How to get rid of ticks in the summer cottage? Effective methods of struggle

How to get rid of ticks in the summer cottage? Effective methods of struggle
How to get rid of ticks in the summer cottage? Effective methods of struggle
how to get rid of ticks in garden
how to get rid of ticks in garden

Of the abundance of known parasites that live on the territory of our country, the most terrible one in terms of dangerous consequences for humans and animals is the tick. Its forest species pose a serious threat to human he alth and are carriers of such serious diseases as encephalitis and Lyme disease. And even if a person is helped in a timely manner, and he survives, he can remain disabled for the rest of his life. The fight against itching (as ticks are popularly called) is a very relevant topic, especially recently, when there is a large-scale activation of their encephalitic species. their penetration occurs in the country. How to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage in order to protect your surrounding space and fearlessly spend time outdoors? We will describe all the methods of dealing with this parasite below.

mites treatment
mites treatment

Previously, the treatment of the area from ticks was carried out using strong chemicals. One of them - the drug DDT - completely coped with pests and even other insects. Its disadvantage was that after a certain time it penetrated mushrooms and wild berries, which could poison the people who collect them. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage has acquired additional meaning. You need to get rid of parasites and not harm yourself. In addition, summer residents are interested in another question: "How to treat the area from ticks so as not to suffer?" They are of two types: granules and solution. If you need to immediately eliminate these parasites, it is better to use one of the effective liquid remedies:

how to treat an area for ticks
how to treat an area for ticks

Means "Sipaz Super"

Expensive, but strong universal remedy will help in the fight against ticks, fleas, cockroaches, ants, etc. It is distinguished by high intexid activity, after treatment there are no traces and odors. Consumption - per 1 sq. m 50-100 ml of solution. Preparation "Cifox"

Affordable drug, the price for 0.5 liters of funds ranges from 600-650 rubles. This volume will be enough to remove ticks not only in the summer cottage, but also in the adjacent territory of 1 ha.

Means "Titan"

Powerfulthe effect of the drug will ensure safety for a long period. 1 liter costs around 1300 rubles. When used, it is diluted in a ratio of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of 1 hectare, only 100 ml of a concentrated composition is required.

How to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage, having such funds available:

- special clothing is needed that completely covers all exposed parts of the body; - to carry out the treatment in calm, dry weather, rains can wash off the preparation from the plants, which reduces the effectiveness;

- use a sprayer in the work, due to which there is a uniform distribution of intex substances;

- special attention when spraying the product should be given to the recreation area and vegetation along the garden paths;

- when spraying garden trees and berry bushes, you need to consider that at least 1.5 months should remain before the crop ripens;

- care should be taken if there are animals in the house. Information about the harmful effects is contained on the label, a careful study of which will save you from problems;

- after work, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

It is advisable to carry out chemical treatments twice a year: in spring and autumn. And the tips in the article on how to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage will help you in this matter.
