Which house is cheaper to build? Choosing a material

Which house is cheaper to build? Choosing a material
Which house is cheaper to build? Choosing a material

Many owners very often think about which house is cheaper to build. Among the materials used for low-rise construction, wood (beam), brick and expanded clay concrete blocks (cinder blocks) are still in the lead. Undoubtedly, any house will cost less if you build it yourself, but they should be carefully calculated.

Which house is cheaper to build
Which house is cheaper to build

Brick, as a material for building walls, is durable, practically unaffected by atmospheric influences and burning. Traditionally, the wall thickness of this material is at least 600 mm, but with a smaller indicator, an additional installation of a heat-insulating layer is performed. Before starting work, you should pay attention to the calculation of the foundation, because it is he who is responsible for such a significant load. The cost of building a foundation plus hiring a building crew doesn't exactly meet our original request for how to build a house cheaply.

The main advantage of wooden buildings is, first of all, environmental friendliness. Many tend to build from timber or logs for this very reason. From what and how to build a wooden house, professionals can tell.

How to build a wooden house
How to build a wooden house

Buildingcan be made from rounded logs or planed timber. In any case, additional processing of the tree with antiseptics will not interfere. In order for the wall construction to move faster, select factory-processed logs as the material. When using planed timber, the joints between the crowns will be tighter. When building such a house, do not forget to follow the technology for attaching rafters and logs.

Waterproofing and ventilation are necessary to protect the building from decay. Walls, floors, and roofs should be insulated. As a rule, the finishing of such houses should be postponed for one or two years in order to wait for the shrinkage of the structure. The price of a tree varies depending on the region. If you have a limited budget and want to calculate which house is cheaper to build, then do not choose cedar or larch as a building material - the cost of these species is almost twice as high as others.

Those owners who constantly think about which house is cheaper to build, increasingly began to use expanded clay concrete blocks, foam blocks or cinder blocks for the construction of any structure.

How to build a house inexpensively
How to build a house inexpensively

They have high thermal insulation properties, so the thickness of the walls is much less (up to 400 mm), compared, for example, with brick, as a result of which the load on the foundation is also reduced.

By the way, when choosing such a material, a monolithic concrete slab can act as a base. Or it will be necessary to fill the strip foundation. Since the blocks are large, thisallows you to significantly reduce the time of construction work, and their even geometry reduces the consumption of any masonry mortar.

The area of the house and its number of storeys are not important - the main thing is to choose the foundation that matches the load, observe the technology and safety measures! And on the question of which house is cheaper to build, everyone will answer in their own way, based on the specific situation.
