Peas are among the open ground vegetables and are grown almost everywhere in our country. The plant is completely undemanding to the composition of the soil, and belongs to the cold-resistant. Grow it for the sake of getting delicious beans or juicy shoulder blades. In addition, peas are an excellent predecessor crop for many other garden plants. Further in the article, we will deal in detail with the technology of such an operation as planting peas in the spring (terms, seed layouts, methods of preparing beds, etc.).
Of course, in order to get a good harvest of this crop, you should know about some of its features. There are only two main types of peas:
- Peeling. This vegetable is grown for its seeds (mostly green).
- Sugar. This variety is grown to produce juicy shoulder blades. Such peas can be seen in the gardens of our country somewhat less often.
The cultivation technology of both varieties are similar. Only the landing methods are somewhat different.

How toselect seat
Planting peas in the spring should be done correctly. First of all, under this culture you need to choose a suitable place. It should be, firstly, well lit by the sun, and secondly, protected from the wind. Plants planted in the shade, bloom and bear fruit much worse. In addition, in this case, the taste of seeds and blades deteriorates.
You can grow this vegetable in the same place no more than once every 4 years. Very often it is planted in a potato field (just like some other beans). Planting in the spring along with peas or, for example, beans allows you to rid this crop of wireworms. This method of growing two crops at the same time has both its supporters and opponents. In any case, peas do not make much competition for potato roots. When planted in this way, its seeds are simply thrown into the holes along with the tubers.
Proper planting of peas in spring: soil preparation
In terms of soil nutrition, this crop is not too demanding. However, the soil should still be sufficiently loose. Peas do not like acidic soils. Such land must be limed before planting. During the growth of peas, organic fertilizers are not applied under it. This leads to a sharp increase in the growth rate of green mass. The number of flowers on plants is reduced. Therefore, peas should be planted where previously crops grew, under which a lot of organic matter was introduced.

You can also just preparebeds for peas in the fall. In this case, the earth is dug up and fertilized with rotted manure or garden compost (0.5 buckets per 1 sq. M). It is also desirable to introduce a complex mineral fertilizer into the garden. They dig a bed to a depth with a spade bayonet.
Seed preparation
Planting material should preferably be pre-sorted. To do this, the beans are immersed in a 3% solution of table s alt (30 g per liter). Floating peas are removed, and those remaining at the bottom are washed and dried. Planting peas in spring is usually done with soaked seeds. Can also be used dry. But in the case of soaking, the plants will germinate and, consequently, yield a crop earlier. Seed preparation can be done in two ways:
- Soaking on a saucer. Seeds are placed in it and poured with warm water so that they are completely covered. Soaking is carried out in this case for about 6-10 hours. The water in the saucer must be changed every 2 hours. It is impossible to overdo planting material in water. If bubbles come from the seeds, then the sprouts in some of them have died. The easiest way is to soak the seeds in the evening - overnight. Then in the morning they can already be planted.
- Heating in a thermos. Water is poured into it at a temperature of about 45 degrees. Next, seeds are poured into a thermos. Warm them up in this way for 3 hours. During this time, they will have time to swell, soaked in water.
The planting material treated in this way usually germinates 2-3 days earlier.

Recently very popularwas the soaking of seeds using special preparations containing bioactive substances. It can be, for example, "Epin" or "Gumat".
Pea planting dates
Dig and level the bed for this crop should be immediately after the melt waters come down. Planting time for peas in spring is from late April to early May. But in any case, the soil must first warm up in the sun. Therefore, the bed should also be covered with a film. In cold and wet soil, seeds can simply rot. The air temperature during landing can be quite low, but always positive.
Peas are not afraid of frosts. Absolutely without harm to itself, this culture can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to -6 degrees. In order to be able to harvest all summer, peas are planted in several stages. In this case, the time for planting peas in the spring can be extended until the end of May.

Plant pattern
So, the bed is dug up and leveled. Now you can start planting peas. The arrangement of seeds depends on the variety of this plant. Most often, landing is carried out in two lines. At the same time, the distance between the rows is 20 cm. Between the lines, 50 cm are left for peeling varieties and 40 cm for sugar varieties. The required distance between the plants themselves in a row for all varieties is usually 4-5 cm.
The depth of planting pea seeds in the soil depends on the degree of looseness of the soil. On light soils, it is usually 5-6 cm, on heavy,dense - 3-4 cm. In any case, it is not recommended to deepen pea seeds less than 3 cm. Otherwise, they may just be pecked out by birds.
Another way
Planting peas in the spring, the timing of which was discussed above, can be done using a slightly different technology. The considered method is usually used when growing tall varieties. In this case, supports are placed in the bed under the plants and it is necessary to leave a little space for them. Dwarf varieties are planted in a slightly different pattern. It allows you to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe beds as rationally as possible. Low-growing varieties of peas are planted in small blocks. The distance between the latter in this case is usually no more than 13 cm. The seeds are buried in the ground by about 5 cm.
Fitting technology
In a bed dug up and leveled with a rake for peas, grooves are made of the appropriate depth and at the required distance. They are watered first, and then the seeds are laid out on the bottom. Planting peas in spring on poor soils can be done with simultaneous top dressing. In this case, at the bottom of each groove, a granular complex mineral fertilizer is preliminarily laid out. Sprinkling planting material on top, the soil is slightly compacted.

What varieties of peas should I use
To get a good harvest of this crop, you should know not only how to plant seeds, but also about which ones to choose. The most popular varieties of peas are:
- Delikata. This podpeas grow very tall and bear fruit abundantly.
- Sugar Ann. A variety that produces very juicy sweet pods.
- Waverex. A short and very fragrant pea.
- Feltham First. The main advantage of this strain is hardiness.
- Early Onward. A high variety with very good yields.

Crop rotation rules
So, we have found out what is the technology for performing such an operation as planting peas in the spring. The predecessors of peas (since it is undesirable to feed them during the growth process) should be well fertilized during the summer. A lot of rotted manure and compost is usually applied under tomatoes. Therefore, it would be very good to plant peas in the place of this crop. Pumpkin and potatoes are also considered good predecessors for this plant.
How to care
Planting peas in the spring (photos confirm this) - the procedure is quite simple. In terms of care, the plant is also not too demanding. The only thing that peas do not tolerate is drought and heat. Therefore, it should be watered abundantly in the summer. For one square meter of planting, you need to spend about 9-10 liters of water. Peas should also not be poured, otherwise the stems will begin to rot near the ground. Therefore, in rainy weather, it is not necessary to water this plant. Pegs with cords stretched between them are usually used as supports for the stems. Peas will cling to them with their antennae and grow better. After each watering, the ground under the plants should be loosened.

In the event that the bed, when performing such a procedure as planting peas in the spring, was prepared correctly, it is not necessary to feed the plants during the summer. If desired, you can water the peas with a solution of mullein (1x10) at the very beginning of flowering and during the mass formation of beans.