The bearing capacity of the profiled sheet. Selection of a profiled sheet according to its bearing capacity

The bearing capacity of the profiled sheet. Selection of a profiled sheet according to its bearing capacity
The bearing capacity of the profiled sheet. Selection of a profiled sheet according to its bearing capacity

When choosing materials for the construction of structures of various kinds of buildings and structures, in many cases their bearing capacity should also be taken into account. This applies, of course, including the profiled sheet. The bearing capacity of such material is usually determined from special tables.

What is

A professional sheet is made from sheet or rolled steel by processing it on special bending machines. A characteristic feature of this material is the presence of waves of different heights. Unlike ordinary flat steel sheets, corrugated board is characterized by increased strength.

Waves in such a material, among other things, act as stiffeners. Of course, in comparison with ordinary coiled steel, the profiled sheet has a higher load-bearing capacity.

Galvanized corrugated board
Galvanized corrugated board

Application areas

In private housing construction, profiled sheets are most often used for sheathing roofs of houses, various types of outbuildings, outbuildings, small architectural forms, etc. Many owners of suburban areas also build withusing this material fences. In addition, corrugated board is often used to assemble various kinds of metal structures of small sizes - utility blocks, garages.

Since such material is not too expensive, in private housing construction it is sometimes used for budgetary cladding of facades of residential buildings. In some cases, non-removable formwork for pouring interfloor ceilings can also be made from a profiled sheet.

Corrugated fence
Corrugated fence

Varieties of material

A professional sheet can be used in the construction of structures of buildings and structures:

  • galvanized;
  • color coated.

The main advantage of the first type of material is its low cost. The price of corrugated board with a polymer coating is higher. But such material looks much more aesthetically pleasing than zinc-coated sheets. In addition, such a corrugated board can serve much longer in the future. One of the properties of the polymer layer of this material is that it reliably protects the sheet metal from corrosion. The only drawback of corrugated board of this variety is that it has to be mounted as carefully as possible. When mechanical damage appears on the polymer layer, it, for obvious reasons, stops performing its functions.

In many cases, private developers have to carry out the selection of profiled sheet and bearing capacity. In this regard, all material of this type produced by modern industry is classified into:

  • wall;
  • roofing (bearing).

The material of the first variety is usually used for the construction of all kinds of structures that are not subjected to serious loads during operation. This can be, for example, a fence or facade cladding.

Profiled sheet with polymer coating
Profiled sheet with polymer coating

Roofing profiled sheet is used, as can be judged by its name, mainly for finishing roof slopes. In addition, such material with a significant wave height is often used for the installation of fixed formwork when pouring floors.

All kinds of metal structures - garages and utility blocks - are usually also built from roofing bearing corrugated board. In this case, this material can be used for both wall and roof sheathing.

What to look for when choosing

Besides the purpose, when buying such material, you should definitely look at the height of its wave in the first place. The higher this parameter is, the greater the load in the future will be able to carry the skin.

Of course, when buying a profiled sheet, you should pay attention to its appearance. Galvanized material of this type is suitable for the construction of not too expensive and durable structures. Sometimes such a profiled sheet is used, for example, for sheathing roofs of outbuildings or erecting fences.

The facades of houses and roofs are usually sheathed with polymer-coated sheets. The same material is recommended to be used for the installation of formwork for floors. Replace sheets when rusting in suchstructures in the future will be simply impossible. Therefore, zinc material is not recommended in this case.

Another parameter that is paid attention to when buying a profiled sheet is the length and width. The dimensions of the sheets of this material are usually not too large. According to GOST, their length cannot exceed 12 m. Oversized material is produced by industry only according to specifications. Most often on sale today you can find sheets of this type with a length of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12 m.

What is bearing capacity

The main characteristic that you should pay attention to when buying such material is its strength. In addition to the wave height, the bearing capacity of the profiled sheet also depends on the thickness of the steel used for its manufacture.

Metal for the production of such material is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24945-2010. The thickness of the profiled sheet can be 0.4-1.2 mm. Steel is supplied to factories engaged in the manufacture of such material, usually in rolls, the weight of which can be 5-8 tons.

Coiled steel for corrugated board
Coiled steel for corrugated board

Sometimes aluminum corrugated board can also be found on sale. The thickness of such sheets usually varies between 0.5-1.0 mm. The material of this variety is used mainly only as a facing. In terms of strength, it is significantly inferior to steel. Its only advantage is corrosion resistance.

The height of the corrugated board wave of any variety usually varies between 8-44 mm. At the same time, the stiffening ribs for sheets of this type can have a different profile insection - wavy, trapezoidal, etc.

The wave height of the material upon purchase can be determined primarily by marking. A wall sheet of this type is marked, according to GOST, with the letter "C". Roof bearing corrugated board is usually marked as "H". After the letter in the marking of this material, there are usually numbers. From them, you can determine the height of the wave of sheets. For example, for H114 corrugated board, this figure will be 114 m.

Garage from corrugated board
Garage from corrugated board

How to determine the bearing capacity

In most cases, owners of country plots who decide to build any structure from such material do not need to perform any complicated calculations when buying aluminum or steel corrugated board. It is usually necessary to use various kinds of formulas only for sheets made according to TU.

The material produced in accordance with GOST has standard thickness, dimensions and profile height. Accordingly, the bearing capacity of the profiled sheet of certain brands has long been determined by experts. You can find out the strength parameters of a material of a particular brand from a special table.

Bearing capacity

To determine this characteristic, the builder only needs to know the following parameters:

  • type of corrugated board and its brand;
  • span width;
  • number of supports in span.

The bearing capacity of the profiled sheet is determined in kilograms per 1 m2. When choosing a sheet for a roof, wind and snow loads on the slopes are taken into account first of all. Theseparameters are also determined by the tables for each specific region. In accordance with such indicators, a profiled sheet is selected according to the thickness and wave height of the desired brand.

Bearing capacity of corrugated board
Bearing capacity of corrugated board

Most Popular Brands

In private housing construction, the material is usually used:

  • for prefabricated structures, wall cladding - HC35;
  • for canopies, small architectural forms - Н57;
  • for fixed formwork, roofing - H60;
  • for load-bearing frame structures - profiled H75.

For roofs of buildings with large spans and wall structures of considerable height, profiled sheet H114 is most often used.
