Dichlorvos from bedbugs: reviews, effectiveness, instructions for use and types

Dichlorvos from bedbugs: reviews, effectiveness, instructions for use and types
Dichlorvos from bedbugs: reviews, effectiveness, instructions for use and types

Uninvited insects have appeared in your house… And life turns 180 degrees abruptly: there is no restful sleep, constant thoughts about it deprive you of rest.

dichlorvos from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos from bedbugs reviews

Dichlorvos is a remedy known to our grandmothers for insect control. In particular, many use it in the fight against bedbugs. Can anyone share the same living space with them? Unlikely. Does good old dichlorvos help with bed bugs? Consumer reviews, varieties of this tool, as well as its effectiveness, we will consider in more detail.

What kind of thing is dichlorvos?

More than one generation uses this tool in the fight against parasites, and so far it has not lost popularity. He came to us as an analogue of a similar German remedy more than half a century ago. The main active ingredient of dichlorvos is dichlorovinyl phosphate. Assimilation in sound gave the name to this tool. For many, the “old” dichlorvos is associated with a pungent odor, which, moreover, is very poorly weathered. But its high efficiency still left people no choice: they didn’t want to live with parasites.

Modern and Soviet dichlorvos - which is better?

Modern dichlorvos, as they say, is not the same. Almost odorless products appeared on the shelves without losing their qualities.

dichlorvos monitor lizard from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos monitor lizard from bedbugs reviews

Bug bugs are not as common today as they were a few decades ago. First, the chemical industry does not stand still and is constantly developing new methods to combat these insects. Secondly, now there are much fewer communal apartments and dormitories, people prefer their own housing, albeit taken on credit, so that bedbugs do not have to be poisoned due to the carelessness of some neighbors. And, of course, now produced dichlorvos (from bedbugs) reviews are mostly positive and cope with their duties much better than before.

What's in the can?

What do consumers say about Dichlorvos from Bedbugs? Customer reviews are based on their experience with this tool. If you pick up a bottle, you can read the composition of modern dichlorvos. Of course, it is strikingly different from analogues of past decades. And this is understandable: science does not stand still. Almost all dichlorvos manufacturers use approximately the same components. Previously, the product was diluted with water, now this is not required - a very convenient release form in the idea of an aerosol will save you from unnecessary actions.

  • The most voluminous component of this product is alcohol. The most common, ethyl.
  • Dimethyl Dichlorovinyl Phosphate is a hard-to-pronounce substance that paralyzes insects, causing them to die. It is a rather toxic substance, but with the rightapplication is not dangerous to people.
  • Also contains components such as cypermethrin, piperonyl alephatic carbohydrates.

All these components are deadly weapons for bedbugs, cockroaches, various flies and other insects. In order for the drug not to harm a person, you must follow strict instructions for its use.

Dichlorvos "Varan" from bedbugs

Reviews about "Varan", expressed by customers, are mostly positive. Why do consumers like it so much? Let's try to figure it out.

This product is available in 180 ml and 440 ml bottles. Designed for non-flying pests (beetles, cockroaches and, of course, bedbugs).

dichlorvos monitor lizard from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos monitor lizard from bedbugs reviews

"Varan" does not have a strong smell, rather, it even looks like some kind of perfume. Many note that its smell resembles that of citrus fruits.

You need to spray it from a short distance - 15-20 cm. Please note that the "nuclear" composition of dichlorvos obliges you to carry out this procedure with gloves and, preferably, in a respirator. And do not forget to ventilate the room, having previously removed all food and clothing from the treatment site. Do not forget about our smaller brothers, for them the concentration of harmful substances of dichlorvos can be dangerous.

The cost of "Varan" is low. For a small bottle you will give from 70 rubles. And twice as much - for 440 ml.

