Anti-fungal primer: composition, properties, instructions for use, manufacturers overview, effectiveness, reviews

Anti-fungal primer: composition, properties, instructions for use, manufacturers overview, effectiveness, reviews
Anti-fungal primer: composition, properties, instructions for use, manufacturers overview, effectiveness, reviews

One of the main components of a good repair is the decoration of the premises, so it should be carried out exclusively by effective and high-quality means. This should include a primer, the use of which is almost always mandatory. Typically, a primer is used on loose and insufficiently dense walls. It is possible to strengthen materials with its help due to the presence of a binder with microscopic particles in the composition.

Which surfaces can be applied to

When applying the mixture, the composition penetrates inside and begins to glue the material, making it more durable. After the layer dries, the wall acquires a protective film that prevents moisture from penetrating inside. The primer is well suited for the following substrates:

  • drywall;
  • foam concrete;
  • plaster;
  • wood;
  • aerated concrete;
  • brick.

Basic Features

antifungaldeep primer
antifungaldeep primer

Anti-fungal primer has some properties, among them are:

  • lack of frost resistance;
  • security;
  • impressive penetration depth;
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • antiseptic properties.

The primer has a white, milky or colorless tint. Not to mention safety as well. The primer is non-toxic, explosive or flammable. The penetration depth will depend on the degree of porosity of the material and can be up to 10mm.

Drying time

The composition has particles with the largest size of 0.05 microns. When applying multiple coats, you must remember to allow 1 hour between coats. During this time, the primer should dry. Further actions can be carried out only after 1 day. The air temperature should be 20 ˚С or higher. Humidity cannot be less than 60%.

Overview of manufacturers

product effectively protects
product effectively protects

Anti-fungal primer is made by many manufacturers. The cost of the material will depend not only on the composition, but also on the base, it can be:

  • alkyd;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic.

The main ingredients are fungicides that destroy microorganisms and prevent their reappearance. Such primers are often referred to as antibacterial or antiseptic. You can choose the composition depending on the type of surface. There are universalprimers, but the greatest effect can be achieved by selecting the material under the base of the surface.

Universal antifungal primer can be applied to:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • styrofoam;
  • drywall;
  • cement plastered surfaces.

The deep penetration primer is a mixture of Milkill, which is a latex emulsion. The composition contains antimicrobial substances. The primer is suitable for the treatment of finely porous and slightly absorbent surfaces. Application in two or three layers is recommended. The base can be brick or concrete. Humidity in the room during operation may be increased.

Another anti-fungal primer is Acryl Grundierung, which is made on an acrylic base. It reduces the absorbency of the surface and penetrates well inside. The mixture has antibacterial characteristics. Typically, formulations are used to prevent the appearance of microorganisms.

If the surface is already infected, it is best to use a more concentrated agent like a mixture to kill mold and fungus. Ceresit CT 99 is such a tool. With this concentrate, you can fight lichens, mold, moss and fungi.

primer Ceresit CT 99
primer Ceresit CT 99

The composition is environmentally friendly, has a long-lasting effect and has the ability to penetrate deep inside. It can be used not only indoors but also outdoors. It is a deep penetration antifungal primer.can be applied to plaster, brick or concrete. You can buy it in liter bottles. The concentrate should be diluted with water before use.

Efficiency and reviews of the primer Ceresit CT 99

This antifungal agent effectively protects against biocorrosion. Among the main properties should be highlighted:

  • long action;
  • deep penetration;
  • possibility of coloring;
  • no heavy metals;
  • environmental safety.

The mixture must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 to 1 to 5. Consumers emphasize that this product perfectly fights not only mold and fungus, but also microorganisms such as bacteria and algae. Can be applied to any mineral base.

Consumers like that Ceresit has fungistatic properties, which are expressed in preventing the development of new organisms from spores.

Properties, effectiveness and reviews of the primer Milkill

antifungal primer
antifungal primer

This antifungal primer is universal. It has a cloudy white color, which is obtained by adding antimicrobial substances. The emulsion will penetrate the material up to a maximum of 5 cm. A thin film remains on the surface, which will promote adhesion to other materials. The film, according to consumers, does not prevent walls from breathing and protects against moisture and vapors.

