How do you get old stains out of kitchen towels that don't look like they can be returned to their original state? This is a problem for many homeowners. It is not enough to buy a few ready-made products from the hardware store, because in practice they are ineffective or give only a slight improvement in the condition of the fabric. In such cases, grandmother's methods work much better. Do not complicate things - the solution to the problem of washing kitchen towels has long been invented. It is enough to use the experience of previous generations.
Vegetable oil against old stains
How to wash colored kitchen towels? Using conventional methods, it is not easy to get rid of grease stains, traces of tea or coffee, and even preserve the beautiful appearance of the fabric. White towels lose quicklycolor and become gray, and color - not so bright and saturated. It will help to cope with stains and restore the original appearance of a product that can be found in any kitchen - sunflower oil. It seems paradoxical, but the chemical reaction that occurs during the interaction has a positive result: the towels become clean. Therefore, you can not be afraid to use vegetable oil. So, we wash kitchen towels with oil: what you need, how to prepare a detergent composition and how to wash.

Washing kitchen towels with oil
How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil? There are several ways to use this everyday product, which is used to prepare various dishes, on the farm. Below, one of them is described. A 10-liter saucepan is put on fire and brought to a boil. After boiling, you need to add 20 ml of ordinary vegetable oil (this is about four teaspoons). Then 50 g of washing powder and 30 g of soda (approximately two heaping teaspoons), 20 g of dry bleach are added to the pan. Any bleach will do, you can replace it with table vinegar. For this volume, you will need half a glass of vinegar, but you need to pour it in when the pan is removed from the stove. Dry towels are sent to the finished solution. The fabric must be left until the water has completely cooled. The laundry is then rinsed and hung out to dry.
Bleaching kitchen towels
Remove very dirty kitchen towels withvegetable oil can be done differently. For ten liters of water, add three tablespoons of refined oil, two-thirds of a glass of washing powder and two tablespoons of bleach powder. The laundry is soaked in a warm detergent solution for twelve hours. Then you need to wash the kitchen towels in an automatic washing machine on a fast cycle and turn on a double rinse to get rid of the bleach and vegetable oil residue. When washing by hand, you need to rinse the fabric well. After the linen can be hung out to dry.

Some fabric bleaching tips
The composition of folk remedies for washing includes different components, but they must be used very carefully so as not to spoil the fabric. Before bleaching, it is advisable to apply a small amount of the product to a small area of the towel and leave it for several hours. If during this time nothing happens to the fabric, then the bleaching agent can be used in other areas. You should follow the instructions. Ingredients should not be taken "by eye", because this can lead to bad consequences.
If the chosen method of bleaching kitchen towels involves the use of very active ingredients, then you need to work in rubber gloves for cleaning. It is better to avoid prolonged skin contact (especially dry and sensitive skin) with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, washing powder, acetic acid or chlorine. In some cases, a protective mask will not interfere, because the substances emitharmful fumes.

After each wash, it is advisable to treat kitchen towels with a solution of vinegar, because a huge amount of bacteria accumulates on them. For ten liters of rinsing water, it is enough to add 100 ml of table vinegar (this is approximately eight tablespoons). This method allows you to get rid of 90% of germs that remain on the fabric even after washing in an automatic washing machine.
Effective way to wash with mustard and butter
How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil and mustard powder? You will need a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of mustard powder, 30 ml of sunflower oil (two ordinary tablespoons). All components must be mixed and diluted in a bucket of water heated to 60 degrees Celsius. Soak the towels overnight, covering the bucket with a lid. After rinsing in plenty of clean water at least four times. Towels can be additionally washed in an automatic machine on a fast setting and then hung out to dry.

Reviews on removing stains with vegetable oil
The product itself leaves greasy stains that are difficult to remove, so washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil seems like a paradoxical idea to many housewives. However, this method works, which is confirmed by the practical experience of more than one generation. Modern women also appreciated the properties of detergent compositions. Spot whitening reviewskitchen towels are positive. The main secret is not to overdo it with oil, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of pollution.
Washing towels in the washing machine
How to wash kitchen towels with sunflower oil from greasy stains, traces of tea or coffee, chocolate and other contaminants? Colored fabrics, as they get dirty, should be washed in an automatic washing machine (only with powder, without additional funds) at a temperature of 60 degrees, for whites, temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius are allowed. Do not add oil to detergent. Sometimes the fabric takes on a yellow tint. In this case, it is better to soak the towels and wash them by hand in filtered water. This will get rid of most stains, but stubborn stains need to be de alt with more aggressively. Fat, for example, can be easily removed with brown laundry soap, and coffee or tomato stains can be removed by soaking in saline (a tablespoon of table s alt per liter of cool water) for one hour. Do not wash towels with vegetable oil in the washing machine. To remove stains, only pre-soak before normal washing.

Soaking kitchen towels
How to wash dirty kitchen towels? Some housewives still use the boiling method, but this greatly damages the structure of the fabric, so towels quickly become unusable. Soaking is an alternative. At the same time, the active components of the washing solution for severalhours affect stains, which is no less effective. Pre-soaking significantly improves the quality of washing. This way you can even get rid of old stains and give your towels a fresh look.
How to wash kitchen towels from stains
Various tricks can be used on the farm. Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is not the only way to get rid of various types of dirt. S alt water, for example, removes stains from tomato, wine and coffee. For soaking, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of table s alt in a liter of cool water. Leave the colored or white cloth in the solution for one hour. Regular laundry detergent, powder or liquid bleaches and powder enhancers can quickly get rid of stubborn stains of various origins.

Washing powder and soda work well on white fabrics. Soaking in this solution removes stubborn odors and makes kitchen towels lighter in color. Abrasive dishwashing powders are suitable for removing greasy stains. Liquid products also give good results. You can use them for both colored and white fabrics. A solution of laundry soap and potassium permanganate works with any color and type of fabric, effectively eliminates unpleasant odors. In a pale pink solution, kitchen towels should be left overnight. You can simply thoroughly lather towels with laundry soap and wrap in a plastic bag for a day, then rinse in cold water. This method helpseffectively fight even stains that are difficult to remove with detergents.

Recommendations: how to extend the life of towels
You can wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil at any time, but it is better not to allow heavy contamination. Washed towels should be ironed with a hot iron before use, because this way they will be less dirty. A suitable fabric for use in the kitchen is linen or cotton. Such towels retain their attractive appearance longer and are better washed. To get rid of the need to once again stain the fabric, you need to put paper napkins on the table. You can extend the service life by using several sets of towels. It is advisable to change towels every two days. Dirty ones should be washed immediately, without leaving them in dampness, because this threatens with the appearance of an unpleasant smell and the formation of mold.