Dichlorvos "Neo"

Not so long ago, a similar drug appeared on the insecticidal market with the flashy inscription "Odorless". Dichlorvos "Neo" (from bedbugs) has reviewsgood, but, according to buyers, he still has a smell. The spectrum of action of "Neo" is quite wide: it will help from bedbugs, cockroaches and from flying "evil spirits". It is necessary to carry out sanitation in a mask. Many note the good performance of this tool. Before use, do not forget to remove everything that can get dichlorvos away. Then spray the product on those areas where there is the greatest accumulation of bedbugs. Usually they like to hide in the seams of furniture, in baseboards, as well as behind bedside tables and cabinets. After carefully processing all the corners, close the windows and doors and go outside with the whole family.

dichlorvos neo from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos neo from bedbugs reviews

True, you can hardly get by with a simple walk for a couple of hours, you will have to look for a place to spend the night, since the toxic substances that make up the product can be dangerous. Although Neo dichlorvos is odorless, it helps against bedbugs (customer reviews claim) it helps a lot. Memories of a gray Soviet spray can, exuding a killer aroma, can be forgotten.

"Eco" - a means of a new generation

Are there completely unflavored, pleasant, odorless dichlorvos in nature from bedbugs? Customer reviews on this subject vary. For example, the "Eco" product, also included in the line of aerosols to combat "uninvited guests", has a mild smell of lavender. Many people fell in love with him for this: there is no that frightening nuclear smell of dichlorvos from the USSR. The price will please the buyer: when buying a 120 ml can, you will give less than a hundred rubles for Eco dichlorvos from bedbugs. Customer reviews about it are almost all positive. Complainthe smell of lavender is only for those who are allergic to this kind of flavors.

dichlorvos eco from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos eco from bedbugs reviews

It is applied in the same way as the above dichlorvos: it is sprayed on the most common places where insects accumulate. After that, be sure to ventilate the room for half an hour and leave the house for at least three hours.

Clean House will transform your apartment

Another tool that helps fight insects is called "Clean House". This is our domestic product. It is produced both in the form of aerosols and in powder, which is diluted in water (in the old fashioned way it is called dust). How effective is dichlorvos "Clean House" from bedbugs? Consumer feedback, as always, will help to figure it out.

dichlorvos clean house from bedbugs reviews
dichlorvos clean house from bedbugs reviews

First, you need to calculate how many bottles of the product you will need. If the area to be treated is large, it is better to stock up not with one cylinder, but with two or three. Before the “hunt” for bedbugs begins, it is better for you to put on protective equipment. It is necessary to spray the drug for several seconds in places where bedbugs accumulate. Be careful: during the spraying process, the spray can leave marks on the surface of your furniture. Therefore, after baiting, you must thoroughly wipe everything with a damp cloth several times.

After a few hours in your apartment there will be no trace of these insidious insects. But be aware of toxicity and keep children and pets out of the room while spraying.


If uninvited insects have started up in your house, this does not mean at all that you are unclean. Usually bed bugs come from dysfunctional neighbors. One female is enough to fill your house with these unpleasant insects. But now you have nothing to fear: a new generation of dichlorvos will help you get rid of these reptiles in a short time and save your money. But special precautions must be observed:

  • Before use, put on a protective suit. It can be any clothing that covers open areas on the body. Wear a face mask or respirator.
  • You need to process the room as quickly as possible so as not to get poisoned by dangerous fumes.
  • Leave the premises immediately after treatment.
  • Ventilate the room for half an hour.
  • Carry out a thorough wet cleaning after etching, wash not only the floors, but also the shelves of racks and cabinets that the product could get on.

Worth buying?

Now we know almost everything about the modern remedy "Dichlorvos from bedbugs". Consumer reviews unanimously confirm: it is worth buying. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven for decades. True, over time, the composition of dichlorvos has changed radically, and now it does not exude a pungent odor, as before. The choice of the consumer is provided with a huge selection of manufacturers of this tool. If you want to buy dichlorvos with practically no smell, choose "Neo". If you are satisfied with the aroma of lavender - feel free to choose Eco dichlorvos. The rest of the firms are not much different from each other, similar inhigh efficiency.

odorless dichlorvos from bedbugs reviews
odorless dichlorvos from bedbugs reviews

Dichlorvos from bedbugs (customer reviews will confirm this) is a really high-quality product that helps in the fight against ill-fated bedbugs. Your time and finances will be saved, and bedbugs and cockroaches will disappear without a trace!
