Kasatik - a flower loved by many gardeners

Kasatik - a flower loved by many gardeners
Kasatik - a flower loved by many gardeners

What flower is called iris? Probably, many people ask this question when they hear the unusually affectionate name of the plant. Iris is a flower that is widespread on all continents and is better known as "iris".

iris what flower
iris what flower

It was named so in honor of the radiant and beautiful goddess Irida, who descended the multi-colored rainbow to bring people news from the terrible gods.

Flower from the past: iris

Which flower in ancient times was an exquisite decoration of the estates of the pharaohs? Which flower is depicted on the 4000 year old fresco? What flower got its name, meaning "rainbow", from the light hand of the Greek physician Hippocrates? What flower petals are used to make the most delicious jam in Armenia and Azerbaijan?

what is another name for the flower
what is another name for the flower

Iris (otherwise iris). Flower (photo), medicinalwhose properties were appreciated by folk medicine and were used for snake bites, getting rid of coughs and indigestion. Extracts from the root of the plant are used in winemaking, the perfume industry and the preparation of some confectionery. In ancient Egypt, fabric dyes were made from irises.

What flower is called iris?

Iris is considered a flower-symbol. In Japan, magical amulets for boys are made from it, instilling courage and protecting them from diseases. An ancient Japanese legend tells of a certain girl whom the Japanese considered cursed by the gods for her blond hair color. Walking one day all alone, the girl came across an amazing flower and, deciding not to part with such beauty, dug it up and took it with her. At home, she made a decoction of it, with which she washed her hair.

iris flower
iris flower

Hair has acquired a golden hue. The villagers, seeing such a striking change, considered that God's grace descended on the girl, so the sun gilded her head. Since then, the iris in Japan has been considered the messenger of the gods and has taken its rightful place in the imperial garden. Its leaves are even used in the preparation of some national dishes of the Land of the Rising Sun, and in the Middle Ages, officials wore wigs made from iris leaves. What flower is called iris in another way? What does a killer whale look like? What is another name for the iris flower? Based on the above, it becomes quite clear that the common people call iris such an affectionate nickname.

External characteristics

Today, iris is a flower that is actively used in landscape design. Thanks to its amazing attractiveness, an incredible variety of varieties and ease of care, it has gained great popularity among flower growers. Iris flowers are characterized by the versatility of colors: white, blue, blue, black, yellow. Breeding science has achieved not only the elegance of forms and a more pronounced aroma, but also the combination of two or more shades in one flower. Iris stems are tall (up to 150 cm) erect peduncles, branched in the upper part. Each of them has from 7 to 9 large flowers, single or combined into inflorescences. The flowers do not have petals and sepals, they are a tubular perianth, divided into 6 bent lobes: three fused inner lobes form a kind of tube, three outer ones are somewhat turned downwards and are most often painted in a different tone. The inflorescence usually blooms in 2-3 buds. The maximum life span of one flower is 5 days.

Rhizomes are superficial, fleshy, rapidly growing, with outgoing cord or filiform fibrous roots.

iris flower photo
iris flower photo

Consist of separate links, each of which represents a yearly increase with the necessary supply of substances required for the development of all parts of the plant: leaves, buds, peduncles and replacing lateral buds. The rhizomes contain valuable oil; species with the largest amount are used in the manufacture of perfumery products. The leaves are xiphoid, fleshy, flat, with a wax coating; usually arranged in fan-shapedbundles.

what flower is called iris
what flower is called iris

The fruit is a three-cell box. The life span of an exquisite, unpretentious plant is 10-13 years, although the death of the roots occurs annually.

Growing conditions

Kasatik - a flower that prefers to grow in well-lit areas, is tolerant of shade. The most optimal are slightly acidic and neutral soils. On wet lands, only some types of irises take root (for example, Kaempfer's iris and marsh iris). Bearded varieties love loose soil, do not tolerate constant dampness and grow well on slopes. It is recommended to plant irises at a distance of at least half a meter from each other; dwarf varieties can be placed closer.

Growing irises does not require a lot of fertilizer and abundant watering; almost all varieties are frost-resistant. In all its glory, the plants appear from mid-May. In July, the flowering period ends. With the right selection of varieties and their combination, irises will deliver aesthetic pleasure for 2 months.

Features of care

One of the factors of quality care is the loosening of the soil, which is necessary to ensure oxygen access to the roots. This operation must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots close to the surface. It is advisable to feed the iris with mineral preparations in the spring, during the period of setting buds and in August, before laying the flower buds of the next year. Nitrogen can be added to the first dressing, subsequentcarry out phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The introduction of fresh organic matter by gardeners is not recommended.


The easiest way to propagate is to divide the rhizome, which is best done at the end of flowering or in early September, when young rhizomes are already formed.

iris flower
iris flower

Don't wait until late autumn, as the plant should have time to take root before the soil freezes. With spring division, blooming flowers will have to be admired only next year. For this breeding method, you should choose a well-developed bush. After division, each part should have a piece of rhizome and leaves. Slices need to be dried, powdered with crushed charcoal, in order to avoid decay. Before planting, the underground part should be dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about a quarter of an hour, and the leaves should be cut in half.

The breeding of new varieties is carried out by seed, but in this case, the plants bloom in the 2nd-3rd year.

Kasatik in landscape design

Irises, characterized by a superficial rhizome, are excellent neighbors for any shrubs with deep roots: spirea, roses, rough deutsia, conifers, easily get along with peonies.

what flower is called iris in another way
what flower is called iris in another way

Low-growing varieties look original as a curb along the paths, as well as in compositions among large stones. Irises are attractive in group plantings, go well with annual plants and ground covers.perennials. Tall varieties are often used to frame ponds. For shallow water, marsh irises are most applicable, and Japanese and Siberian representatives can be seated along the banks. Irises look impressive in iridariums - flower beds designed exclusively for their cultivation.

Diseases and pests

Irises are quite resistant to pests and diseases. They can be affected by root rot if they grow in constantly moist soils. It is not difficult to cure a plant: just dig it up, cut off the rot, disinfect it in potassium permanganate or a special anti-rot preparation and plant it in dry soil.

what flower has a second name iris
what flower has a second name iris

From garden pests, iris can be affected by gladiolus thrips or aphids. Infected plants look oppressed, cease to bloom. You can get rid of the pest by using the drug "Confidor" according to the instructions.

What flower has the second name "iris"? The above information fully explains this issue, and also tells about the features of growing and caring for such an attractive and unpretentious plant.
