How to close a hole in the door: instructions, expert advice

How to close a hole in the door: instructions, expert advice
How to close a hole in the door: instructions, expert advice

Even with careful attitude to the door unit, some defects cannot be ruled out. Mostly these are various scratches and chips. Judging by the numerous reviews, most owners do not pay attention to such flaws and begin restoration already when the door block completely loses its original appearance. A door with a hole looks especially impartial. You can fix the situation by buying a new door. Some resort to the services of professional restorers.

how to fix a hole in a wooden door
how to fix a hole in a wooden door

There is also a category of people who are trying to repair the door block on their own. Therefore, the question of how to close a hole in the door is quite relevant for them. With the right materials and tools, this task will not be difficult to cope with. For information on how to patch a hole in a wooden door, see this article.

What do you need for work?

Judging by the reviews, many beginners are interested in the question of whetherhow to patch a hole in a door. Interior blocks, according to professionals, can be repaired using ordinary carpentry tools. Before proceeding with the restoration, the home craftsman should acquire the following:

  • Plain paper.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Construction knife.
  • Epoxy or polyester resin. You can buy it in a specialized auto shop.
  • Putty for woodworking.
  • Spatula.
  • Primer on wood.
  • Special two-component paint and brush.
  • Sandpaper. It is desirable that its grain size be at least 150.
how to patch a hole in an interior door
how to patch a hole in an interior door

Having prepared everything necessary for work, beginners are wondering how to fix a hole in the door. Experts recommend adhering to the following sequence of actions. What should be done after what - further in the article.

Where to start?

For those who do not know how to close a hole in the door and where to start, experienced craftsmen recommend preparing a hole at the very beginning. It must necessarily be a little larger than the hole itself. At this stage, you will have to work with a special construction knife. Judging by the numerous reviews, with a prepared hole, the process of closing a defect will be much easier.

How to fix a hole in a fiberboard door? Second step

At this stage, the prepared opening needs to be filled. For this, many home craftsmen use paper. Judging by the reviews, it's good.the padding is obtained from the newspaper. This procedure is performed for the sole purpose of minimizing the use of mounting foam as much as possible. She blows out the remaining voids in the hole in the door block. After the master will only have to level the surface of the door leaf. Before proceeding, you should make sure that the mounting foam is dry. Therefore, you can cut off the excess after a few hours. During work, you must follow safety precautions. It is better to restore the door with protective gloves. If part of the mounting foam gets on the skin, it is advisable to quickly wash it off using a solvent.

Using epoxy resin

Because the foam has a very porous structure, there is a risk that after restoration the treated part in the door leaf will be especially vulnerable. How to patch a hole in a door to make the surface harder? Experienced craftsmen advise using epoxy.

how to patch a hole in a door
how to patch a hole in a door

To do this, apply this substance to the already hardened polyurethane foam. The resin impregnates it and hardens, forming a strong crust. It is also recommended to work with resin in protective gloves. This substance is easily washed off the skin with a solvent.

Final stage

After using mounting foam and resin, the surface of the door leaf should be given an aesthetic appearance. For this purpose, the masters use puttying technology. You will have to work with a special compound designed exclusively for wood. With the help of putty on wood, all joints are hidden, thanks to which the placedefects after varnishing can not even be felt. The puttying procedure is not difficult. The master needs to dial the right amount of the substance and apply it to the surface to be treated with a spatula. Next, the putty is thoroughly rubbed.

The use of putty
The use of putty

According to experts, it will take a little bit to seal the putty hole. It is better to remove the remains immediately, while this substance has not completely frozen. After it dries, the door leaf is sanded with sandpaper with a grain size of at least 150. Then the surface is repeatedly primed. Each coat of primer must be completely dry. This will take an average of about 20 minutes. Next, pre-selected paints and varnishes are applied to the door. To prevent the formation of stains on the door leaf, experienced craftsmen advise using a small paint brush at this stage.

how to patch a hole in a hardboard door
how to patch a hole in a hardboard door


Some beginners are interested in the question of how to close a hole in the door without using foam? You can also correct a defect in the canvas with the help of beautiful glass containing some kind of ornament. Judging by the reviews, the door block from such a restoration will not get worse. It is also easy to correct the situation with self-adhesive mirrors 300 x 300 mm. The door will look especially impressive with wooden slats glued along the contour or figured borders.

In closing

A hole in the door is not a reason to remove the canvas and install a new one in its place. Knowingrestoration technology, the home master will be able to eliminate the flaw without the help of professionals. To whom finances do not allow to purchase a new door block, but do not want to do repairs, you can advise covering the defect with some kind of sign or poster.
