Types of roofs, their designs and features

Types of roofs, their designs and features
Types of roofs, their designs and features

Roof covering is an important issue, absolutely every developer faces it. Today there are many materials for roofing. There are also many types of roofs. It is quite possible to get lost in this diversity. It is for this reason that today we will talk about the types and types of roofs.

Roofing material is a kind of "protective shell" of the entire building from various atmospheric influences. Modern roofing is characterized by reliability and durability. It is made from a variety of materials, from wood to plastic.

What types of roofs exist

Roofs that exist today can be divided into five main types:

  • Foil roofing.
  • Mastic.
  • Sheet roofing.
  • Roll.
  • Piece.
  • complex roof
    complex roof


Among the types of roofing, film, which is also called membrane, is usually used in the construction of various public and industrial buildings. Such buildings necessarily have a strong concrete foundation. This is a prerequisite for the use of this roof. The main advantage of this option isother types of roofs - this is a very simple installation. You can cover directly on top of the old coating, if necessary.


This option is applied to the base, while not using roll coatings. The material consists of various viscous oligomeric substances, which, when solidified, give a durable monolithic coating. Mastic is best suited for working with materials such as bitumen, concrete and metal. The advantage of such a roof is its high resistance to corrosion and oxidative processes, temperature extremes. The material is lightweight and has sufficient elasticity.


A popular option among types of roofing roofs for private houses. But there may be other options. Sheet types of roofing can be divided into several subspecies:

  • Slate.
  • Galvanized sheet steel.
  • Aluminum roofing.
  • Cardboard-bitumen sheets.
  • Metal tile.
  • Metal profile.

The main advantages of all options in this category are durability, as well as a variety of colors and shapes.


This includes bituminous and bitumen-polymer variants of materials. Such a roof is necessarily mounted in two layers. Mounting method: fusing over the base. The base is made of either concrete or metal. In rare cases, fusing is changed to gluing on mastic.

Rolled roofing tolerates frost and extreme heat well. In our country, the types of roll roofing cannot be called very common.


Latelypiece roofing is gaining more and more popularity in private housing construction. Among the main types of such a roof can be identified:

  • tiles (concrete, metal or ceramic);
  • slate;
  • tree - tes;
  • shingles, shingles.

Ceramic tiles are an expensive material. Its service life will easily exceed one hundred years. The material perfectly absorbs noise and is not afraid of temperature changes or ultraviolet radiation.

old roof tiles
old roof tiles

It must be said that the types of roofing of the roofs of private houses differ markedly in their properties depending on the materials. Choose, focusing on your project at home and its nuances. Types of roofing at home also cost differently. Sometimes the price becomes the main criterion in choosing.

Soft roof

The most common, beautiful and relatively simple material among the types of roofing of the roof of a house is exactly the soft option. It is strong enough, aesthetically pleasing and can be used for many kinds and types of buildings. Fiberglass is most often used as the basis for this roof, but there are other options.

Soft roof: types

Tile (bituminous tiles). The material with its appearance is very similar to classic natural tiles. But there are differences, the main one is flexibility, this factor greatly facilitates all types of roofing work with the material.

Strengths of soft roofing (tiles):

  • High resistance to corrosion processes and material decay.
  • Relatively lowthermal conductivity.
  • Complete tightness while observing the technology of work.
  • Ability to use the material on the most difficult roofs.
  • Wide color gamut.
  • soft roof
    soft roof

PVC membranes. This is a special type of soft roof. It consists of wide sheets (width 1.0-1.5 meters) that are laid on a special adhesive double-sided material.

Pros of PVC membranes:

  • Physical strength of the material.
  • Resistant to frost/heat and other aggressive weather conditions.
  • Excellent vapor permeability of the material.

Rolls. Type of soft roof, supplied exclusively in rolls. Basically, it is a carpet that has many layers. As a part of this "pie" it is possible to allocate roofing material, glassine and other modern hi-tech materials and additives. This type of roofing is mounted by gluing to the base layer by heating with a gas burner.

Strengths of Roll Roofing:

  • Multi-year waterproof material.
  • High frost/heat resistance.
  • Relatively low price per square meter of material.
  • Easy roof installation process.

Working with soft roofing materials is easy.

Metal version

Types of roofing for residential buildings from this subcategory have a service life of up to one hundred years. The easiest option is flat sheets. They are usually made from galvanized and non-galvanized steel. This roof has its undeniable advantages:

  • Relatively light weight of material.
  • Capable of use in the most complex roof structures.
  • Excellent water flow due to the smoothness of the material.
  • Resistant to open fire (a certain amount of time).
  • Easy to replace part of the sheets if necessary.

The most commonly used material from the category is the so-called profiled sheet. In Russia, this is a real "hit", but now there is a tendency for the material to lose popularity.

metallic profile
metallic profile

Profiled sheets are most often made of galvanized steel or aluminum (aluminum slate). The advantages of this type of roofing:

  • Low weight material and easy installation.
  • High material resistance to frost and corrosion.
  • Very long service life.

