DIY ashtray: how to make?

DIY ashtray: how to make?
DIY ashtray: how to make?

Smoking is one of the harmful habits that creates great inconvenience for others. Both harmful tobacco smoke and environmental pollution with ashes and cigarette butts cause discomfort. For such consumers of tobacco products there are special ashtrays. Their wide range is presented on store shelves. However, some smokers prefer to use homemade ashtrays. To collect ashes, both empty matchboxes and other jars, as well as more complicated products, will fit. You will find information on how to make an ashtray with your own hands in this article.

do-it-yourself ashtray from a jar
do-it-yourself ashtray from a jar

The easiest way

Judging by the numerous reviews, you can make an ashtray with your own hands from an empty cigarette pack. The master only needs to rid her of the inner foil insert, which will only interfere. It is desirable that the closing part of the pack remains onplace. In the future, it can be used to extinguish cigarettes. This is the easiest way, which does not require any tools and skills. The process will only take a few minutes.

DIY outdoor ashtray

Before starting work, you should get one tin can, metal scissors, pliers and gloves. An ashtray is made by hand as follows:

  • In the beginning, the top of the can is cut off.
  • After that, you need to divide the walls of the container into several strips. According to home craftsmen, there should be at least 14 of them.
  • Then they should be bent so that they tip over each other. First, one strip is folded and placed to the left, obliquely on the next one. With that you need to do the same procedure. At the end there will be only one strip. It's just being removed.
DIY ashtray photo
DIY ashtray photo

Due to the fact that the strips cut from tin have very sharp edges, you need to work with them very carefully. Some home craftsmen do not bend the strips, but simply twist them with a match.

Second way

It will not be difficult to make an ashtray from a jar with your own hands, using paper tape, twine and glue. It will be easier to work if you follow the following sequence of actions:

  • First, the top of the can is cut off.
  • Then you need to wrap it with tape.
  • After the adhesive is applied to the workpiece.
  • The product is being wrapped. as a windingtwine or rope will do.

Empty beer cans should not be thrown away immediately. You will find a use for them if you smoke and want to make your own ashtray. A photo of such homemade products is presented in the article.

how to make an ashtray with your own hands
how to make an ashtray with your own hands

Coconut Handicraft

This method can be used by lovers of exotic fruits. For work, you need exactly the hard part. The shape of the future homemade will depend on how the nut was opened. After all the coconut pulp has been extracted, the master processes the edges of the nut. It is desirable that they be even and flush with each other. After that, for cigarettes, you need to make several 10 mm recesses. To do this, a drill is brought to the right place at the edge, with which a recess is made. Homemade will have refractory properties if it is coated with a special varnish.

Coconut product
Coconut product

Product made from shells. What do you need?

Some masters, making ashtrays with their own hands, use the decoupage method. Seashells are suitable as decorative elements. Judging by the numerous reviews, the best handicraft ashtrays are made from glass. Unlike tin ones, they don't smell as strong, and they don't have to be covered with a lid or hidden in a plastic bag. It is enough to shake out and wash the glass ashtray more often. Therefore, a jar or a glass is suitable as the basis for a future product. The ashtray will look much more spectacular if it is decorated. Therefore, beforeto get started, the home craftsman needs to get hold of the following tools and supplies:

  • Adhesive composition.
  • Twine or rope.
  • Craquelure substance.
  • Natural or artificial shells.
  • A sheet with a sea chart printed on it.
  • Paint material.
  • Tassels.
  • Putty.
  • Decoupage card.

Progress of work

To make an ashtray with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  • At the very beginning, the glass base is thoroughly cleaned and degreased. At this stage, experts recommend using alcohol.
  • After that, a printed sea chart is glued to the bottom. This should be done in such a way that its front part is turned down. To remove excess paper, you will have to work with sandpaper.
  • Then you need to apply a craquelure substance to the surface. With this finish, a handicraft ashtray is given a spectacular antique look.
  • After applying this composition, cracks will begin to form on the surface of the product. As they dry, they will become more visible. The home crafter should wait until this substance is completely dry.
  • Then the ashtray is carefully puttied with bituminous compound. With him, judging by the numerous reviews, the resulting cracks will visually look much more noticeable and deeper. Despite the fact that the instructions for the craquelure substance indicate that its top layer should be washed off, in this case this should not be done.costs. This recommendation is due to the fact that yellow ashtray will match the old style better.
  • At this stage, the product is primed. Putty is applied to the sides and rolled in shells and sand. Clear acrylic lacquer is evenly applied on top. This is necessary in order to securely fasten putty and sand to each other. When the varnish dries, the product can be freely picked up without fear that the shells will fall off.
  • Large shells are fixed with adhesive. Then they are painted.
  • Coil the twine into a snail and glue it to the bottom.
do-it-yourself street ashtray
do-it-yourself street ashtray

Alcohol can be used to remove excess paint. The product needs to be allowed a few hours to dry.

In closing

Those who do not like crafting can be advised to use a simple plastic bottle. To prevent it from melting, pour a little water into it.