When applying Milkill antifungal primer in one layer, the consumption will be about 300 g/m2. Drying time - a period of half an hour tohours. Within 24 hours, the layer acquires operational qualities. Final drying time will depend on environmental conditions.

Additional Features

This anti-fungal, deep penetration concrete primer can be applied by sprayer, roller or brush. The temperature should not fall below + 5 ˚С. Dilution prior to application is not required. Consumers sometimes express dissatisfaction with the fact that this composition is quite expensive. But in his favor, we can say that universal emulsions are cheaper than specialized ones.

Instructions for use

Milkill antifungal primer
Milkill antifungal primer

Anti-fungal bathroom primer should be applied to a clean and well dried surface. The mold must be washed off well with warm water, adding “Whiteness” to it first. The fungus penetrates deep into the plaster. Having got rid of black spots, one cannot be sure that the fungus is completely destroyed. If you want to achieve a good effect, then the brick or plastered surface must first be treated with a blowtorch. Instead, you can use a regular building hair dryer.

After cleaning the surface, you can dry it and ventilate the room well, do not rush. If we are talking about the bathroom, you can use a fan or a heat convector. When work is carried out in a room where it is possible to arrange a draft, it is necessary to open doors and windows, directing the air flow from the fan heater to the affected surface. Conventional primer for loose surfacescan not be used before applying an antifungal primer. Such compounds form a film on the surface, so an antifungal effect in this case should not be expected. It is necessary to work in a dry room. It is best to carry out manipulations in the summer.

Anti-fungal wall primer is applied using one of the above methods. The greatest effect can be achieved using a brush with natural bristles. With its help you will process hard-to-reach places. It is important to observe safety measures, rubber gloves, a respirator and tight clothing are used for this.

Wood processing technology

deep penetration antifungal primer
deep penetration antifungal primer

If a white coating appears on the wood, which gradually changes its appearance, you can be sure that a fungus has appeared on the base. It may look like a white fluff and or a gray film. Under the influence of the fungus, the material begins to acquire a gray color, and eventually crumbles. The fungus multiplies quite quickly in wood. In one year, it can completely collapse. Soft rocks, which are of low density, are especially affected.

Before applying a deep penetration primer with an antifungal effect, clean the infected area by removing the fungus with a knife using a wire brush. Sawdust should not be buried in the garden, it should be burned. The instruments are then rinsed with water so that the fungus is not transferred to other areas. The cleaned places are washed with detergents with the addition of peroxide, after which they are left until dry. ATwater, you can add vinegar, blue vitriol or baking soda.

Untreated wood for finishing the bath can not be used. The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Damage to wood can be considered as a disease. German-made Dufa-Holzlasur primer is excellent for protection. The glaze is for wood. The tool provides protection and saves from mold and fungus. A liter will be enough to process 10 m2.

Reviews on some types of primers

mold types
mold types

Anti-fungal primer for concrete can be made from quartz. Contains sand. According to consumers, it is well suited to improve adhesion if the walls are finished with plaster or paint. Customers like the safety at the time of use and operation. The surface must be moistened before applying the primer. Another type of anti-fungal agent is a mineral primer. It is suitable not only for concrete, but also for bricks. The wall is dry within 2 hours after application. The binding component is cement.

Primer can be alkyd. Based on zinc chromate and phosphorus. This material eliminates the appearance of rusty particles on the surface. Buyers say that this mixture is best used on the following types of surfaces:

  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • wood.

Application excluded on concrete or drywall.

In conclusion

deep antifungal primerconcrete penetration
deep antifungal primerconcrete penetration

Ceresit antifungal primer is one of the most popular today. It costs a little more than analogues, but has outstanding characteristics. It is noteworthy that this tool is sold in the form of a concentrate. This means that the mixture will last for a long time. You can choose the dilution ratio yourself. The composition is suitable not only for outdoor, but also for indoor use, which expands the scope.

When applying such products, it is important to observe safety measures using personal protective equipment. This should definitely include a respirator, gloves, and appropriate clothing.

Surface pretreatment will not be enough. This indicates that in addition to antiseptic before applying the primer, it is also necessary to treat the base with a high temperature.
