March 8 is one of the holidays when you can show your imagination and make an interesting and unusual gift. In addition, you can involve children in this event and create crafts with them for March 8, for example, for mom, grandmother or sister. To do this, it is not necessary to have any special skills, the main thing is desire and a little imagination. We will look at the most interesting and simple gift-making tutorials.
Option 1. Flowers in all their diversity
What to give your beloved women, if not flowers? Of course, live ones are best, but not a single mother or grandmother will refuse home-made presents. So, to make crafts for March 8 in the form of flowers, we need:
- napkins or paper handkerchiefs;
- colorful markers;
- scissors;
- tape;
- twigs to create stems or cocktail tubes covered with green paper.
To begin with, we tear off a strip about one centimeter wide from the napkin. We fold the remaining napkin with an accordion, after which we tie it in the center with a strip torn off earlier. After that, we turn the napkin with a knot down and begin to give volume to the petals of the flower. We connect the base with the stem: the flower is ready! You can create several similar samples of different colors and carefully tie them with a bright ribbon.

The second way to create crafts for March 8 is to use colored paper instead of a napkin. By the way, such flowers can be used for simple room decor. To create a composition, we need: colored paper, adhesive tape, wire and cork, and scissors. We cut off a strip 10 cm wide, then carefully cut it into strips 5 mm wide, while cutting them perpendicularly and not reaching the edge of the paper. We get a kind of fringe. Now we begin to fold our strip, and fix the stem with adhesive tape. From green paper, cut out the leaves, glue them to the base. We thread a wire into the flower, at the same time, so that it holds tight, we put a piece of cork on the end of the wire - it will prevent the flower from sliding along the wire.
Option 2. Use cotton pads
As already mentioned, creating children's crafts for March 8 is easy and simple, and you can use anything. For example, cotton pads - with their help you can create many interesting masterpieces. We will need directly cotton pads, gouache, starch and water, brushes, PVA glue, wire and teip tape. We start by boiling the paste, after which we moisten the prepared cotton pads in it. Dry and paint in different colors.

Cut out the petals and glue them into a flower. number of petalsThe combination of colors depend only on your imagination. To make the stem, we will take some wire and wrap it with green tape, then attach the rod to the finished product.
Option 3. Buttons will do
Another interesting solution for crafts on March 8 is a bouquet of buttons. Such beauty can be presented to anyone, and to create it you do not need to be able to do too much. The main thing is to find buttons of various shapes and colors, since it is the variety that guarantees that your gift will be original and bright. To create an unusual floral arrangement, we will also need wire, pliers, and a jar in which we will present the bouquet.

Cut off the required amount from the wire, fold it in half. Buttons in a bouquet should differ in color, shape, size, but do not forget about compatibility and harmony. In a certain order, we begin to string them on the rod, bend the end of the wire so that the buttons do not fall off. Green buttons are perfect for creating leaves. We create several such flowers, after which we tie them with a beautiful ribbon.
Option 4. For lovers of sweets
As an ideal craft for mom on March 8, a bouquet of sweets can come up. By the way, you can safely give the same composition to a girl who likes your son in the garden. After all, no woman can resist sweets, which means that such an original gift will definitely be appreciated. Even a child can handle the creation of such a bouquet,and the process itself will bring him a lot of emotions and impressions. But first you need to prepare the following:
1. Small glass vase, glass.
2. Wrapping paper, can be decorative.
3. Ribbon.
4. Scissors.
5. Wire wrapped in green tape.
6. Candy.

First, we must fill our container with styrofoam granules or other materials that look like them. So our glass or vase will become more stable. We cut out a square from red paper - it should correspond to the size of the container, since we will put it in the center of the vessel. We wrap the glass with decorative paper, tie it with a ribbon, straighten the edges of the paper - this is how the base for our craft is ready. Now we take sweets and fasten them to the wire with adhesive tape. If you buy sweets with bright candy wrappers, your bouquet will look very festive and fun.
Option 5. Traditional postcard
As a craft for grandmother on March 8, it is quite possible to present a postcard. It will remain for a long time, and even children will cope with its creation, since you just need to be able to cut and paste. To begin with, it is worth considering with your child what exactly will be on your postcard, and then prepare the necessary materials. As a rule, colored or plain cardboard is used as the basis, which is folded in half. Its front part can be decorated as you like - draw flowers on it or place a whole application, for example, from pre-cut from coloredor velvet paper tulips, daisies, irises. Such postcards are a space for the realization of your imagination, so you can safely trust her and start creating.
Option 6. I love pasta…

Crafts for March 8 can be very different, for example, even from pasta. For your sister, you can make original beads, and use not beads for this (by the way, this is also a very interesting option!), But pasta of various shapes. This food product must first be painted with gouache or acrylic paints. After that, we take a strong thread or fishing line and string the resulting blanks on them. Such beads will surely delight little fashionistas. With the help of pasta, you can also create original frames into which you can insert your favorite photos of your mother or grandmother.
Option 7. For trendy moms

Another way to create interesting crafts on March 8 (you can make them very quickly with your own hands) is a satin ribbon brooch. Children of 6-7 years old will be able to cope with such work, of course, with the help of adults. We will need: a ribbon (of any color wider), a needle and thread, scissors, cardboard, beads, pins, a cardboard stencil about 10 cm high and some transparent fabric, such as organza, tulle or tulle. We wrap the tape around the cardboard several times, sew it in the middle with a regular stitch. We remove the cardboard and get the base, tighten the thread. We get a kind of bow. Now we carefully place it inside the transparent fabric, compress it, sew it in the center and decoratebeads. Our brooch is ready!