Garden strawberry (strawberry) Mara de Bois: reviews, variety description, photo

Garden strawberry (strawberry) Mara de Bois: reviews, variety description, photo
Garden strawberry (strawberry) Mara de Bois: reviews, variety description, photo

Increasingly, lovers are paying attention to remontant strawberry varieties. After all, no one will refuse to enjoy fragrant berries in summer or autumn. For many years, a hybrid has been grown - strawberries and at the same time strawberries, the Mara de Bois variety.

Variety description

The bush is neat, low, up to 20 cm, erect, has many leaves. They are light green in color, clean, medium in size. Leaf petiole bare.

strawberry mara de bois reviews
strawberry mara de bois reviews

Peduncles are below the bush. There are a lot of them. Therefore, the yield of Mara de Bois strawberries is above average. The weight of one berry is average, from 18 to 26 g. Varieties with larger berries have now been created. This strawberry (Mara de Bois variety) was also used for their selection. The description of the berries suggests that they are conical in shape. The color is light red, typical of strawberries. Berries are shiny. How is the Mara de Bois strawberry different from other varieties? Reviews of gardeners say that it is extremely tasty and fragrant. These qualities do not deteriorate even as a result of heavy rains. And in sunny weather, it is even more fragrant. It tastes sweet and sour. The size of the variety resemblesstrawberries, and the taste and aroma - strawberries.

strawberry variety mara de bois description
strawberry variety mara de bois description

Strawberry Mare de Bois (photos are presented in the article) begins to ripen in late May or early summer (depending on the region). Flowering and ripening of berries continue until the onset of frost. And in closed ground, Mara de Bois strawberries can grow and bear fruit even in winter. Description of the variety, reviews indicate that the berries are larger in spring and autumn, and smaller in the middle of summer. This is usually a heat wave.

Creating a variety

The creation of the Mara de Bois variety is the result of a long and painstaking work of French breeders. It smells like strawberries, because wild berries were used to create it. And she got the size and density from strawberries.

Mara de Bois in France is considered one of the best and belongs to the varieties of strawberries of standard quality. Berries are consumed fresh.

Can be grown in a greenhouse, greenhouse. The bush is very beautiful, so it is used to decorate the yard, garden.

strawberry variety mara de bois reviews
strawberry variety mara de bois reviews

Mara de Bois is not new. On its basis, scientists have already managed to create many subsidiaries. So, for example, the Manila variety was created on the basis of the Mara de Bois variety. It retains the flavor of the progenitor, but has larger berries.


Usually remontant strawberry varieties produce few outlets for propagation. On the one hand, this is good, because they do not need to be removed. But it's bad for reproduction. After all, getting new bushes will be more difficult.

But the Mara de Bois does not sufferlack of whiskers for breeding. In order to have more new outlets, pinch some flower stalks. This will reduce the yield of berries, but increase the amount of planting material. But why would it decrease? After all, strawberry rosettes bear fruit from the first year of life!

Neutral Daylight Strawberries

Remontant strawberry, or neutral daylight, got its name due to the fact that its flower buds are formed at any length of daylight hours. Unlike regular strains, which only do this within a certain range.

Repair strawberries bloom later than early varieties, so they are not so afraid of spring return frosts.

Repair strawberries and wild strawberries are very demanding on growing conditions. After all, they bear fruit all season, giving all their strength to the formation and ripening of berries. Therefore, the bushes need to be constantly fed with potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

Despite these growing problems, remontant varieties are becoming more popular. After all, by the end of the spring season, strawberries get a little bored, I want to try something new as soon as possible. But closer to autumn, everyone will be happy to eat its sweet fragrant fruits.

Berries of modern varieties of remontant strawberries grow up to 50 g and more. But the Mare de Bois strawberries are less fruitful.


Remontant varieties are very productive. They bloom and bear fruit in waves, which strawberries may not even have two, but three or four.

strawberry mara de bois description reviews
strawberry mara de bois description reviews

Even beyondthe first spring fruiting is obtained by a crop of berries such as that of non-repairable varieties, about half a kilogram. So are the Mara de Bois strawberries. The description of the variety indicates that the berries are arranged in a circle in several layers, in a fountain.

Preparing the site

Strawberries should not be grown in one place for more than 4 years. After the site needs a change of culture. This will make it possible to get rid of pests and diseases that accumulate in the soil during the growth of strawberries.

In order not to be completely without berries in four years, you need to constantly change the culture on a quarter of the plot. There are various growing technologies. For example, sockets are transferred to the aisle between the rows. But still, strawberries will not grow in one area for a long time.

Soil preparation

Approximately three weeks in, fertilizer is applied to the soil. Usually it is humus or compost at the rate of 1 bucket per square meter and 50 g of complex mineral fertilizers.

On sandy soils, it is necessary to spray once a year with boric acid (weak aqueous solution), and on calcareous soils - with the same solution of manganese and Cytovit (containing zinc). Then the plants will be able to get the whole range of useful substances.

Put fertilizer into the soil to a depth of 25 cm. Before planting seedlings, the rows are dug up on a bayonet.


