It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the ceiling is one of the most important elements of any room. Qualitatively executed finishing allows you to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the apartment. Types of ceilings are very diverse. This allows you to choose the right option depending on the financial capabilities of the owners and the characteristics of the premises.

Consider the most popular and common types of ceilings:
- Adhesive. Most Russians still use the traditional ways of finishing the ceiling, among which one can single out its coloring, wallpapering and whitewashing. But all these works are considered quite laborious and time-consuming. In addition, today you will not surprise anyone with a whitewashed ceiling. Closest to the usual options is the adhesive ceiling. But unlike the methods listed above, it does not require a perfectly flat surface. The cost of one "square" of such coverage, including installation, is 150-450 rubles, which is not at all expensive by today's standards.
- Considering the popular types of ceilings, one cannot butnote suspension systems. Most often they can be seen in cottages. With the help of drywall sheets, you can hide communications and create a real work of design art. Sophistication and originality give a variety of lighting. Types of plasterboard ceilings are presented in large numbers. For each specific case, a specific design is selected. In order for such a ceiling to serve for a long time and not lose its original appearance, it is necessary to trust its installation only to a true professional. As for the cost of suspended ceilings, it varies from 300 to 1500 rubles per square meter.
- There are not only budget, but also exquisite expensive types of ceilings. These include mirror structures that are mounted on metal raster reinforcement. The cost of such ceiling coverings starts from 1500 rubles per square meter. There are products from domestic and foreign manufacturers on the market. I must say that Russian-made mirrored ceilings are affordable, but they lose much to their Western counterparts in terms of quality and durability.
- Stretch ceilings. The very procedure for installing a vinyl sheet is more complex. Here you can not do without the use of a special heat gun. It is necessary to unfold the stretch fabric very carefully so as not to damage it. Only qualified specialists with considerable experience in this field can cope with all these tasks. With proper selection of tensionceilings and their correct installation, the service life of the finished coating is 15-20 years. Manufacturers (both Russian and foreign) usually give a 10-year warranty on their products. However, much will depend on the operating conditions of the stretch ceiling.

So, we have considered the most basic types of ceilings. On sale you can also find rack, cassette, hemmed and many others.