After purchasing a manicure tool, its sharpening is an essential procedure. After all, only with the help of sharp devices it is possible to ensure the creation of an impeccable manicure. Accurate sharpening of nail clippers is a responsible task. After all, they are considered one of the most difficult tools. This is due to the fact that the wire cutters have a complex geometry, as a result of which it is rather problematic to catch the correct angles.

Any newly purchased manicure tool must be sharpened before use. Sometimes you can still purchase nail clippers that do not require this. But this is only if we are talking about expensive brands. Sharpening of nail clippers can be carried out by the following methods:
- With the help of a professionalmasters. In this case, at the appointed time, the specialist will arrive at the specified address, and using a diamond wheel, will sharpen the tool.
- At home (manual sharpening of nail clippers).
- With the help of a certified professional in the workshop. In this case, you need to come to the master, who will sharpen the tool at his own workplace.
How to make it at home?
Sharpening of nail scissors and nippers is significantly different. The second one is much more difficult to work with. This is primarily due to their shape. In order to sharpen nail clippers at home, you need to follow these steps:
- Before proceeding directly to the operation, you need to unscrew the tool.
- Sharpening them should be taken from the inside of the blade.
- After sharpening, it is imperative to check the sharpness of the tweezers. It is important to sand the areas that will have contact with the skin.

To sharpen nail clippers at home with high quality, experts recommend purchasing the proper tools for this. This is:
- diamond wheel machine;
- polishing wipes;
- felt sheets;
- polishing stones;
- whetstone.

The listed devices for sharpening nail clippers will greatly facilitate the procedure and provideperfect result.
Basic rules
Proper tool handling plays a significant role. To achieve maximum results, during sharpening, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Unscrew all tools first, as these actions will greatly facilitate the process and prevent quite likely malfunctions.
- When working with a diamond machine, it should be turned on at minimum speed, and sharpening, of course, should be carried out only in one direction.
- In addition to polishing, it is also necessary to perform grinding of the instrument.
- It is strictly forbidden to use whetstones during sharpening, the abrasive of which is less than recommended. Otherwise, the actions may lead to irreparable damage to the instrument.
- Be sure to keep in mind that each manicure tool has a certain sharpening angle. Otherwise, you can seriously reduce its cutting ability.
- Before the procedure, if it is performed for the first time, it is best to practice on some other instrument. In this way, damage to expensive nail clippers can be prevented.
- While working with diamond wheels, sharpening requires close attention. This is especially true for the corners, which tend to be very thin.
- When sharpening a tool, it is important to remember your own safety measures.

Check sharpening
After the processing of nail clippers is completed, be sure toYou need to check the quality of your work. After all, only a properly sharpened tool will help prevent injuries during use.
When sharpening nail clippers at home, it is imperative to focus on the following nuances:
- on the edges of the tweezers - they, of course, must be not only smooth, but also perfectly even;
- it is imperative to check whether a gap has formed between the cutting edges;
- tweezers must be checked for the presence of all screws, which must be thoroughly fixed.
Using the grinding wheel
You can sharpen nail clippers at home using a grinder. But this can only be done if you have experience working on such equipment. Otherwise, improper handling of the tool may result in injury. The most suitable option is to sharpen manicure tweezers on a grinding wheel with a fine-grained diamond coating. When processing manicure tools using a grinder, you must adhere to the following rules:
- A backlash needs to be set. To do this, you need a thick rod. You need to place one end of it at the junction of the blades, and gently tap the other end with a hammer.
- First, the inner side of the blade is sharpened, and only after that the outer side.

During the work it is necessary to set the lowest speed on the machine. Need to swipe on a rotatingcircle with the edge of the blade to one side. After sharpening, the machine should be turned off and the tool must be wiped with a polishing bar. This is necessary to align the edges of the blade.
Other Processing Methods
At home, sharpening nail clippers can be done in various ways. One of the simplest is the sandpaper method. Despite the fact that when choosing this method, it will be necessary to sharpen relatively often, it will require much less effort.
Processing a manicure tool at home, as practice shows, is quite simple, provided that the necessary tools and materials are at hand.
As you can see, sharpening nail clippers can be done in different ways. You can do it yourself, but, as practice shows, for a quality result, it is better to seek qualified help and forget about this problem for a long time.