Room for a 12 year old girl. Interior design of a room for a teenage girl

Room for a 12 year old girl. Interior design of a room for a teenage girl
Room for a 12 year old girl. Interior design of a room for a teenage girl

Children grow surprisingly fast, and with them their hobbies and preferences. A small cozy room with dolls and teddy bears is no longer suitable for a teenage girl. A room for a 12-year-old girl should meet her requirements and taste, become her fortress and personal space.

Be sure to ask your daughter about her preferences before you start renovating a room intended for a teenager. When the issue with the interior is resolved, think about what furniture to buy: it should be not only beautiful, but also multifunctional and safe for he alth, harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Room for a girl 12 years old
Room for a girl 12 years old

Let's consider in this article what the interiors of rooms for girls of 12 years old can be. Maybe these design solutions will become an example and inspiration for you to create the perfect corner for your daughter.


Children's room for a girl of 12 years old will look much more comfortable if the walls are light colors. Delicate shades will giveroom feeling of sunlight and spaciousness.

Wallpaper can be anything: textured, plain, with a pattern. A room for a teenage girl of 12 years old will look quite interesting if you delimit the room with the help of color. For example, in the recreation area, you can use tones such as beige, light pink, pale blue. Walls of greenish shades will look perfect in the working area. But the corner where the child will spend free time or meet friends can be made unusual and interesting by decorating with bright rainbow colors or using decorative stickers and all kinds of stencils.

Children's room for a girl 12 years old
Children's room for a girl 12 years old


With the help of the color of the wallpaper, you can make an interesting zoning of the room. A room for a girl of 12 years old needs such a division into sections as:

  • A place to study.
  • Sleeping place.
  • Closet.
  • Zone to clean up.
  • A place to meet friends or have fun.
Room for a teenage girl 12 years old
Room for a teenage girl 12 years old

By highlighting the zones in the girl's room in this way, you will create a cozy atmosphere for each type of activity without spoiling the overall style of the room. Making distinctions is easy: the main thing is to choose the right shades of wallpaper for each section of the room.


In addition to natural lighting, the girl's bedroom also needs to properly organize artificial light. To protect the child's eyesight, it is best to placelight source above the desk, above the bed and near the mirrors.

What to look for when choosing furniture

When choosing furniture in a room like a room for a girl of 12 years old, you should pay special attention to its functionality. For a teenager of this age, furniture is just a place where you can put away your belongings or clothes.

Furniture, like walls, should be light colors. Thanks to this coloring, it will not stand out too much and create a feeling of clutter.

Besides this, the furniture should be safe, and although at 12 years old a child is already old enough, he is still a child. It is better to purchase durable and stable furniture that can withstand children's pranks. If the room is small, pay attention to the fact that the corners of cabinets, racks, shelves are not too sharp, this can be fraught with injury.

Room design for a girl 12 years old
Room design for a girl 12 years old

Choose furniture that is mobile, multifunctional and modular, so if necessary you can easily pull it out of the room or rearrange it.

Room interiors for girls 12 years old
Room interiors for girls 12 years old

A folding sofa will take up much less space than a bed. But when choosing, it is worth considering that it should be of high quality and comfortable, because the spine of a child of 12 years old is not yet fully formed.

Do not clutter up a small room with furniture, space is very important for a child. Refuse overall cabinets, for things there will be enough racks or a small cabinet. Instead of a bunch of chairs in the girl's roomit would be appropriate to use special multi-colored soft pillows.

DIY room decorations

Adolescence is quite difficult, especially for girls. Sometimes it is difficult for a child to find a common language with the people around him, so the design of a room for a girl of 12 years old should be designed in such a way that the child feels security, comfort and coziness in his room.

Beautiful rooms for girls 12 years old
Beautiful rooms for girls 12 years old

You can decorate the room with the girl's crafts. It can be drawings, beautifully framed in frames, embroidery, decorative items. Let the daughter choose for herself what she likes best, and what, in her opinion, she did best. Such things will give a teenager confidence in himself and his abilities.

Decorative decorations

Vinyl stickers, which are widely available on the market today, will also be a great solution for decorating a room. Their assortment is huge, and it will not be difficult to find a suitable one for the interior.

Design in the girl's room 12 years old
Design in the girl's room 12 years old

Framed photos, decorative pillows, flowers - let your daughter choose what she likes best, she will decide on the place herself. You just have to do everything according to her desire and control the process of turning the room into a cozy corner for the girl.

Beautiful rooms for girls 12 years old: Parisian and modern styles

Designing a room in the style of "Paris" is quite simple. To do this, you need to follow some interesting design ideas:

  • First of all - the walls: they must be lighttones with a variety of pictographic drawings, which will display the most famous sights of Paris.
  • Furniture, like wallpaper, should be light. Stick a variety of colorful stickers with quotes and phrases in French on the facades.
  • Arrange all sorts of figurines on the shelves that create the flavor of France: a small Eiffel Tower, bottles of French perfume, photographs depicting landscapes and streets of Paris, or any other medium-sized thematic little things.
  • Hang a vintage clock on the wall.

In a bright room in the style of "Paris", hot pink and black colors should be intertwined. It can be decorative pillows, folders for storing various documents and notes dear to the girl's heart.

How to decorate a room for a girl 12 years old
How to decorate a room for a girl 12 years old

Modern-style room suggests multifunctionality with maximum comfort in a modern interior. The main task that you face is to create a cozy atmosphere for your child to study and relax.

Things in the room should be at a minimum, more space and light. Bright colors in accessories and decors (paintings, photographs, pillows, figurines) will give the room a special comfort. The room itself is best kept in the following colors: sand, pearl, beige, soft brown, gray.

When decorating a room for a teenager, do not forget to listen to the wishes of the child. It should be her own corner, corresponding to her inner perception of the environment.
