Anthurium and spathiphyllum: description, home care. Is it possible to plant spathiphyllum and anthurium together

Anthurium and spathiphyllum: description, home care. Is it possible to plant spathiphyllum and anthurium together
Anthurium and spathiphyllum: description, home care. Is it possible to plant spathiphyllum and anthurium together

Many at home grow two such beautiful flowers as anthurium and spathiphyllum. The first is called “male happiness” in a different way, and the second is called “female happiness”. For harmony in the house, they are recommended to be placed next to each other. What happens if you plant them in the same pot? About this and about what anthurium and spathiphyllum are. Home care for them will also be described below.

anthurium and spathiphyllum
anthurium and spathiphyllum

Can indoor flowers attract happiness?

Can a woman and a man find happiness through flowers? Many people are skeptical about this. If you take care of the representatives of the flora, love them, take care of them, then after a while they will reciprocate, delighting with their abundant flowering. It's no secret that certain types of indoor plants have beneficial properties. But not many people know that some ofThey have an unusual energy, thanks to which they are able to influence the life of their owner. This applies, for example, to such house flowers as anthurium and spathiphyllum.

Features of Anthurium

This is a rather unusual bright flower with an original shape that fascinates and attracts attention. Because of its interesting look and color, it has been given many different nicknames. For example, they call a flower "devil's tail", "artist's palette", "pig's tail". But it is much better known under the name "male happiness". People believe that the plant brings prosperity and good luck to the stronger sex.

Anthurium andre helps a person get rid of depression, which is very important in the modern rhythm of life. The plant helps a man calm his nerves, distract from disturbing thoughts, tune in a positive way. After some time, problems that seemed global will no longer be perceived as serious. In addition, the flower gives peace and spiritual harmony, makes the mind pure and the mind clear. It also contributes to the fact that single men find their soul mate after a short period of time, and married couples find harmony in relationships.

spathiphyllum and anthurium together
spathiphyllum and anthurium together

What else is interesting about this flower?

Another important property of the plant is that it can attract money into the house. But this happens if honest and decent people live there. In general, Anthurium Andre feels very well what kind of atmosphere the apartment has, what kind of inhabitants live there. Bad environment soin the same way it affects the flower, which dies after a while. Therefore, if he wilted, then you should think about it: is this a sign that the household needs to change their behavior.

In addition, anthurium (and spathiphyllum too) contributes to the acquisition of sincere and pure love. People who grow a flower will live a long time in happiness, prosperity and joy. It also helps to renew the feelings of partners who have been married for many years, to make their relationship fresh and exciting. Husband and wife begin to look at each other differently, they have a new wave of attractions, feelings and emotions.

spathiphyllum female flower
spathiphyllum female flower

Anthurium care

This plant has red buds with tough green leaves forming a bush. In order for the home flower "male happiness" to fully develop and please its owner with abundant flowering, the following conditions are necessary:

  • Proper lighting.
  • Constant warmth.
  • Timely transplant.
  • High humidity.
  • Special substrate.

These are the basic requirements of a tropical plant. Anthurium requires bright diffused lighting. He does not like direct sunlight, so it is best to install it on windows facing east or west. In winter, the plant needs additional lighting. Anthurium also loves a comfortable temperature, which should fluctuate in the following range: from +18 to +25 degrees. It should be remembered that the plant does not tolerate drafts at all, even slight ones.

Proper flower care involves maintaining an optimal level of humidity. It is necessary to water it abundantly, but not too often: 3-4 times a week. In winter, it is enough to do this once every seven days. High humidity is a necessary requirement for the successful growth and development of anthurium. At home, this task is difficult, but doable. To do this, you should systematically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, spray them every day with settled water from a spray bottle, and wash them weekly with warm shower jets. You can also overlay a flowerpot with pieces of sphagnum moss. It helps to moisturize the air well. Feed the plant with fertilizers during the active growing season once every two weeks. The soil for it is best purchased at a specialized flower shop.

anthurium andre
anthurium andre

Features of Spathiphyllum

This flower is often called "women's happiness". It comes from tropical rainforests. Many women prefer to grow it at home, as it is believed that it brings happiness to the fair sex. It is recommended to give it to a girl, because, according to legend, it helps her to meet her soul mate soon.

As popular belief says, it is strictly forbidden to give the female spathiphyllum flower into the wrong hands. Thus, you lose your girlish happiness. This plant also feels comfortable in a house with positive energy, where there are no quarrels and conflicts. Serious family crises have a negative impact onindoor flower. Because of them, he can wither and die after a while.

why spathiphyllum does not bloom, only leaves are released
why spathiphyllum does not bloom, only leaves are released

Caring for Spathiphyllum

The plant blooms once or twice a year with unusual and very beautiful flowers, reminiscent of the sail of a ship. This usually happens from the end of February until late autumn. In order for the female spathiphyllum flower to grow and bloom, the following care recommendations must be followed:

  1. Don't put it in direct sunlight. It is best to place the plant in the shade under artificial lighting.
  2. Water sparingly and spray liberally because spathiphyllum prefers moist air.
  3. Don't leave water in the pot tray for more than 2 hours.
  4. In the spring, the flower is transplanted into a larger pot so that there is enough room for the roots to grow.
  5. The air temperature in the room where the spathiphyllum grows should be 18-23 degrees.
home flower male happiness
home flower male happiness

In what cases can a spathiphyllum not bloom?

If the plant is properly cared for, it provides it with long flowering. But sometimes this doesn't happen. Therefore, many flower growers are wondering: why does the spathiphyllum not bloom (it only produces leaves)? This may be due to insufficient moisture levels in the air. Usually this problem occurs in houses with central heating. Color may be missing due to drafts, so the pot must be moved to a new location. Also thisthe problem occurs if the plant is in a very spacious container. For it to bloom, you need to fill the entire space of the pot with this flower. It should be remembered that spathiphyllum has a negative attitude to its frequent transplantation into new containers. If there is not enough land, it should be added.

Why doesn't spathiphyllum bloom (it only produces leaves)? A possible reason for this is improper feeding. If the flower is overfed, it can even be poisoned. Then the plant will produce only leaves. The roots may also suffer from this, as they will receive a severe burn. Another reason for the lack of flowers is improper wintering, when the spathiphyllum is installed for the winter near a radiator or fan heater. As a result, normal humidity is disturbed, so the plant produces only leaves.

anthurium and spathiphyllum in one pot
anthurium and spathiphyllum in one pot

Spathiphyllum and Anthurium together

As you know, women's happiness is almost impossible without men's love. It is not difficult to guess that if these two flowers are planted together, they can attract passion and harmony to the family. In addition, such a duet contributes to the revival of romantic feelings between spouses. "Women's happiness" perfectly complements "male happiness". Anthurium and spathiphyllum in one pot look very luxurious together: the passionate red flowers of the first plant and the delicate white flowers of the second form a spectacular combination, which is set off by a dark green background of chic leaves.

If these two flowers begin to grow rapidly and bloom profusely, then you canenvy the residents of this house. After all, this guarantees them both female and male happiness. Spathiphyllum and anthurium, growing together, reproduce by dividing the bush during transplantation. You can give the shoots to your female and male friends so that they are also happy and feel the magical energy of these beautiful flowers.


Thus, if conflicts constantly arise in the family or a person cannot find his soul mate in any way, then you can buy indoor flowers with positive energy. Anthurium and spathiphyllum are those plants that contribute to the revival of male and female happiness. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to plant them in one pot. Growing plants at home is not easy, but it's worth it.
