Apple tree "Belarusian sweet": variety description, photo, nuances of planting and care

Apple tree "Belarusian sweet": variety description, photo, nuances of planting and care
Apple tree "Belarusian sweet": variety description, photo, nuances of planting and care

Apple fruits are the most popular fruits in the world. They are used in various forms and are used in many recipes. Apples are not only tasty and he althy, they are also available throughout the year. Dried fruits, juices and exotic desserts are obtained from them. In addition to the food industry, this fruit is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. For example, the winter variety "Belarusian Sweet" is recommended for anemia, hypertension, gout, urolithiasis, low acidity, constipation, arthritis, dysentery and obesity. These apples help with insomnia and headaches, normalize sleep and are useful for diabetes.

apple tree belarusian sweet
apple tree belarusian sweet

Apple seeds contain a poisonous substance - hydrocyanic acid. It is not recommended to consume them in large quantities.

Variety of apple varieties

Apples are good for humans, so it is advisable to eat them all the time. Summer residents plant trees of different varieties. Since not everyone has the opportunity to store fruits in the winter, gardeners plant early varieties of apple trees. But if there is a cellar or storage, it is betterplant trees of winter varieties, among which "Belarusian Sweet" is popular. Early varieties of apple trees, like winter varieties, are selected according to taste preferences.

Belarusian sweet

Among gardeners, the Belarusian sweet apple tree is very popular. This is a fairly productive variety that was bred in Belarus. The tree is medium-sized, giving regular fruiting without periodicity. According to the five-point system, the tasting score is 4.1 points. The fruits stick firmly to the branches and are ready to eat immediately after being picked.

Belarusian sweet apple variety
Belarusian sweet apple variety

Today, among frost-resistant fruit trees, it is the apple tree "Belarusian sweet" that is popular. Description of the variety: the crown has a round-conical shape, rare, which makes it convenient for pruning and picking fruits. Fruits have tender pulp, average density and sweet taste. Each fruit weighs approximately 170 grams. They are rounded with a smooth surface. At the moment of ripeness, the apples are greenish-yellow in color, the side of the apple, illuminated by the sun, acquires a pink tint.

Apple tree "Belarusian Sweet" begins to bear fruit 1-2 years after planting. In five years, up to 35 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. Frost resistance - 36 degrees. The trees are fast-growing, in the eighth year they reach a height of three meters. If you do not comply with the terms of the removal of fruits, the period of their storage drops to two months.

Apple trees for the Moscow region: varieties

Photo of the tree "Belarusian sweet",presented in this article clearly show how to properly plant and care for this type of plant. It should be noted that this variety is ideal for the climate of the Moscow region. "Bely pouring", Antonovka", "Orlik" and others are also popular among summer residents. In addition, they are zoned for the central regions. Therefore, gardeners choose apple varieties near Moscow. The photo shows that they have good fruiting, which means they are adapted to our climatic conditions.

apple tree belarusian sweet description
apple tree belarusian sweet description

There are many varieties of fruit trees. However, summer residents of the Moscow region prefer "Belarusian Sweet". The apple variety is excellent for this region, as it has high frost resistance and is not prone to various kinds of diseases. In addition, such trees tolerate harsh winters well and are able to produce a good harvest.

How to grow a full-fledged tree

Gardeners carefully select each seedling so that in a few years a he althy apple tree "Belarusian sweet" will grow. The cultivar description and tree care tips include the following definition: The tree is planted in mid-April. The apple tree loves loamy soil. If the earth is clay, it is better to mix it with peat or river sand before planting. Peat or humus is added to sandy soil. It should be noted that without special knowledge of planting and care, it is difficult to grow a full-fledged tree.

How to plant an apple tree

Pits for seedlings are prepared two weeks beforeplanting, during this time the soil settles well. They dig them with a diameter of 1.2 m, a depth of 50-60 cm, separating the more fertile top layer, which will later be used when planting.

early varieties of apple trees
early varieties of apple trees

The dug hole is being further processed. To do this, loosen the bottom with a metal rod or a shovel to the depth of the bayonet. Old cans, walnut shells or rusty iron are placed there, and then sprinkled 20 cm with the previously extracted top soil. Also, fertilizers and a little wood ash are added to the prepared pit. All this is very useful for the Belarusian sweet tree. The apple tree variety is susceptible to top dressing, so the result will not be long in coming. Fertilizers are mixed with the ground, adding soil to the topsoil. In total, the pit should be filled to half its volume. Fertile soil is also added to the rest of the pit until a mound 20 cm high rises. This rule cannot be neglected, otherwise the seedling will sag. In the center of the formed hill, a stake is driven in - the future support for the seedling. After that, a seedling is installed, its roots are straightened and covered with fertile soil, carefully tamping it down.

description of apple varieties
description of apple varieties

Since the apple tree "Belarusian Sweet" requires special nuances when planting, it is better to enlist the help of household members, neighbors or a familiar gardener. Be sure to tie the seedling to the driven stake in order to provide it with reliable support.

