Apple tree Summer striped is a fruit crop that is popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness, good frost resistance and excellent taste of fruits. If stored properly, these apples can keep fresh for 2-4 weeks.
History of selection and region of growth
Description of the Summer striped apple tree should begin with the fact that this variety was bred in 1965 by the breeder Zhavoronkov P. A. He carried out his work on the territory of the South Ural Research Institute of Fruit Vegetable and Potato Growing.
Summer striped apple tree was obtained by free pollination of large-fruited species of this crop. The tree was bred on poor soils and under increased drought, thanks to which it boasts a high degree of unpretentiousness and endurance.
The variety is well suited for growing in the Urals and in the central region of Russia. This is due to the fact that the apple tree can easily endure harsh climatic conditions and sudden changes.temperature.
Description of the tree
How tall does the Summer striped apple tree reach? It is this question that can often be found among amateur gardeners. This tree is quite large and powerful, so it considers 4-5 meters as an average.

The crown of the apple tree is not dense, but at the same time it has a regular rounded shape. Shoots are dark brown, thin. Oval leaves with serrated edges are almost completely devoid of pubescence. The leaf plate is wrinkled, painted in rich green. The size is large enough. Large inflorescences are painted in white-pink color.
An apple tree of this variety cannot set fruit on its own and needs additional pollination, which occurs at the expense of other varieties growing in the neighborhood. For such purposes, apple trees are best suited:
- Chinese cream;
- Prize money;
- May.
Apple ripening dates Summer striped fall in mid-August. The tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 4. On average, 35 kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one apple tree. A nice addition is that fruiting is annual and regular.
Apple tree Summer striped: fruits
Summer striped apples ripen in mid-August and fall off the tree very quickly. Ripe fruits are ready for consumption immediately after harvest. Their shelf life, unfortunately, is not very long, only 2-4 weeks, the longest result can be achieved if you keep apples inrefrigerator or other cool and dry place.

On average, one apple of this variety weighs 150 grams. It has a round or less often conical shape with almost imperceptible ribs. The skin is smooth and thin, initially it is colored green, but as it ripens it becomes covered with a red blush. The funnel of the fetus is small, and the saucer is not very deep.
Flesh is creamy, almost white, fluffy and very juicy. According to their taste, such apples are sweet and sour, very pleasant. The aroma is strong.
The fruits of the Summer Striped apple tree are suitable for both fresh consumption and preparation.

Optimal time and place for landing
How to plant an apple tree in spring? First of all, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines for the work, namely, try to complete them as early as possible, immediately after the snow has melted and the threat of severe frost has passed. Usually landing is planned for the 20th of March. In autumn, seedlings are placed in open ground in late September - early October.
When planting an apple tree, it is very important to consider the distance between the trees, especially if they are cross-pollinated. It is believed that the best effect can be achieved with such a planting scheme, when the distance between the apple trees is 4-5 meters. It is also very important to properly dig the planting hole, its depth and width should be 1 meter.
As a place to plant a treeit is recommended to choose sunny or slightly shaded areas with deep groundwater.
Planting an apple tree
To fully understand the question of how to properly plant an apple tree in the spring, it is necessary to indicate that the planting hole must be prepared in advance, preferably in the middle of autumn. In this case, the applied fertilizers will be able to infuse and make the soil more fertile. The top fertile soil layer is mixed with the following additives:
- 35 kilograms of humus;
- 900 grams of superphosphate;
- 150 grams of potassium sulfate or 120 grams of potassium chloride;
- 1 kilogram of wood ash.
The resulting mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit and form a mound. Then, about 10-15 centimeters from the top, a future support for the seedling is driven in, for which a powerful stake 120-150 centimeters high is well suited.

During planting, the roots are gently spread over the mound, the root collar should be 6-8 centimeters above the ground. At the end of all work, the earth is carefully tamped and watered, and the seedling is tied to a support in several places.
Tree care
Caring for an apple tree Summer striped is quite simple, and even a novice gardener can handle it. With the onset of spring, the tree is inspected for various damages, first of all, frozen and broken branches are removed, the resulting “wounds” must be covered with garden pitch. It is also recommended to scatter around the tree complexmineral fertilizers.

In summer, the tree is regularly watered, preventing drying out, usually such work is done 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Also, a very important stage of care will be the cleansing of the near-stem circle from weeds and the timely loosening of the soil.
With the onset of autumn, the apple tree is fed with organic fertilizers, such as humus or rotted manure. The trunk of the tree must be whitewashed. Before the onset of frost, the apple tree is abundantly watered and mulched with sawdust, peat, etc.

Diseases and pests
Apple tree Summer striped has good immunity to most common diseases and pests. But the following ailments can still be found on the tree:
- Powdery mildew infects the fruits of the tree, which become covered with a whitish coating and become unsuitable for consumption. To get rid of the disease, at the beginning of spring, the apple tree is treated with Topaz or Skor, the procedure is repeated after flowering.
- Cytosporosis affects the bark of a tree. The fight against the disease is carried out with the help of the drug "Hom".
- Bacterial burn most often occurs due to improper tree care. In this case, the damaged areas are cleaned with a sharp knife, disinfected and treated with garden pitch.
Among the pests for the Summer striped, the following are of particular danger:
- Apple moth is effectively destroyedsolution of "Chlorophos".
- You can get rid of the leaflet by treating the tree with a Nitrofen solution.
- Apple flower beetle appears most often, so every spring the bark of the tree is sprayed with Karbofos.
Reviews of the Summer Striped apple tree variety say that this frost-resistant tree brings an early and very rich harvest, and the main difficulty in growing is that you need to pick the fruits on time, or they will begin to crumble and lose their taste quality.