Motors from obsolete washing machines can become the basis of new devices, the work of which is based on rotation. For example, you can make an emery for sharpening knives that operates on electricity, as well as a mixer and much more. This will be discussed in the article.

Types of engines
The rotation of the washing machine shaft is carried out by the motor. It has various design features. The motor can be a collector, asynchronous or electronic type.
Motors from washing machines are removed in different ways. First of all, you should disconnect the washing machine from the electrical supply, sewer network and water supply. In this state, the unit must be at least 10 hours. During this time, the capacitor will be able to discharge. Only after that you can start removing the motor.
How to remove the induction motor?
Wires connectingasynchronous motor and capacitor, should not be cut. The battery is pulled out along with the engine. There are many types of batteries. It may look like a metal or plastic box. As a rule, the battery is a sealed design. It contains one or more capacitors, the connection between which is parallel.
The connection diagram of the unit is also different. The winding can be connected directly to the network. Another modification involves the passage of current through the capacitor. The existing schema cannot be changed. It must be connected to the power supply, and the asynchronous motor will begin to rotate.
Do not touch engine parts until the capacitor is discharged.
How to dismantle the collector type motor?
The engine from the washing machine of the collector circuit belongs to the category of low-voltage modifications. The stator contains permanent magnets connected to a constant voltage.

There is a sticker on the motor that indicates the voltage required for operation. Connecting the engine from a collector configuration washing machine assumes the supply of this particular indicator.
Electronic motor
The electronic circuit is taken out of the washing machine along with the control unit. The voltage indicator to which the motor should be connected is indicated on the block body. It is very important to observe the polarity, as this type of motor does not require reverse.
It happens that the engine connection from the washing machine is not carried outstraightaway. In this case, it is recommended to find other outputs that are supplied with a zero phase or a logical unit. After that, the unit will start to rotate.

How to connect the electric motor of a modern washing machine?
If you have decided what to do with the old motor, then you will probably be interested in how to connect the electric motor to a voltage of 220 V.
Before proceeding with the direct connection, it is advised to familiarize yourself with the electrical diagram. First of all, pay attention to the wires coming from the engine. At first glance, there are quite a few of them, but in fact, not all of them will be needed. Only rotor and stator wires are needed for operation.
How to deal with wires?
If we look at the front of the block, then, as a rule, the first two wires located on the left refer to the tachometer. They are responsible for adjusting the engine speed of the washing machine. These wires are not needed for operation.
Followed are red and brown stator wires and gray and green rotor wires. These four wires will be required to connect the engine.
In different modifications of washing machines, the wires will differ in color, but the principle of their connection remains the same. You just need to find the right ones by ringing them with a multimeter. To this end, you should switch the device to the measurement of the resistance force. One probe should touch the first wire, and the second should look for its pair.
At the tachogenerator, which is in the workingcondition, the resistance indicator is 70 ohms. These wires are visible but not needed.
Washing machine machine
How to connect the motor from the washing machine? After the necessary wires are found, it is necessary to connect them.

To this end, one end of the stator winding should be connected to the rotor brush. It will be better to make a jumper and isolate it. After that, the end of the rotor winding and the wire that leads to the brush remain. These two ends are connected to the network. As soon as voltage is applied to these wires, the motor will begin to rotate.
Motors from washing machines have a high level of power, so you should be careful not to injure yourself. It is advised to mount the motor on a flat surface.
If you want the direction of rotation of the motor to change, then you should throw a jumper to other contacts and swap the wires of the rotor brushes.
If done correctly, the motor will start spinning. If this did not happen, then you should check the working condition of the engine and only after that draw any conclusions.
It is not difficult to connect the motor of a modern washing machine, which cannot be said about older models. Their scheme is different.
How to connect the motor of the old unit?
Motors from washing machines that have served for many years are more difficult to connect. To find the wires, ring all the motor windings. This way you will find pairs.
The multimeter is in resistance measurement mode. One end should touch the first wire, and the second in turn to look for its pair. Winding resistance indicators are advised to write down. You'll need them.
Further, the second pair of wires is found by a similar method and the resistance indicator is fixed. Two windings with different resistance indicators are available. It should be determined which of them is the working winding, and which is the starting one. The hint is the resistance indicator. The winding, in which it is smaller, is working.
Many believe that starting such an engine is carried out by means of a capacitor. This is a wrong opinion, since the capacitor is used in engines of a different modification, in which there is no starting winding. In this case, it may contribute to the combustion of the motor during its operation.
To start this type of motor, you need a button or relay to start. The button must be equipped with a non-latching contact. You can use the doorbell button.
The motor connection diagram from the washing machine looks like this: 220 V is supplied to the excitation winding (OB). The same voltage is applied to the starting circuit (PO), only in order to start the engine for a short period of time. To turn it off, use the button (SB).

