When renovating a room, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. No less important is the interior of the children's room. To make it harmonious, it is necessary to choose the right materials, decide on the color, taking into account the age of the child. The nuances of decorating a room are described in the article.
Zoning and planning
At a conscious age, a child can tell parents about their design preferences. This must be taken into account in the design of the interior of the nursery. It is advisable to make repairs in soothing colors, it is best to choose blue or light green. In addition to the bed, the room should have the following zones:
- Corner for creativity. It is important for every child that his hobbies are supported by his parents. If you are interested in modeling or drawing, you need a small table, which is desirable to install on the sunny side. For gamers and future programmers, a large table is needed, which can also be used during the lessons. The original design of the room contributes to the development of creative thinking.
- A place to learn. To homemadetasks were carried out with ease, it is necessary to arrange a working area, which should be ergonomic. To do this, you will need a work desk, a note board, and pencil holders. When choosing a room setting for a girl, you should not litter the table with gadgets and toys.
- A place to hang out with friends. Communication with other children is important for a child. It is important that he does not feel embarrassed about his room, so his age and personal preferences should be taken into account when decorating the room. For guests, you need to prepare a sofa or armchairs, pouffes are also suitable.
- The place to take care of yourself. It is important that the interior of the children's room includes an area where you can choose clothes, style your hair. This will require a large mirror. If the room is long and narrow, then the best choice would be a wardrobe with a mirrored door. A small dressing table can be added to the interior of the girls' room.
- Sports corner. If the child attends circles and sections, then you should not litter the room with large sports equipment. The wall bars will allow you to maintain physical he alth. It is allowed to install a small horizontal bar.

When creating the interior of a children's room, it is necessary to separate zones. For this, different shades are used. But it is important to consider that a modern interior can include 3-5 basic colors and their shades. Podiums are considered another option for delimiting space. This technique is more suitable for a large room. There is a lot of room on the podium. Furniture is used to delimit the room -double-sided bookcases or shelving.
Planning a classic kids room interior is a great choice. But in the design of this room, you should not use only muted or too bright shades. It is desirable to combine restrained and saturated colors. There are some nuances in the design of the nursery that should be considered when choosing a color. Often bright furniture and dull walls are chosen in such rooms. Using this principle, you will ensure that the interior will look interesting.
When choosing a wall design, consider that the materials must be safe. It is advisable to choose paper wallpaper or paint with a minimum of chemistry. Photo wallpapers look original in the interior of a children's room.

To develop a design project, you need to familiarize yourself with the compatibility of shades. The best choice would be a discreet color scheme. The design should be bright and moderate shades. A place to sleep will look better with deep and restrained tones, and for a play area it is advisable to choose a bright one - orange or red.
Children's interior ideas are varied. The design can be standard and original. For this room, wallpaper or furniture with a small print is suitable. The presence of many small details allows you to develop memory. The design of a classic room is made based on this condition.
It is important to consider the functionality and safety of furniture. If a child of 2-7 years old will live there, then all corners and protruding parts should be rounded. Furniture is better to choosewooden, and upholstery and carpets can be made from natural materials (wool, etc.). The interior of the white nursery is original, as shades from milky to pale cream can be used.
Children's rooms are decorated in the following styles:
- Classic. For decoration, original design solutions are used, which not only look beautiful in the interior, but will also be of high quality. At the same time, everything must be done so that the child does not feel limited in movement.
- Modern. Such rooms are popular with children and teenagers. They require minimal finishing to complete. The features of the style are the presence of bright saturated colors, simple shapes and the possibility of a slight transformation. This creative will appeal to every child. Art Nouveau furniture is versatile, so it is suitable for all ages.
- Minimalism. This style involves the use of a small number of interior items, but the child will have everything necessary. Thanks to this approach, more space is left for games. A feature is the use of light colors, which is beneficial for small rooms, where pastel shades will visually expand the space. Bright accents are allowed in the form of prints on wallpaper, pillows, toys and stickers.
- Ethnostyle. Such a room will look original. The style is suitable for children who are fond of animals, the East or Africa. With a child, you need to choose stylistically consistent things for this interior.
- Country. Its main features are simplicity, efficiency, environmental friendliness. With country music, you will be able to embody many ideas.
- Hi-tech. It is important that the room has appliances, objects made of metal, plastic, glass, clear lines, shapes. These items may not be present at the same time.
What not to use
When choosing a nursery style for a teenager or child, it is important not to use the following tricks:
- Pretentiousness of design designs. Multi-level ceilings, plasterboard partitions, massive columns are not suitable for this room, as these details will overload the interior. The more spacious the rooms, the more space for games and development. When arranging a room with a crib, it is allowed to use a screen in the form of a curtain.
- Luxury designer furniture. Many parents spare no expense to renovate a child's room. But it is growing, so you should not buy expensive furniture sets, because they will not have a long service life. When decorating a small children's room for girls, decorative details are allowed.
- Repair for the future. Children grow up fast and require a lot of spending. Therefore, many parents want to save money and purchase a bed or desk for growth. Usually such items look out of place in the interior. In addition, age-appropriate furniture can be harmful to children's he alth.

