Rodrigo Potato: variety description, ripening time, growing conditions

Rodrigo Potato: variety description, ripening time, growing conditions
Rodrigo Potato: variety description, ripening time, growing conditions

Rodrigo potato variety is becoming more and more popular in our country every year. It is distinguished by the large size of root crops, medium early ripening and excellent yield. The variety has a large number of advantages, while it has practically no disadvantages. Bright red potatoes, judging by the reviews, deserve only praise. Consider the features of this amazing variety and how to grow it.

Potato Rodrigo: variety description

Rodrigo is an early or early maturing variety that was bred by German breeders. Its ripening period lasts 70-80 days, and due to the optimal size of tubers and strong skin, the vegetable can be stored for a long time. Conditional maturity occurs much earlier than technical - the fruits of such a crop as Rodrigo potatoes reach a normal size, but their peel is still thin at this time. This means that the tubers can already be consumed, and it will turn out to cook a large amount of them.delicious meals.

potato roderigo
potato roderigo

In addition, the variety can be characterized as follows:

  • bush spreading and high enough, so that the soil under it is protected from drying out;
  • bright green leaves, medium size;
  • potato ripening time is about two months;
  • flowers are beautiful, red-violet;
  • tubers are bright pink with small, easily removed eyes, and the flesh is light yellow.


and proper care, their weight reaches 500 g.

high yield potatoes
high yield potatoes

In addition, the Rodrigo potato variety has the following qualities:

  • high starch content - 15%;
  • defective tubers when stored under normal conditions - no more than 5%;
  • during transportation, the safety of potatoes reaches 90%;
  • high resistance to various diseases - scab, nematode and cancer infections.

Pros and cons

It has been found that Rodrigo's potato has no flaws, this variety is consistent in its quality characteristics.

The virtues of culture are as follows:

  • high yield;
  • drought and heat resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • universal purpose;
  • large fruits of the correct form;
  • undemanding to the soil;
  • long storage;
  • high percentage of marketability;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • high palatability.

Features of sprouting

High-yielding cultivation of Rodrigo potatoes begins with its germination, which is carried out long before planting and lasts about a month. To do this, planting material is laid out in boxes or special racks in several layers. The temperature in such a room should always be above 15 degrees, in addition, it should be ventilated from time to time and evenly lit.

potato tuber
potato tuber

A week before planting, potatoes are grown in boxes or baskets filled with nutrient mixture. If affected specimens are found, they will be eliminated. Planting material is laid out in 3-4 layers and periodically watered, combining the procedure with disinfection with copper sulfate. In addition, the tubers are fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Boarding rules

After sprouting, they begin to plant potatoes. The tuber is cut into several parts so that each contains 2-3 sprouts. This must be done with a sharp knife, which is previously disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Under no circumstances should the seedlings be damaged. This procedure is carried out a few days before planting, so that the incisions can dry out andcrust over.

After that, cut potatoes begin to be planted. The tuber is placed in holes that have a depth of 5 cm. Between future bushes there should be a distance of at least 35 cm, and between rows - 70 cm. Rodrigo potatoes are usually planted in late April or early May, without waiting for the earth to warm up.

maturity of potatoes
maturity of potatoes

A plot intended for potatoes should be fed in autumn and just before spring planting, using wood ash and humus for this. Each hole is filled with 0.5 liters of water and covered with earth, and a small layer of mulch is added on top. If the soil temperature drops below 10 degrees, then the holes are covered with a film. Potato ripening time, as already mentioned, is 70-80 days.


This kind of potato is considered universal in its application. It contains many useful substances - calcium, potassium, carotene, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C. Carotene in the human body plays the role of an antioxidant. But saponin, which is a toxic substance, accumulates in potatoes in small amounts in sunlight, so it is recommended to store it in a dark place.

If the potato turned green from the light or began to sprout, then it is better not to eat it, because there is nothing useful in it anymore.

Rodrigo's potato, like any other, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system,but you should not use it in large quantities in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Potato juice is good for swelling, it is also used as a whitening agent in cosmetology. In addition, it helps lower blood pressure and regulate blood cholesterol.

Rodrigo potato variety
Rodrigo potato variety

Raw potato juice consumed in large quantities can increase body temperature. Caution should be taken in eating potatoes for people who suffer from diabetes. Before use, they are recommended to soak the tubers for a day to remove the starch.

Potatoes should be cooked immediately after being peeled because most of the vitamins are preserved this way.

Storage features, diseases and pests

This potato variety should be harvested immediately after ripening and in no case should it be overexposed in the ground. It is stored in a warm, dry place at a temperature of +3 degrees.

Rodrigo potato variety description
Rodrigo potato variety description

Potato variety Rodrigo is resistant to nematode, tuber cancer, late blight, scab. Pest control is carried out by spraying with special preparations. Special chemicals are used against Colorado beetles: Corado, Commander, Lightning, Apaches, Aktara, Regent, Prestige, Tanrek, Taboo.


Since the Rodrigo potato appeared relatively recently in our country, reviews about it are very important. Especially valuable is the information received from those who, without fear of risk anddifficulties, introduces this novelty in their garden plots. Many gardeners and gardeners, in their quest to get a good harvest of this potato variety, have been growing it for several years and are well aware of all the pros and cons of the variety.

According to reviews, potatoes of the Rodrigo variety are not afraid of drought and high temperatures, and its tubers should be dug up in the middle of summer. The size of the fruit is especially valued, since small specimens are not found among them. Potatoes of impressive size grow on each bush, some of them can reach a kilogram weight. Two of these root crops will be enough to cook some kind of dish. Also noted is the high resistance of the Rodrigo variety to various diseases.

potato rodrigo reviews
potato rodrigo reviews


Thus, the high-yielding cultivation of Rodrigo potatoes in our country is gaining momentum. Its excellent taste has already been appreciated by many housewives. Gardeners consult with each other and share information regarding the features of caring for this crop, and leave feedback about it, which is very important, since little is known about this representative of the nightshade family. But the main thing is that this variety has already loudly declared itself.