After all the manipulations, it is enough to start the engine. For this purpose, the SB button is pressed and, as soon as the motor starts to rotate, it is released.
Forto ensure reverse (motor rotation in the other direction), the winding contacts should be swapped.
Can an old washing machine motor be given a second life?
Many are wondering what to do with a washing machine engine. The working motor of the collector circuit is suitable for the design of a variety of devices. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

It can be done by any man if he has a motor from an Indesit, Ariston washing machine and any other model.
When attaching the sharpening stone to the engine, the manufacturer may encounter a problem: the diameter of the hole in the stone does not match the diameter of the engine shaft. It is advised to use an additional part that is turned on a lathe. The manufacture of such an adapter is not difficult. The main thing is to know the shaft diameter indicator. Not only an adapter should be available. You also need to prepare a nut, a washer and a special bolt.
The thread on the nut is cut depending on which direction the rotation of the engine will be directed. For clockwise rotation, left-hand threads are made, and counterclockwise - right-hand threads. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the stone will begin to fly off, as the process will begin to unwind.
If there is a nut with a thread that does not match the direction, then you can change the direction of rotation. For this purpose, the winding wires are interchanged.
You can set the enginereverse rotation without using a capacitor. After the working winding is connected to a voltage of 220 V, the stone scrolls sharply in the right direction.
The speed of the grindstone should not exceed 3000 per minute. Otherwise, the stone will burst.
When using such a unit at home, experts advise using a motor with a frequency of 1000 rpm.
A hand-made grinder must be equipped with additional elements. They will serve as protection against dust and stone fragments during operation.
A piece of metal about 2 mm thick can be used as a casing.
How to make a vibrating table?
Using the engine from the washing machine, the automatic machine of the company "Ariston", "Ardo", etc., you can make a vibrating table. It is needed for the production of tiles for laying out garden paths.

The design of the vibrating table is not complicated. It includes a flat slab fastened to the base with movable joints. The work of the collector motor sets the plate in motion. As a result, air is pumped out of the concrete, which makes the quality of the tile higher.
The position of the collector motor is set in accordance with the diagram. If it is installed in the wrong place, the table will not function properly, and the production of quality tiles will not work.
How to make a concrete mixer?
The engine from an old washing machine can also be used to create a concrete mixer. This product is notdesigned for industrial volumes, but it is quite suitable for household needs.
To make a concrete mixer from an old washing machine, you will need not only a motor, but also a tank. A pair of blades that look like the letter "P" is inserted into the container of the tank with the activator. The standard activator must first be removed from the tank. Making the details is easy. For this purpose, a strip of steel with a thickness of about 5 mm is taken. The required amount of material is cut off from it, which is bent. The two blades are arranged so that they form a right angle. They are connected to the tank through the hole where the activator was.
The hole in the tank through which the water is drained must be closed. With the correct assembly of the structure, you can connect the engine.
Depending on how much concrete you are going to knead, the engine power indicator is selected. With a small volume, you can mount a single-phase motor. If large volumes of concrete are to be mixed, a more powerful unit is installed
Temporary transmission should also be kept in mind. It needs to be replaced with a gearbox. It will reduce the number of revolutions of the engine.