Metal tile is a material that is gradually replacing corrugated board from the leading position in the category. The material looks like special corrugated sheets with a profile, which are an imitation of the shape of natural tiles. Among the strengths of the material are the following:

  • Aesthetically pleasing material appearance.
  • Extremely low weight.
  • High resistance to corrosion processes.
  • Long service life of metal tiles.

Flat roof

The material is a kind of flooring of several layers. The layers necessarily include vapor barrier, thermal insulation, as well as waterproofing and gravel. The outer layer in this "roofing cake"protrudes, for example, paving slabs. Such a coating is installed on flat roof slopes. Expensive and complex material in its implementation. The basis for this roof can be wood, concrete, metal or something else.

Roof of this type can be:

  • Unexploited. This is the cheapest type of roofing due to the non-susceptibility to high physical stress.
  • Exploited. A popular type of roof in its subcategory. On such roofs, you can place a small cafe, parking lot or something else.
  • Traditional. This roof is organized over the thermal insulation layer.
  • Inversion. A very difficult roof in terms of installation work and reconstruction. In this case, a layer of insulating material is mounted on top of the waterproofing layer. A geotextile fabric or special drainage protect the insulation layer from external aggressive atmospheric influences. On top of all of the above, for example, paving slabs are laid.

Roll roofing

It is a high strength multi-layer coating. This roof has been used in construction for a long time. It can be divided into several subspecies:

Polymer-bitumen roofing. The composition includes special polypropylene and material such as styrene-butadiene-styrene. The advantages of this type include:

  • High resistance to UV radiation and various chemicals.
  • Roof service life can reach 20-30 years.

Seam roof. It consists of a special galvanized metal. Of the advantages of the seamroofs can be distinguished:

  • 100% sealed coating.
  • Ability to use on the most difficult roofs.
  • Quiet and easy installation.

Polymer version. In its composition, this roof has rubber and some special petropolymer resins. Benefits of this type:

  • Roof service life is more than 20-25 years.
  • Possibility of its installation on the steepest roof slopes.

Bitumen roofing. It is made from special oxidized bitumen. Bituminous roofing can only be implemented on roofs with a slope of less than 250 degrees, it must be replaced every 6 years of operation.

Flexible tile is a covering in the form of a flat sheet, which has fiberglass at its core. Pros:

  • Material service life is more than 50-60 years.
  • Great variety of geometric shapes and colors.

Roof: types of structures

In form today, there are a lot of options for roofing. Consider the most relevant and popular. These include:

  • Shed roof.
  • Gable.
  • Hip roofs.
  • Half.
  • Multi forceps design.
  • Roof with broken slopes.
  • Dome roof construction.
  • Combined roof options.

Shed roof

This is the easiest option. The frame of this type of roof is located on the walls of the room, the angle of inclination is calculated before installation. It should not be too small, otherwise it may lead to snow accumulation in winter.and collapse of this type of roof. This view does not have an attic space.

pitched roof
pitched roof

Gable roof

This is the type you and I are used to. This is a classic of Russian private housing construction. Two roof slopes are connected to each other through a ridge. Under such a roof, you can organize an attic or attic. Convenient and practical solution.

gable roof
gable roof

Hip roofs

This is an extremely reliable and durable roofing solution. This type of roof is considered to be European. The frame has four slopes, two of them are triangular (instead of gables in the classic roof), and two more slopes are trapezoidal. Installation of this type of roof is very complex and long. But the result is worth it!

Half roofs

This is an even more time-consuming and complex option in its execution. This type of roof is characterized by truncated triangular slopes, which are higher than trapezoidal ones. This version of the roof is not only more attractive than the hip type described above, but also more reliable. The half-hip roof allows large windows to be inserted into the gables.

Multi forceps design

It takes experience and skills to mount it. This type of roof is very beautiful. This roofing option is complex, and it needs to be well and carefully thought out before implementation. A multi-gable roof of a building will require enormous costs from you, both physically and financially. But a well-made construction of this type, subject to all construction technologies, will delight the ownerbuilt for a very long time.

Roof with broken slopes

The construction of such a roof is often done by people who plan to have a residential attic and at the same time save a sufficient amount of money. The breaks of its slopes have a large angle of inclination, which, in turn, provides the formation of a significant amount of living space under the roof. The broken roof structure significantly increases the functionality of the building. But at the same time, this roof cannot be called aesthetically attractive.

Dome roof structure

This is a roof with a certain round shape. Sometimes the dome is installed around the entire perimeter of the building, and sometimes only over part of the building. Dome houses are a fairly new construction technology for Russia. The main advantage of the roof is the almost complete use of the space under it.

domed roof
domed roof

Combined roof options

This is a combination of any two of the above types of roofs on one building. As a rule, making such roofs is very difficult, long and expensive. With the right layout, the result is very impressive.
