"All tomatoes are good" - say the townspeople, choosing on the counter only he althy and ripe vegetables. But gardeners may not agree with this statement. After all, even after reading the tempting description and characteristics of this variety on the seed packaging and looking at the bright picture, they quite often still cannot decide how well these tomatoes will take root in their plots, whether they will grow in local conditions and whether they can justify not only the hopes placed on them, but also the effort, time and money spent on cultivation. That is why it is important for gardeners to find out the opinion of those people who have already grown this variety before buying. In a word, about each species that claims a certain area on a garden plot, I want to find out as much as possible. The "honey spas" tomato is no exception.

This variety has appeared in our gardens relatively recently. As a rule, it is found more in Ukraine and Moldova, but for some time now it has been recognized and planted in the northern Russian regions. Tomato "honey spas"experts refer to large-fruited and tall varieties. It is considered mid-season and is intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and on open ground. It must be said that the latter option is used much more often.
Tomatoes "honey spas" (photos are presented in the article) have a very peculiar pleasant sweetish taste, without any sourness. In addition, they are distinguished by beauty. Fruits with proper cultivation are very dense and smooth. Although they are quite large in size, they can average five or six pieces in one brush. The average fruit weight is from three hundred to five hundred grams, although, judging by the reviews, under favorable conditions, gardeners managed to grow a kilogram tomato. Ripe tomato (honey spas variety) has a pale orange, almost honey color. In shape, it is heart- or kidney-shaped. The flesh looks very pleasant and even beautiful. Tomato "honey spas" refers to the diet type.

Russian gardeners most often prefer to plant it in open ground. Seedlings are placed in the ground fifty or sixty days after seed germination. The optimum temperature for germination and growth of this plant is +23 … +25 ° С. At higher rates - above 35 ° C - the "honey spas" tomato almost ceases to bear fruit. The same thing happens when the temperature drops below fifteen degrees Celsius.
The height of the bushes is about a meter, although sometimes - inoptimal growing conditions and subject to all agrotechnical standards - it can reach up to one hundred and sixty centimeters. Therefore, this tomato definitely requires tying. It usually takes three months from seed germination to fruit ripening.
Tomato "Honey Spas" loves regular watering. It responds well to constant fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. With normal care, the yield from each bush can be about four or five kilograms. This variety is highly valued by our gardeners for its resistance to cracking. Tomatoes are rarely exposed to diseases characteristic of this crop, including phytophthora. Specialists are advised to grow the "honey spas" tomato in bushes of two or three stems. At the same time, the planting density of a plant per square meter of the plot should be no more than three copies.

Tomato "honey spas", being a mid-ripening and indeterminate plant, is characterized by large green leaves and a simple inflorescence. Its peduncle has no articulations. The fruit is round and smooth. The color of an unripe tomato of this variety is greenish and has a dark spot at the stem. The number of nests is four or more. The scheme for planting a "honey spas" tomato is as follows: the plant is placed in the ground according to the principle of fifty by forty centimeters.
This variety is most often used fresh in salads. Tomato "honey spas" hasquite wide application from the point of view of medicine. Firstly, doctors recommend using it for people who are allergic to red tomatoes. They can eat these tomatoes in unlimited quantities. In addition, doctors recommend using this variety in salads for those people who often have problems with the stomach and intestines. These tomatoes are great for the kidneys and liver.

For conservation - s alting or pickling - "honey spas" is not used. But it has such a good reputation that in some countries on the Mediterranean coast it is called "golden apples". It has been proven that the juice of this tomato, which contains almost no acid, is comparable only in its characteristics to purified water. In addition, according to doctors, the "honey spas" tomato has other remarkable features. In particular, due to the high content of various vitamins, the use of its fruits slows down the aging process of the human body. Apparently, therefore, among the favorites of this group of plants, many gardeners list exactly "honey spas". Tomato reviews are mostly positive, but read about it below.

Some vegetable growers distinguish this variety for the excellent presentation of the fruit. Other gardeners in their reviews highly appreciate their amazing taste and such valuable characteristics as keeping quality, tangible cracking resistance and, finally,unpretentiousness to the conditions of growing bushes.
Many Russian growers like this variety very much. The fleshy fruits, in which there is much less acid than in red tomatoes, and the tender flesh, which has pink streaks on the cut, appealed to our compatriots. Tomatoes are firm to the touch, but not hard. And, most interestingly, sweet!