Dichlorvos from cockroaches: reviews, composition, manufacturers overview, application features

Dichlorvos from cockroaches: reviews, composition, manufacturers overview, application features
Dichlorvos from cockroaches: reviews, composition, manufacturers overview, application features

One of the first means in the fight against parasites 30 years ago was "Dichlorvos". Initially, dimethyl-dichlorovinyl phosphate was used as the basis for its manufacture. Produced in an aerosol with topical spray, the chemical base did an excellent job with various kinds of pests and insects. After a series of experiments, it turned out that the effect on the human body is also not small, toxic substances caused detrimental harm to people and animals, including.

Features of application and its action

Modern manufacturers of "Dichlorvos" also indicate in the instructions that this remedy has an effect on cockroaches and simply kills them on the spot. Is it so? Let's try to figure this out. Next, consider the types of "Dichlorvos" from cockroaches, reviews of those who have tried.

dead cockroaches
dead cockroaches

Modern ones are made on the basis of synthetic pyrethroids - these areartificially created insecticides, they are analogues of natural pyrethrins. For example, this substance is found in ordinary chamomile. Manufacturers can also add cypermethrin to Dichlorvos, permethrin are cheap components that do an excellent job.

Only by using a certain "Dichlorvos" from cockroaches or by studying reviews about it, you can draw some conclusions and decide whether to use it at all.

The chemical industry does not stand still, and scientists have found that some pyrethroids can more actively affect cockroaches than ordinary dichlorvos. Products based on them have a longer effect on insects and are much safer for the human body, and they practically do not smell.

cockroach one
cockroach one

Gradually such products as "Raptor", "Raid", "Combat" began to appear on the chemical market, and they practically replaced "Dichlorvos", it is less and less preferred. But fans of this tool have been actively using it since Soviet times. Even with this assortment of safer analog media.

Dichlorvos against cockroaches: consumer reviews

It is known that "Dichlorvos" appeared on store shelves more than 30 years ago and even then the well-known aerosol stood up to fight unpleasant insects. Compare the derivatives of current drugs and that time, the composition and effect are significantly different.

The original component was more efficient and handled betterits purpose, however, harmed the human body. "Dichlorvos" from cockroaches, reviews of which concerned a product based on dimethyl-dichlorovinyl phosphate, claim that it was more effective, the insects disappeared quickly and did not return.

The name "Dichlorvos" remains, but dichlorvos itself - dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate - is not in it. But, despite this replacement of components, the tool has not lost its effect, it has only become a little weaker and does not cope with its purpose as well.

Common brands in today's market

  • "Neo";
  • "Varan";
  • "Eco";
  • "Super".

The composition of these chemicals is almost identical - synthetic pyrethroids. In principle, they should all do their job, but they determine which "Dichlorvos" is better from cockroaches, consumer reviews and their experience in use.

dichlorvos neo
dichlorvos neo

Description and composition of popular manufacturers

Dichlorvos "Neo" from cockroaches, reviews and components of the product:

  • Permethrin.
  • Cypermethrin.
  • Piperonyl butoxide.
  • Fragrances and solvents - optional components.

About this "Dichlorvos" from cockroaches, the opinion of consumers has developed almost unanimously. Buyers claim that this company is of sufficient quality and destroys all unpleasant insects on the spot. Use it not only to fight cockroaches, but also othersunpleasant insects: ants, bedbugs, beetles. They say that a few procedures are enough to solve the problem.

Dichlorvos "Varan" from cockroaches, reviews and composition of the product:

  • Dimethyldichorvinyl phosphate.
  • Tetramethrin.
  • Cypermethrinn.

These components are enough to paralyze the nervous system of pests.

dichlorvos monitor lizard
dichlorvos monitor lizard

"Dichlorvos" from odorless cockroaches also collected considerable reviews. For this product, consumers recognized that it is one of the leaders in sales. Most positive reviews. People who have tried it claim that the insect quickly paralyzes and it dies. But this product has a too concentrated composition and aroma, and in some cases this leads to allergic reactions: cough, headache, runny nose, dizziness. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims no smell.

Most of the comments are positive. It all depends on the extent and extent of the problem. In more advanced situations, additional preparations and several repeated disinfections were required.

In general, this "Varan" dichlorvos copes with its purpose, only you should carefully approach personal safety and try to minimize contact with the agent and not inhale sprayed particles.

Technology of the procedure and the mechanism of action of "Dichlorvos"

The main function of the components is the nerve-paralytic effect on pests. Processed insects quickly absorbremedy, and a reaction begins in their body: nerve impulses are disturbed, after which paralysis appears immediately, and then the insect dies.

mass of cockroaches
mass of cockroaches

The main task of the owner is to treat the cockroaches with the drug as much as possible so that a sufficient amount of harmful substances enters his body.

Mechanism of action

  1. Spray agent enters the body of the insect through the respiratory tract. Then the poison penetrates the hemolymph and spreads, then only the insect dies. Dichlorvos should be sprayed on mass concentrations of pests and on places where they most often live.
  2. With this manipulation, the sprayed particles settle on the chitinous covers of cockroaches. By contacting, the agent penetrates into the inner part of the body.
  3. Particles of the product also get on the surface of the furniture and floor, and if you do not carry out wet cleaning for some time, then the properties will remain and also act. After running over the poisoned surface, small particles remain on the legs and antennae of the cockroach. Then, hiding in his shelter, he proceeds to clean them up, while using insecticides. This amount is enough to poison and kill the insect.

"Dichlorvos" from cockroaches, reviews of which consumers have already compiled, are sold in any household stores, they can be easily purchased, while the cost of funds is quite low.

dichlorvos super
dichlorvos super


Really get rid of cockroaches with Dichlorvos (reviewsthis is confirmed), especially when it comes to a small number of insects. In more advanced cases, they can be removed by several disinfection approaches. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully study the instructions provided and try to stay as little as possible in the treated room. And after disinfestation, thoroughly ventilate the room, and, getting rid of the "unpleasant neighbors", do a wet cleaning and clean the surface.