Young plants are planted in spring, in April-May, depending on the climatic zone. In more northern areas, landing can be made in early June. It is necessary to focus on the temperature at this time and the possibility of watering. Indeed, often young bushes planted late disappear from a lack of moisture before they have time to take root.

Mara de Bois is very fond of sunny places. It is there that she can receive enough heat and light so that her fruits acquire the characteristic taste and aroma of wild berries.

strawberry mara de bois variety description reviews
strawberry mara de bois variety description reviews

The distance between bushes in a row is 30 cm, and between rows - at least 40 cm. Before planting, you need to clearly see the plants, remove broken and damaged roots. Then the place of the cut is treated with ash.

Planted so that the growing point does not fall into the ground.

The planted plants are watered and covered with a thick layer of mulch. It can be straw, mowed grass, sawdust with a layer of at least 7 cm. Black film is often used. But on clay soils, its use can lead to severe soil compaction.

Mulch will protect plants from the scorching rays of the sun, retain moisture in the soil. In such conditions, it is easier for young rosettes to take root. And weeds break through the mulch much less often.


The hard-to-grow Mare de Bois strawberry. Feedback from many gardeners indicates that they are not able to get a good result.

To grow successfully, strawberries need warmth, sun (rain won't hurt) and constant fertilization. If you are not able to provide regular top dressing, it is better not to plant these varieties, but to grow early, medium and late ones.

In the Non-Black Earth region and to the north, Mare de Bois strawberries are grown under film, otherwise the berries will notwill have time to ripen and the harvest will be minimal.

In a greenhouse or in warm regions, Mare de Bois strawberries can be grown on a trellis. After all, rosettes formed this year bear fruit with good care.


Does not like getting water on the berries and in the center of the Mara de Bois strawberry outlet. Reviews of gardeners say that they water it around the perimeter of the plant or use drip irrigation. Be sure to fill the area with mulch.


It consists of weeding, watering, feeding plants and spraying against pests and diseases.

Mulch will help to cope with weeds, which will not let the annuals out. And it is not terrible for perennial weeds. Therefore, weeds such as thistle, it is better to periodically cut with a Fokin flat cutter. Don't be afraid that they will branch out. If done deep enough and often enough, they disappear.

You can use selective herbicides, but in this case, all the chemicals will be on your table. Therefore, with a strong weed, it is better to process the site at least a year before planting strawberries.


Feeding plants begins after they have begun to grow and begin to produce new leaves. Bushes that have been growing on the site for more than a year are watered with complex fertilizer, dissolving it in water. During this period, he needs more nitrogen.

The Mara de Bois strawberry is very demanding on fertilizers. Feedback from gardeners and gardeners suggests that they water the plants twice a month with a solution of infused mullein (1 liter of solution per bucket of water).

You can buy ready-made fertilizer of prolonged action (for example, "Osmokot"). 8-9 granules are buried in a circle at a distance of 8-10 cm from the center of the plant.

During the formation of buds, spray fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Potash fertilizer affects the quantity and quality of flower stalks.

strawberry mara de bois reviews
strawberry mara de bois reviews

Neutral daylight plants are fairly disease resistant. The same variety of strawberries Mara de Bois. Reviews of gardeners say that they process the beds only twice a year, before and after flowering. For spraying take a mixture of insecticides and fungicides.

Pest and disease control

Mara de Bois strawberries are quite resistant to them. Description, reviews indicate that it is practically not affected by powdery mildew. But brown spotting can significantly reduce the yield. Therefore, when processing strawberries of other varieties, it is a good idea to capture Mara de Bois as well.

In the spring, after cleaning the area from old leaves, the plants are treated against brown spotting ("Kurzat"). Then the use of Bordeaux liquid is also useful. You just need to do it before the plants begin to develop. Droplets on young leaves can cause burns.

If it often rains in spring, then the risk of infection of berries with gray rot increases. The strawberry variety Mara de Bois also suffers from it. Reviews of gardeners say that in order to prevent plants, they can be treated with Roval during the flowering period.

In old areas, spraying is carried out at threestage. The first is when flowering is just beginning, and the last is when up to 80% of all buds bloom. This substance has low toxicity and is rapidly excreted from all parts of the plant.

In summer it is better to use biological products such as Trichodermin, Fitoverm. If you have settled a trichogramma on the territory, then you cannot spray it with chemicals until the end of the season.


Mara de Bois strawberries are frost-resistant varieties. Reviews say that more than 90% of the bushes tolerate winter well with medium frosts.


Not everyone grows well and bears fruit Mara de Bois strawberries. Reviews say that it does not give a normal result in those central regions where other varieties perform well, for example, in the Orenburg region. This is due to the fact that there are early frosts. And the bush at this time is covered with berries. Therefore, the bed needs to be covered. Otherwise, the berries will be lost under the influence of frost.

strawberry variety mara de bois reviews
strawberry variety mara de bois reviews

Many of the gardeners who know the taste of the Mare de Bois strawberries but have not yet planted them at home plan to grow these fragrant berries over time.