It is important to give the child the opportunity to implement ideas. You can choose 3-4 options that are suitable for the cost. They should be offered to the child. This approach will allowarrange the room in accordance with his wishes, which means that he will be comfortable there.
It is important that the room has the right lighting. It should not be bright and blinding, the light should be dimmed. A dimmer is suitable, which allows you to change the saturation and brightness of the light. With such a source, the interior of a small nursery will be more original.
The following elements are important in the children's room:
- carpet;
- curtains;
- bed linen;
- plaids and bedspreads.
Properly selected textiles allow you to create comfort. Therefore, it is important that all details are made in a similar color scheme. A warm carpet is needed only when there is no heating system. But it is advisable to choose a lint-free carpet, as dust will not accumulate in it, leading to allergies.

Curtains should be chosen thick - to darken the room during sleep, and at the same time light, which will not allow air to stagnate. Curtains can be made of contrasting bright material, but the style should be laconic. And heavy fabric draperies will accumulate dust. For older children, the room is decorated with decorative pillows that can be placed on an armchair or on a bed.
Decoration is considered an important nuance in the arrangement of a room. You can use a laconic background by using light wallpaper. Wooden floors and a matte ceiling - the rest of the room can be decorated as you wish.
SWith the help of stickers, three-dimensional structures, figurines, posters, textiles, the children's room will become more original. You can use a specific theme. When choosing a decor, one must take into account the desires of the occupant of the room. There are themes for boys and girls. The design should be cozy so that the child feels comfortable.
Solid wood furniture is suitable for a nursery. A cabinet made of natural wood will look beautiful, but it is expensive. But small children love to draw on furniture. Therefore, the best choice would be materials such as veneered or laminated MFD or chipboard, which have different shades and textures. Colored plastic items are great.
Children's furniture must meet the following requirements:
- The possibility of transformation. Children quickly get bored with the design of the room. With the help of transformed furniture, you can often rearrange.
- Mobility. Furniture on wheels is convenient because it will be mobile.
- Safety. It is important that furniture designs do not include sharp corners, since this eliminates injury during games. If there are dangerous parts, then special fuses should be stuck on them.
- Storage space. They are suitable for folding toys. Thanks to the drawers in the room will always be in order.
For girls
Delicate shades are sure to be present in the interior of a nursery for a girl. You can create a romantic design. Not very bright colors are used for it. These include beige, pale pink, coral. Atchoosing a color, you need to choose 2 main ones: one will be predominant, and the second will shade it. The interior of a nursery for a girl of 9 years old is usually performed in peach shades. Suitable for orange. Ideas may be different.
It is advisable to choose natural materials, such as silk or cotton. Furniture should be elegant, with a high headboard and carved legs. You can put a massive chest of drawers in the room. If the room is large, there may be a bedside table, as well as a table for girly items and cosmetics. A schoolgirl needs a quality and comfortable desk.
When creating a room design for a girl, you need to pay attention to all the details. Accessories, various pillows, lamps, photographs that can be placed on the walls are considered important. This results in a unique style. If space permits, pouffes can be installed. Such an interior will be comfortable for girls, besides, the room will be comfortable.

For a boy
The interior of a nursery for a boy also includes many details that must be taken into account. It is important that the room is comfortable. The design must be made strict in comparison with the girl's room. Any color that does not belong to "female" is suitable. The shade should match the age of the boy. For preschoolers, green, yellow, orange, blue are suitable. The main thing is that the colors are pale. The interior of a nursery for a boy should not be frilly, as this distracts from toys and homework.
A small room (9 sq. M.) should be made bright. This allowsvisually expand the space. For a student, it is allowed to add bright colors to the design of the room, for example, orange, yellow. The interior of the nursery (12 sqm) should have a large mirror in front of the window.
For two children
Before you decorate the interior of the nursery for two boys, you should take into account the difference in the age of the children. For example, if one child is still small and the other goes to school, you need to divide the room into halves. The older one will need a work area, while the younger one will need a play area.

The interior of a nursery for children of different sexes also has some subtleties. In this case, a screen is needed. The lack of space can be made up with the help of transformer furniture. These cabinets are equipped with drawers and shelves. To make the cabinets colorful, you can update them with self-adhesive film in different colors.
Age accounting
When decorating a room, the age of the children must be taken into account. Then it will be possible to create a comfortable environment:
- 2-3 years. At this age, children cannot decide for themselves how to decorate the room, so it is important to ensure their safety. Bright colors are suitable for girls.
- 4-7 years. The coloring can have bright colors, and it will be possible to prevent a noticeable distinction into zones. Do not apply more than 3 shades.
- 9-12 years old. Over time, you can remove from the rooms those things that the child does not need. At this age, he can choose which colors he needs. Girls' rooms are usually decorated in purple tones.
- Teenagers. room fora transitional child will be a place of self-determination, an office, a bedroom and a living room. Students need to create their own world. It is important to pay attention to all the details, wisely using the space. You can choose your own interior.

Thus, to create an interior for a nursery, you must follow the listed recommendations. This will determine the color, zoning, furniture and accessories. It is important that the child feels comfortable in this room.