why does a light bulb burn out and how to deal with it?

Why does a light bulb burn out and how to deal with it?
Why does a light bulb burn out and how to deal with it?

The days when only incandescent lamps were used for lighting, popularly called "Ilyich's bulbs", have long gone. Today, in any department of electrical goods, in addition to the "classics", you can see a huge number of energy-saving, halogen and LED lamps, differing in power and size, shapes of flasks and cartridges.

why does the light bulb burn out
why does the light bulb burn out

The efficiency and economy of this product is really pleasing, but the service life still leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the question of why the light bulb burns out does not lose relevance.

Lamp Selection

In addition to external factors, such as faulty wiring, power surges, and so on, which directly affect the life of the lamps, the technologies by which they are produced also play an important role. The fact is that the algorithm of operation of various types of lamps is different, which determines their working life. When selecting lighting devices, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to their technicalcharacteristics in order to understand how well and how long this or that light source will work.

Incandescent lamps

These products are produced in the form of sealed glass flasks filled with vacuum or inert gas. The flask contains a tungsten coil, which, heated under the influence of an electric current, emits light and heat. The level of light output and the life of incandescent lamps depend on the temperature of the incandescent spiral.

why do light bulbs often burn out
why do light bulbs often burn out

As the temperature rises, the brightness increases, but because of this, tungsten evaporates faster, forming a mirror coating on the inner surface of the bulb. Because of this, the strength of the luminous flux is reduced. Over time, the tungsten spiral becomes thinner and at a certain moment it melts in the thinnest place. That's why the light bulb burns out. The average life of incandescent lamps is 1000 hours.

Halogen bulbs

The principle of operation of this type of power supply is practically no different from the operation of incandescent lamps. The difference lies only in the presence of small additions of halogen (chlorine, iodine, bromine, fluorine) in the filler gas, which prevent clouding of the flask. Tungsten, evaporating from the spiral, moves to the walls of the flask, where the temperature is lower than near the spiral. There it comes into contact with the halogen and, in the form of a tungsten-halogen compound, moves back to the incandescent spiral, where it disintegrates. This process helps to restore part of the tungsten, due to which such lamps can last about 4000hours.

why do light bulbs burn out
why do light bulbs burn out

The only reason why light bulbs of this type, and new ones, often burn out, is non-compliance with the rules for their installation. The fact is that it is categorically not recommended to touch the surface of the flask with your fingers. The left fatty imprint, baking on the glass, provokes the formation of cracks and premature failure of the lamp. Halogen lamps should be installed using a packing film or a dry, clean cloth. If prints are still left, they must be carefully erased.

Energy saving (compact fluorescent) lamps

In the flask of such lamps are tungsten electrodes coated with a mixture of oxides of calcium, barium and strontium. An inert gas with a small amount of mercury vapor is used as a filler. The inner surface of the flask is coated with a phosphor. This special substance converts ultraviolet radiation produced by voltage into normal light.

why do light bulbs burn out quickly
why do light bulbs burn out quickly

These lamps are characterized by minimal energy consumption, efficiency, reliability and a long service life of 8000 hours. Before the advent of LED lighting devices, energy-saving ones were very popular among consumers. Although many people had a question about why the light bulbs in the apartment quickly burn out if they are designed for such a long service life. And this is due to the fact that these devices do not tolerate frequent on / off. In other words, thanThe harder the owner tries to save electricity and lamp life, the faster it fails. Another reason why an energy-saving light bulb burns out is the same fingerprints left by the user when screwing in.

LED bulbs

In these lighting fixtures, LEDs serve as light sources. These lamps do not have glass bulbs or filaments. They have a number of indisputable advantages that the above options do not have, namely:

  • energy saving;
  • compact size;
  • no heating effect during operation;
  • huge working resource (25,000-100,000 hours);
  • availability of standard cartridges;
  • environmentally friendly (there are no harmful or dangerous components in the design);
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • presence of a radiation spectrum close to natural;
  • no flicker;
  • no need for high voltage.
Why did the LED bulb burn out?
Why did the LED bulb burn out?

The huge service life of such lighting devices is due to the fact that there are no filaments in them, therefore, there is nothing to burn out. However, they, unfortunately, are not eternal. So why do LED bulbs burn out? This is explained by the fact that such products are manufactured using the most simplified technology, which involves the use of the simplest ballast converter, while a full-fledged electronic adapter can provide durable operation.

Bthe moment the lamp is ignited, the ballast converter is not able to cope with a powerful inrush current, passing it to the LEDs. Because of such throws, the crystals and the phosphor covering them are quickly destroyed. Considering that the rated current can exceed the required figure by 1.5 times, it is not difficult to understand why the LED bulb burned out.

External factors affecting the life of lighting fixtures

Of course, the operating rules, quality and working life of each type of lamp are directly related to their service life. However, there are many third-party reasons that affect the duration of the "life" of lighting devices. The most common negative external factors include, for example, power surges, emergency wiring, faulty switches and cartridges, etc. Below we will look at why light bulbs in a chandelier often burn out and what are the methods to solve this problem.

Unstable voltage

Unfortunately, the quality of voltage in domestic power grids is far from ideal. Due to frequent and strong drops, not only light bulbs fail, but also household appliances. High voltage is the most common reason why light bulbs burn out in a chandelier. This is especially true for incandescent lamps. There are two ways to protect yourself from this scourge: choose the right lamps or stabilize the voltage.

Why do light bulbs often burn out in chandeliers?
Why do light bulbs often burn out in chandeliers?

Most often in stores you can find incandescent lamps designed for voltage of 220-230 V. WhenIn the presence of frequent surges, it is recommended to look for 230-240-volt light sources. Another way out will be to replace incandescent lamps with fluorescent devices, which are not affected by increased voltage. The ideal solution is to install a suitable voltage stabilizer model. This device can protect not only lamps from burning out, but also household appliances.

Poor quality ammo

If you are wondering why a bulb burns out in the same lamp, the problem most likely lies in the cartridge. If it is ceramic, just clean the contacts. But most often cartridges are made of plastic, and not always of high quality. Such products are designed for lamps whose power does not exceed 40 watts. If you screw in a lamp of higher power, the plastic cartridge will quickly begin to crack, and the contacts will burn. As a result, the lamp will become hotter and eventually burn out.

why do LED bulbs burn out
why do LED bulbs burn out

A damaged plastic cartridge must be replaced, preferably with a ceramic model.

Broken switch

Burnt contacts in the switch can also cause frequent burnout of the lamps. In this case, you need to disassemble and remove the switch, clean all contacts and ensure their reliable connection. If the switch has obvious defects in the form of melting at the junctions of the contacts, it is better to replace it. Instead of a conventional switch, you can install a dimmer that will allow you to adjust the brightness of the lighting, while protecting the lamps frompower surges.

Bad contacts

Unreliable connection of chandelier wires, weak contacts on the apartment panel or in the junction box - all this will affect the service life of not only lamps, but also all electrical equipment in the apartment. Periodic revision of all contacts will help to avoid trouble. Aluminum contacts require special attention, because due to the softness of this metal, they spontaneously loosen.