Caring for a young apple tree

When planting, watering is mandatory,you need to irrigate until the liquid freely penetrates into the pit. On average, one seedling requires 35 liters of water. It is necessary to repeat the procedure in a week. The distance between the apple trees should be 4 meters, otherwise they will interfere with each other when they grow up.

apple trees for the Moscow region varieties photo
apple trees for the Moscow region varieties photo

Care for the apple tree "Belarusian sweet" is the annual pruning. The tree will give a good harvest, will begin to bear fruit early and for a long time if it has a properly formed crown.

Pruning apple tree "Belarusian Sweet"

The first pruning occurs in the spring of the second year after planting and before the buds swell. To prevent the tree from growing in height and giving side shoots, the vertical branches are pruned annually. At the beginning of spring, one third of the length of last year's growth is removed.

Seedlings grown in the nursery already have several lateral branches formed. Most often, after planting, the growth is not very large, so pruning is not needed for such a tree. But in the second year in early spring, it is necessary. A well-developed tree leaves a conductor (vertical shoot) 40 cm long from the upper skeletal branch. The rest are shortened by a third, and a fifth is cut off at the conductor. In this process, there is one nuance that you need to know: strong, he althy, high-lying branches are pruned more than others. With the control pulling up to the trunk, their ends should be at the same height, vertical shoots 20-30 cm higher.

red varieties of apple trees
red varieties of apple trees

Description of apple varieties containsthe following nuances regarding “diseased” trees: pruning of apple trees weakened over the winter depends on the degree of damage and the age of the tree. The variety "Belarusian Sweet", as mentioned above, is resistant to severe frosts, but it happens that if the seedlings are poorly prepared for the winter period, the crown of the tree may be damaged. In this case, dry branches are cut out up to green cambia. With the complete death of the crown of young trees, it is necessary to apply cultural shoots in order to form a new one. At the level of a strong shoot, a cut is made into a stump. A developed sprout is chosen to form a crown, the rest are bent to a horizontal position or shortened.

What to look out for

In fact, all trees need care. Observing the rules of cultivation and all the nuances of caring for it, gardeners will receive full-fledged fruits. It is very important to choose the right varieties of apple trees. From the photos accompanying this article, you can see the step-by-step process of growing a young tree.

varieties of apple trees with photo
varieties of apple trees with photo

You should also focus on thinning fruits and ovaries. This must be done, otherwise the fruit will grow underdeveloped and with poor taste. At the moment of formation of the ovaries, the central fruit is removed from each bundle. An abundance of fruit on a tree can lead to intermittent fruiting when it rests after a high harvest.


Every tree needs to be fed. For example, red varieties of apple trees are characterized by high yields. And in order to maintain high fruiting, it is necessary to regularlyfeed with nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. The lack of these substances can lead to the withering of the tree and even its death.

Belarusian sweet apple variety
Belarusian sweet apple variety

The first top-dressing of the apple tree "Belarusian sweet" is done after the flowering of the tree, the second - after the ovaries have fallen off. Bird droppings, slurry and mineral fertilizers are used as nutrients. Two furrows are made: one at a distance of a meter from the trunk, the other at a distance of 50 cm from the first. There pour slurry diluted with water and bird droppings. After top dressing, the furrows fall asleep. Weakened trees are especially in need of vitamins.

Autumn worries

With the onset of cold weather, the Belarusian sweet apple tree requires special care. The soil of tree trunks is mulched with peat, compost and humus. The tree is spudded, and the trunk is tied with spruce branches upside down to protect it from rodents. Until the apple tree is 5 years old, its trunk is whitewashed with a solution of chalk, older trees with lime mortar. During thaws, snow is trampled around the tree. Until the Belarusian Sweet apple tree gets stronger, it requires constant protection from hares, so we should not forget about baits for rodents. If you follow all the rules for caring for a tree, it will grow full-fledged and will please you with a high, high-quality harvest.

varieties of apple trees with photo
varieties of apple trees with photo

Connoisseurs of apple flavor choose the variety "Belarusian Sweet". It is ideal for making sweet fragrant jam from tender fruits. Apples are not usedonly for home cooking, the scope of technology of this variety is wide - it is agriculture, amateur and industrial gardening.
