How to wash soot: types of surfaces, home methods, the use of professional tools, effective ways to fix the problem

How to wash soot: types of surfaces, home methods, the use of professional tools, effective ways to fix the problem
How to wash soot: types of surfaces, home methods, the use of professional tools, effective ways to fix the problem

A serious fire is a terrible event. Only a good repair will help clean up the premises after it. What if there is a minor fire? How to wash soot and soot? Of course, employees of cleaning companies will do it best, but if you decide to do the cleaning yourself, you should pay attention to our helpful tips! Today we will talk about how to get rid of traces of fire, how to remove soot from heating equipment in the bath.

Main recommendations

Soot, also referred to as soot or soot, is small particles of materials that have not completely burned out. In order to wash it, you will have to use fairly aggressive methods. The main feature is that soot has one very insidious property: if you add at least a little water to it, from drysubstance, it will turn into a greasy sticky mass. That is why you should not try to wash off the soot with water, wipe it off with wet rags. Thus, you will drive it even deeper into the microcracks of the ceiling, floor or walls.

How to wash soot after a fire
How to wash soot after a fire

Speaking of how to wash soot, you should pay attention to the fact that the following means should be excluded:

  • water;
  • liquid or laundry soap;
  • sponges and any hard brushes.

All of the above products can be used only after carbon deposits have been cleaned from wood or other surfaces. In order to clean the surfaces of soot, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. You will need:

  • glasses;
  • robe;
  • headwear, such as a cap or headscarf;
  • respirator (you can replace it with a regular gauze bandage);
  • rubber gloves.
How to wash the soot on the wall
How to wash the soot on the wall

How to wash soot after a fire?

The first thing to do is to sweep away the soot with a dry stiff brush on oilcloth or newspaper. After that, you should use a sponge impregnated with a special chemical composition. You can buy it at a hardware store. Use this sponge to thoroughly clean the surface. The next step is wet cleaning with those detergents that can dissolve grease. Perfect for washing dishes or toilets. Please note: in no case should you rub the product that you apply to the contaminated surface! flush awayhis sharp movements, so as not to smear the fumes.

Cleaning the ceiling

A little harder to work with soot on the ceiling. The fact is that ceiling coatings can be different, and therefore general cleaning methods may not be suitable for a particular surface. The easiest way to clean soot on a glass ceiling. To do this, it is enough to apply a liquid suitable for washing windows on it, gently wipe it with a crumpled newspaper, and then use a soft, dry cloth. There will be no problems with the laminate: just soak a sponge in purified alcohol or gasoline and remove the soot. Carbon deposits can be removed from ceramic tiles with quality dishwashing detergents or those designed for cleaning ceramic tiles.

How to wash soot
How to wash soot

A little harder to work with a wooden ceiling. How to wash the soot from such a coating? A proven old-fashioned way will do: rub the ceiling with river sand or red brick. The most difficult coating to clean will be water-based paint or whitewash. Small stains can be removed with s alt, but if the entire ceiling is sooty, only a new painting will save. But beforehand, the soot still needs to be removed, because the paint does not fall on it. How to do it? Thoroughly clean the surface with a dry brush and then wipe with rubbing alcohol. In the event that the fire was large, you should invite professionals: cleaning service specialists have professional cleaning products that are extremely difficult to find in a regular store.

We wash the soot in the bath

So many owners askthe question of how to wash the soot in the bath with your own hands. Experts say: there are two ways of cleaning - using mechanical devices and using various chemical compositions. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

How to wash the soot in the bath on the walls
How to wash the soot in the bath on the walls

Mechanical cleaning

Can soot be safely removed from ceiling, floor and wall surfaces? Of course yes! To do this, you will need a scraper with a sharp base or the most common spatula. With the help of these items, you can dry clean any surface from dirt. True, this will require a lot of free time and physical strength. By the way, it is easiest to prevent serious pollution: for this, after completing each firebox of the sauna stove, you need to take a soft brush that is designed for wood and clean the floor and walls of the bath. Another mechanical way is to use a grinder, the petal-type circle of which has a diameter of up to 12 cm and a grain size of 35 units. Of course, as a result of work, a large amount of dust will appear, but it can be quickly and easily removed with a clean rag and soapy water.

How to wash soot in the bath
How to wash soot in the bath

Dry cleaning

How to wash the soot in the bath on the walls, floor and ceiling? Liquid chemical compounds, which can be purchased at a hardware store, are perfect. They should be applied to the surface, following the rules specified in the instructions, and after a certain period of time, wash off - already together with the dirt. Most of the chemical highly concentratedpreparations contains alkaline components that quickly remove soot without damaging the structure of the tree. But abrasive-based powders and cleaners should be discarded, because they are completely unsuitable for cleaning wooden surfaces. Replace them with neutral gels with a degreasing effect.

Wondering how to wash the soot on the wall or ceiling? Use chemical sponges that are impregnated with deep penetration substances. They will easily remove the smallest particles of soot that have penetrated into the structure of the tree. The principle of operation is quite simple: it is necessary to clean the surface with a quick movement from top to bottom. Please note: these sponges become clogged and unusable very quickly, and therefore, in order to do all the work efficiently, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of this material. The final step is to wash the surfaces with clean water. After that, you can wipe the ceiling, walls or floor with a soft cloth. You can use any degreasing agent. Helpful Hint: To clean floors and walls as quickly as possible, you can use a telescoping mop.

How to clean soot from wood
How to clean soot from wood

Clean heating equipment

Often, soot particles settle on the sauna stove and on those objects that surround it. What to do in this case? To begin with, decide on what material the furnace or boiler is made of. After all, the methods of cleaning soot from different surfaces are significantly different! We propose to talk about how to washsoot from bricks and metal structures.


Cleaning metal structures is a fairly simple procedure: you will need a clean, damp sponge and soapy water. If the soot layer is too dense, you can use fine river sand. True, it must be borne in mind that abrasive materials perfectly clean the metal, but at the same time they contribute to the appearance of corrosion and can destroy it. For this reason, experts recommend using abrasives only if no other cleaning method is suitable. After that, it is necessary to paint all damaged surfaces. Neutral chemical compounds and washes are much better suited, because they will not only clean the metal surface, but will not damage it. Among folk methods, one can note the purification of metal with the help of water in which citric acid is diluted, or Coca-Cola.

How to clean soot from metal
How to clean soot from metal


How to wash soot from a brick oven in a bath? One of the most effective methods is to use a simple detergent and a sponge. It is necessary to take a detergent, dilute it with water and beat so that a thick foam forms. The treated surface should be left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with water. Another great way is to use vinegar essence. You will need tap water and table vinegar. For one glass of vinegar, you need to take two glasses of water. Don't forget to use gloves! Apply the solution to the brick, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. How to wash soot if it has penetrated intobrick pores deep enough? Vinegar can not be diluted with water, but simply applied to the masonry. Once the cleaning procedure is complete, use a soft brush and rinse the oven with clean water.
