Pear "honey": description, features of care

Pear "honey": description, features of care
Pear "honey": description, features of care

A wonderful variety of pear "honey" fell in love with gardeners for its high yield and early maturity (begins to bear fruit in 3-5 years). This is a late-ripening variety, greenish-yellow with an amber tint, the fruits hold firmly on the branches until the end of autumn. The pulp is juicy, oily, the taste is sweet and juicy, with a slightly noticeable sourness and a strong honey aroma. The grade differs in good transportability, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases. With proper care from a young tree, you can get up to 110 kg of juicy large (up to 600 g) fruits.

Pear "honey": description, photo, reviews, planting

honey pear
honey pear

Date of planting

The favorable period for planting is autumn, after the foliage has fallen to the first frost. You can plant seedlings in the spring, until the beginning of May. It is important that the buds do not have time to bloom.

Select site

The honey pear is hard to transplant, so you need to choose a permanent place for planting. The site should be well lit, closed from the northern winds. Protection can be a high fence or building. The honey pear does not like low-lying places, areas with nearby soil water forher undesirable. In such places, the root system rots, the tree weakens and may die. Not suitable for pear acidic soil.

Preparing the site

In order for the "honey" pear to start bearing fruit earlier, it is necessary to create good conditions for the seedlings. It is important to prepare the landing hole in advance. A highly developed tree needs a pit diameter of 80 cm and a depth of 100 cm. For a young seedling, a pit diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 80 cm. A fertile layer of earth must be left near the pit (it will still be needed). Fertilize the pit:

  • humus, peat - 2 - 3 buckets;
  • coarse sand - 1 - 2 buckets;
  • potassium sulfate - 3 tablespoons;
  • superphosphate - 1 cup.

The applied fertilizers in the pit must be mixed, poured with 2-3 buckets of water and left for a week. The same dimensions of the pit and preparation require a columnar pear "honey" (description, photo, reviews below).


Before planting, you need to drive a peg 50 cm high into the center of the planting hole. The peg will act as a support and protect the seedling from overheating, so the tree must be placed on the north side of the peg.

It is necessary to pour a fertile layer (the one that was set aside) of the earth into the pit so that it forms a mound.

Cut the foliage, damaged roots from the seedling. In order for the "honey" pear to take root better, the roots need to be dipped in an earthen mash with heteroauxin.

The tree must be put in a hole on a mound of earth and carefully straighten all the roots. Gradually pour the earth, you can spill it with water in order tothe soil is better compacted.

The root neck of the tree should be 5-6 cm above the soil level.

The seedling must be tied to a peg with a cloth or film. On the border of the landing pit, make a roller from the earth and pour in 2 buckets of water.

Reviews of gardeners about this variety are very good. The tree is beautiful, compact, and the fruits are very tasty and juicy.

honey pear description photo reviews
honey pear description photo reviews

Features of care


When planting in autumn, one abundant watering is enough for a seedling. When planting in the spring, you will have to water the tree often, since the "honey" pear is demanding on watering. Norm - 1 time in 3 days for 2 buckets of water. On hot days, you need to water the pear every day. Loosen the soil after watering and mulch with dry grass.


In the first year, the plant does not need to be fertilized, as enough was applied when planting in the hole. In the second year, you need to use organic matter and mineral fertilizers. In the spring - organic matter (manure) is applied at the rate of 2 kg / m2 and mixed with the soil. Such top dressing should be carried out every spring, trees older than 4 years require potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer is applied to the shovel bayonet.

Foliar top dressing

Before flowering, trees should be sprayed with a solution of superphosphate (3%). This will increase the yield, and the urea solution (2%) will strengthen the tree. A pear growing on acidic soils needs calcium: 4 cups of ash per 1 m2 (such top dressing is carried out at the end of summer).

honey pear description photo reviews planting
honey pear description photo reviews planting

Cutting rules

Pear pruning is done in the spring before the start of sap flow.

One-year honey pear does not need pruning.

Two-year-old trees need to form a crown. Select 2-3 developed branches and cut them to 1/3 of the length. Cut the rest of the branches into a ring (annular shape at the base of the branch). Cut the center conductor to 15-20 cm.

A second tier is formed in three-year-old plants. Two well-developed branches should be cut at a height of 50-60 cm from the first level. Shorten branches between tiers. Cut the center conductor to 15-20 cm.

Four-year-old plants lay another branch, 40 cm higher than the second level. Branches between tiers need to be shortened.

honey pear reviews
honey pear reviews

Columnar pear "honey": description, photo, reviews

Planting a columnar pear is exactly the same as a regular one. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out, it is better to use mulch (peat, sawdust, straw). In the first year, a pear will not give a good harvest; it is better to remove all inflorescences from a tree. In spring and mid-summer, you need to feed chicken droppings, s altpeter or urea. It is important to regularly spray a columnar pear against pests, cover the lower part of the tree from frost.

High resistance to disease and frost, unpretentious care - the undoubted advantages of this variety. Numerous reviews of gardeners say that the pear bears fruit until frost, the fruits do not fall, so you need to collect them manually.

Admiring comments testify to the taste of the fruit, ohexcellent frost resistance. Not only does the honey pear attract gardeners, reviews describe it as a compact, low tree, occupying less than a meter in diameter. At the same time, incredibly abundant fruiting.
