Indoor begonia: types, description, photos, care and reproduction at home

Indoor begonia: types, description, photos, care and reproduction at home
Indoor begonia: types, description, photos, care and reproduction at home

For many years people have been growing indoor begonias. This noble plant has beautiful leaves and flowers. The plant is able to grow not only on windowsills, but also in gardens.

There are more than eight hundred varieties in the Begonia family. In nature, the flower is found in South America, Southeast Asia, Madagascar. Some specimens in natural conditions reach three meters.

Types of begonia
Types of begonia

Decorative flowering varieties

All indoor begonia plants, related to decorative flowering, are fascinating. They bloom beautifully, moreover, male and female flowers are located immediately on one pedicel. The latter are distinguished by the fact that the seed box ripens on them. Inside it are three faces, each of which has many seeds.

Flowers can be simple, double and semi-double. With the onset of winter, all decorative flowering varieties get rid of leaves, they have a dormant period. Conventionally, all ornamental flowering plants are divided into three huge groups: Elatior, Lorrain and ever-flowering. The latter species is characterized by the fact that even in winter it does not cease to bloom, although the number of flowers is greatly reduced. Indoor plants begonias of the Lorrain group bloom mainly in winter.

Indoor red begonias
Indoor red begonias

Decorative-deciduous species

All varieties of this group have unusual leaves of various shapes and shades. Most often grown Tiger and Royal. The first is a small bush with small leaves, on the surface of which there are spots. Experienced flower growers are advised to place this species on a columnar support. Royal begonia can have leaves of a very different shade - from green to red. Both species bloom with small flowers.

A red begonia was brought to us from America. She looks good in vases, flowerpots. But it is better to plant coral varieties in hanging baskets.

indoor begonia
indoor begonia

Plant species

All indoor begonias are divided into two types: decorative-deciduous and decorative-flowering. The first type is valued for the unusual and beautiful foliage. Such species rarely bloom and are grown only because of the beauty of the leaf. Decorative flowering can be very different.

The most popular indoor begonias of the following types:

  1. Coral. It is characterized by large leaves with bright pink and white polka dots. Begonia blooms with coral flowers. With proper care, the plant reaches a height of one and a half meters.
  2. Gryphon. It's a new kind of royalbegonias, up to forty centimeters high. Characterized by beautiful, large leaves. The variety is considered shade-tolerant and unpretentious.
  3. Rex - a hybrid of royal begonia bushes are small, growing up to twenty centimeters. The plant has pale and inconspicuous flowers. Rex is valued for the beauty of the leaf. They are broadly oval, with teeth and can be of very different colors: pink, silver, purple, red. The variety is propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings.
  4. Collar. The leaves are light green, slightly pubescent along the edges. It has bright red veins at the bottom of the leaf plate. On the top there are outgrowths that form a rosette, resembling a collar.
  5. Metal. It got its name because of the silvery coating on the sheet plate. This species is unpretentious, perfectly takes root in any conditions. The height of the plant is about a meter. It breeds well in both water and sand.
  6. Red. It is characterized by shiny ovoid leaves. The flowers are bright, red, collected in panicles.
  7. Everblooming. This unique species comes with bronze and green foliage. The plant blooms with white, pink, red, white-pink flowers, up to six centimeters in diameter.
  8. Elatior. This variety includes compact bushes, up to forty centimeters high with jagged decorative leaves and very bright flowers of different colors. They can be plain, multi-color.
  9. Lorren. This type of room begonia is characterized by round leaves of dark green color. The height of the bush is about half a meter. Blooms white, red, pinkflowers.
  10. Royal begonia. The leaf length is about half a meter. The flowers are iridescent red to brown.
  11. Tiger. The leaves are dark green, small, with white spots. The bushes are small, about thirty centimeters.
  12. Tube - most often used in gardens.
  13. Bauer. The variety, with proper care, grows quickly, multiplies easily. Baur easily tolerates transplants. Prefers diffused, not very bright light.
  14. Cleopatra. The variety has dark green leaves, located on long burgundy cuttings. The plant grows up to thirty centimeters in height. The plant does not tolerate dry air and excessive watering. Propagated by leaves, cuttings, dividing the bush.
  15. Alfalfa. The leaves are red below and dark green above with fine silvery spots. The leaves are long and large. This variety is a cross between a Coral Begonia and a Richards variety.
  16. Pendula. This is a very beautiful, profusely flowering plant, belonging to the ever-flowering. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Pendula is characterized by colorful flowers in a variety of shades.
  17. Non Stop. This is a dwarf species up to twenty centimeters high. Its bright terry flowers, up to nine centimeters in diameter, look very beautiful. Blooms from June until late autumn.
  18. Indoor flowers begonia
    Indoor flowers begonia

The ever-flowering begonia is a perennial plant native to Brazil. This species is characterized by the preservation of the leaf throughout the year, as well as the fact thatthe flower is constantly blooming, without ceasing. Once a begonia starts to bloom, it continues to do so for many months.

Reproduction of the ever-flowering group is carried out by seeds and cuttings. In the latter case, it is easier and faster to get the plant you like.

When growing from seeds, the grower has a huge amount of choice. The stores offer a large number of seeds of various agricultural companies. They may have bronze foliage and white flowers, or they may have green leaves. Different and pink flowers look beautiful against the background of green leaves, and to complement the composition, some flower growers plant begonias in one pot with the same shade of flowers, but with bronze leaves.

