Kuban grape variety: description, cultivation features, reviews, photos

Kuban grape variety: description, cultivation features, reviews, photos
Kuban grape variety: description, cultivation features, reviews, photos

Viticulture is massively practiced in the south and southwest of Eurasia. We constantly use grapes fresh, we make raisins from them, we cook jam, juices, wines and other drinks on their basis.

Kuban grapes are a table variety. Grows well in temperate climates. This article talks in detail about the Kuban grapes: variety description, photos, reviews.

grapes Kuban
grapes Kuban

History of breeding and distribution of the variety

The Kuban grape variety was bred by the Anapa Zonal Experimental Station (AZOS) for viticulture and winemaking. The dark blue table variety Kuban was created at the beginning of the last century on the basis of two varieties: Cardinal and Moldova.

The first vineyards in Anapa were planted by General Pilenko in 1870. He noticed that the climate in the Krasnodar Territory is similar to the climate of the French province of Champagne. And this meant that the conditions for the cultivation of vineyards were suitable. He brought several varieties of grapes andqualified agronomists from France who could properly care for the vineyards, ensuring a high yield.

In 1922, the next generation of breeders created the APA and continued to work on the cultivation of grapes. The new grape varieties obtained at the station had good characteristics: high resistance to frost and disease, good taste and spectacular appearance of the bunches.

Large grapes sell faster and at a higher price. The berries of the Kuban grapes are black and blue, with juicy and fleshy pulp. They are sweet in taste, with a slight sourness. The weight of one berry is 10-18 grams, that is, the fruits are quite large. The bunch weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg. Thanks to these qualities, the variety is in demand by gardeners.

Description and photo of Kuban grapes

Kuban is considered a table variety with an early ripening period. In the southern regions it ripens by the end of August. In appearance, it is similar to the Arcadia variety, which is why it is sometimes called Black Arcadia. In the literature, the variety can be found under the name Early Moldova.

Bushes are planted at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other so that they do not touch neighboring bushes with their stepchildren. The yield from one bush is quite high. The ripening period of berries is approximately 120 days. Ripe berries are not attacked by wasps.

Grapes Kuban
Grapes Kuban

The main feature of the variety is the large size of the bunch (up to 1.5 kg). At the same time, the clusters feel great during storage and transportation: the berries do not fall off, do not burst, and retain their marketable quality for a long time.view. The variety is undemanding in care and does not need specific growing conditions.

Kuban grape bushes grow quickly and bear fruit abundantly on stepchildren. The bushes are distinguished by a strong trunk and branches, the leaves are light green of medium size. Berries ripen well even with insufficient watering.

Variety Kuban
Variety Kuban

Kuban grapes with a rich, sweet taste, but there is a slight sourness. Fruit sugar content is about 20%, acidity is about 5 g/l. The berries grow very large, weighing up to 18 grams. The shape of the fruit is oval-ovoid. Fruits with juicy fleshy pulp and large seeds. According to the tasting assessment, ripened fruits gain 8.3 points. The berries are thin-skinned, edible and fragrant.

Another advantage of the variety is its high content of vitamin C. The clusters themselves are loose, conical in shape, the density of berries is medium.


Vine bushes are characterized by high productivity, with about 60% of fruitful shoots. In order for the clusters to turn out large, the bushes need regular watering and good feeding. In order not to overload the vine, in the spring it is recommended to leave 25-35 eyes on the bush.

The bushes tolerate frost well and snowy winters with low temperatures. Disease resistance is considered average. Despite the fact that the variety is frost-resistant, it must be covered for the winter so that it does not freeze. Uncovered bushes are especially afraid of thaws and rains, followed by a cold snap when ice appears. Therefore, shelter is needed precisely in order for the icedid not destroy the kidneys.

Planting grapes

It is important to choose the right place for landing - it must be sunny. Remember that grapes will grow poorly in the shade. Also, the bushes do not like drafts and sharp cold winds. Therefore, it is better to plant plants on the south side of the buildings. If grape bushes are planted on a personal plot, then the place must be chosen on a hill. There is a lot of excess moisture in the lowlands, from which the roots can rot, in which case planting will be impractical.

planting grapes
planting grapes

Seedlings are planted from May to August. During spring planting, the shoots take root and adapt before the onset of cold weather. Autumn planting is possible for adult bushes. It is most favorable to plant in the morning; 10 liters of water must be poured under each seedling. Seedlings tolerate cool sunny weather more easily than any other. If you have to plant in hot weather, then the plant needs frequent watering, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Selection of seedlings and site preparation

Vegetating seedlings are planted in the ground in May-August. At the same time, they must have at least 5 roots about 10 cm long and 1-2 shoots 20 cm long. At this time, the grapes need proper and thorough care.

When preparing the soil for planting, it is imperative to carry out a set of measures that will improve its quality. Dense soil must be diluted with sand, compost or humus. Drainage is laid in the first layer in the hole or trench, then there is fertile soil with humus, and afterplanting a bush lay the top layer of soil.

If the site is heavily overgrown with weeds, then in 1, 5-2 months you need to destroy the weeds in any way.

Caring for grapes

As mentioned above, Kuban grapes are a sun-loving variety and it will grow well in a sunny area, sheltered from the wind. In order for the bush to give a stable high yield, it must be well watered and fertilized.

Autumn watering is mandatory for moisture charging a few weeks before the shelter of the grapes for the winter. During the growing season, water as needed.

Fertilize the vineyard with organic (compost, manure), mineral (ash, potassium s alt, superphosphate) and nitrogen (urea, s altpeter) fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied to the bottom of the furrow. If there is enough moisture, fertilizers are applied before flowering, after flowering and before fruit ripening.

Pruning vines

When describing Kuban grapes, much attention is paid to plant care, including pruning.


After wintering, the bushes are opened and immediately tied to a support. Shoots are tied up at regular intervals for better illumination and prevention of fungal infection. Fruit arrows are tied strictly horizontally.

In the summer, it is imperative to remove the non-fruiting stepchildren that form in the axils of the leaves. To properly prune, it is important to know the structure of the vineyard. Annual vines with replacement knots are formed on the sleeves of the bush. Shoots on these knots need to be cut into 3-4 eyes, and forfruiting leaves 1-2 vines on an arrow that has already fruited.

The main part of the shoots is cut in the fall, when the leaves fall. Then the bushes are treated from pests. After that, the vineyards are covered for the winter.

How to protect the grape bush from birds and wasps

Kuban grape variety is resistant to wasp attack. To protect the crop from insects, special bags made of nylon or other mesh materials are put on each bunch. This method has its drawback - in a large vineyard it is physically impossible to put on the required number of bags. In this case, they are saved by various traps.

It is important to remember that wasps do not bite through whole berries, but feast on already damaged ones. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately remove such berries so as not to lure wasps.

How and when to harvest

Harvest, as a rule, in sunny weather, so that the berries are dry. After rain, it is recommended to wait 1-2 days for the bunches to dry completely. Wet fruits will not store well. It does not depend on the variety.


Already removed fruits should not be left in the sun - the berry becomes softer, the keeping quality decreases. Clusters are cut with a pruner. Only intact bunches are placed in boxes, spoiled berries are cut with scissors.

Using the simple rules of growing grapes, you can harvest a high yield every year. The main thing is to carefully consider all stages of the process.

Reviews about Kuban grapes on the Web are completely different. But almost all gardeners agree that thisthe variety definitely requires shelter for the winter and treatment from pests. The berries themselves are very sweet, ripen early, and are not suitable for long-term storage.