Recently, tuberous begonias have become more and more popular. This is a group of ornamental flowering varieties with a variety of leaves. They bloom profusely with large flowers of different shades. Not so long ago, new varieties of tuberous flowers appeared, having teeth on the edge of the petals. Reproduction of room begonia is carried out by dividing the tuber, less often by cuttings, seeds.

Seed propagation

Growing indoor begonia from seeds is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, although not everyone can grow a full-fledged plant. This is due to the violation of the rules of sowing and care in the first weeks of the seedling's life.

Crops are carried out at the end of February. By autumn, young seedlings will get stronger.

Planting is best in containers with a lid. The container is filled with a mixture of peat, sand, leafy soil, taken in the ratio1:1:2. The surface of the soil is slightly compacted, moistened. Then begonia seeds are laid out on top and lightly rolled. From above, the container is closed with a transparent lid or glass, cling film. You can place the container in a plastic bag by making several holes in its upper part. The container is placed in a bright place.

At a temperature of 20 degrees shoots appear in a week. During the germination and development of begonias, the container should be ventilated. After two to three weeks, the sprouts dive into separate containers. This procedure is carried out very carefully, as the sprouts are very fragile and break easily.

After a month, young plants can be safely planted in a permanent place. When sown in late February, many varieties bloom in the first year.

Beautiful flowering begonias
Beautiful flowering begonias

Propagation by tuber

Tube indoor begonias are propagated by cuttings and tubers. To do this, prepare a sharp knife with which they will cut the onion. Each part of the tuber should have a sprout. Places of cuts must be sprinkled with coal to prevent rotting and disease. Begonias are planted so that the upper part of the tuber is 1-2 centimeters above the ground.

Propagation by cuttings

Spruce begonias are usually propagated by cuttings. To do this, take a cutting with at least two buds.

Rooting can be done in water, in sand. In the first case, the cutting is placed in a container with water so that the lower cut does not touch the bottom. In such a suspended position, in five days they will beginroots appear.

Another method - reproduction in the sand, involves planting prepared cuttings immediately in wet sand. In order for begonias to take root better, they are covered with a film or a stack. This method is suitable for propagating decorative leafy varieties.

flowering begonia
flowering begonia

How to care for a plant

In order for the plant to please with its beauty, it is necessary to provide proper care for room begonia at home. To do this, they follow the rules of watering, choose the right lighting for each variety, and also update the bush in a timely manner, transplant, and apply fertilizer.


Getting acquainted with varieties, looking at photos and names of indoor begonias, every grower wants to get the same beautiful bushes as on the Internet. To do this is simple, you need to properly care for the plant. And you should start by choosing a place where the begonias will be comfortable.

In general, all varieties of plants are photophilous, but direct sunlight can cause irreparable damage to the leaves. To protect the plant from burns, diffused bright light is needed.

Indoor begonias photos and names
Indoor begonias photos and names

Growing temperature

Caring for indoor begonia involves observing the temperature regime. For active growth, the flower must be kept at a temperature of 22 to 24 degrees. In winter, the temperature drops to 19 degrees.

Irrigation features

The types of room begonias shown in the photo need different watering regimes. Most varieties are demanding on the levelmoisture: they need constant watering, especially in the summer. Between moistening, it is necessary to allow the soil to dry by about two centimeters. In winter, watering is reduced, since at this time the plants begin a dormant period. This does not apply to ever-flowering varieties, which must be watered abundantly throughout the flowering period.

Warm, settled water is used for irrigation. You can not water the begonia with cold water, as it causes rotting of the root system, and the plant may die. Do not pour water on the leaves during watering, this is especially dangerous for decorative leafy varieties.

Transplantation, soil and pot selection

Usually, pots two centimeters larger than the previous one are chosen for transplantation. There must be drainage holes in the bottom of the container so that excess water is removed during irrigation. About six months after transplanting, the pot is changed to a larger one.

Tube begonias are recommended to be planted in pots with a diameter of ten centimeters, and after five months in a container with a diameter of fifteen centimeters, as this species needs space. Other varieties are transplanted according to the standard scheme: the pot is two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. This option helps to preserve the ability of flowering bushes and prevents the root system from rotting. When planting any variety, be sure to lay expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom of the pot.

To plant indoor begonia flowers, you need to properly prepare the soil. For this you will need:

  • turf land;
  • compost;
  • humus.

You can add some peat to the composition. As a result, loose, nutritious soil, well-conducted air and moisture are obtained. In this composition, the root system will breathe without stagnant water.

You can go the easier route and buy ready-made soil for begonias.


Looking through photos with the names of types of indoor begonias, you always want your plants to please with abundant and long flowering. To achieve this, you need to apply fertilizer. For begonias, use liquid types of dressings intended for flowering crops. They contain all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that plants need. Fertilizers are bred a little less than stated in the instructions. And it doesn't matter what kind of fertilizer you decide to use.

Ampel begonias
Ampel begonias

Winter care

In winter, the plant is at rest. At this time, it is better not to touch him, providing him with a good rest.

Tube begonias should be pruned before wintering. Other species do not need it. Since October, watering is gradually stopped. As soon as the leaves and stems are completely dry, the entire aerial part is cut off. Pots with tubers are placed in a dark, cool place.

Eternally flowering varieties do not rest, although they slow down their development a little. During this period, they need the same care as at other times of the year.

Spruce species are pruned in winter. With the advent of spring, the plant begins to grow green mass, releasing side shoots.
