Installing a double socket with grounding

Installing a double socket with grounding
Installing a double socket with grounding

Proper home care includes a number of concepts. It is not enough to simply create comfort and cleanliness and order. The concept of caring for the hearth lies in the ability to keep all household appliances in the room in working condition. This item is very important.

Judge for yourself that you can't talk about comfortable living if there is a leaking faucet in the room or problems with electricity. This is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for family members.

It is quite possible to perform a procedure such as installing a double outlet on your own if you carefully study the information provided in the article.

Why do I need a double socket?

If you know what a screwdriver is, know how to use it, and you need to install a double socket, then you can do it yourself. In addition, without the help of electricians, whose work will have to be paid. So you will not only save your money, but also benefit.

double socket installation
double socket installation

The use of a double socket is practiced where there is a need to connect several types of householdtechniques to use them simultaneously.

This device is a real lifesaver. It consists of two connectors, which include two pieces of equipment at once.

You can connect and install the outlet with your own hands, subject to the installation features.

Double sockets and their varieties

An electrical outlet is a type of device that is necessary to plug electrical appliances into the network. As part of the product there is a body (cover), which helps to isolate the working part, protecting it from external factors. The main part has a base and contacts. Installation of a double socket in one socket can be done without help.

There are not only single, but also double varieties of products. If necessary, the installation of multi-socket sockets is also practiced, the number of which depends on how many connectors there are in the plug.

socket double open installation
socket double open installation

Wrong are those who think that you can get a double socket by doubling a single model. This is not so, because only monolithic devices capable of dividing the power of electric current into halves can be called two-slot devices. And this feature must be taken into account when it is necessary to connect two electrical appliances at the same time.

Varieties of sockets

Depending on the modification of the product, there are several options for such a design as a double socket:

  • Closed type, in which the hole sections are closed withspecial curtains. This socket option is widely used in apartments where babies live.
  • Open type. The appearance of such products is similar to familiar sockets that do not have closing shutters.

There are sockets that provide grounding, and without it. What is their feature? In the case of the presence of grounding contacts, the product will be able to protect the connected devices from failures and power surges.

socket double concealed installation
socket double concealed installation

Varieties of certain types of sockets are designed to mount them outdoors or where there is high humidity - in the bathroom, bath, pool. Such sockets are called waterproof. The function of the first varieties is protection from factors such as dirt and dust, the second is to prevent the penetration of moisture.

Varieties of double sockets

Installing a double outlet is a good way to keep your home comfortable. When purchasing such products, it is important to know their varieties:

  1. Surface (external) type.
  2. Hidden (internal).
  3. Standard type.
  4. Polar.
  5. Programmed.

This is not a complete list of existing varieties of double sockets, but only the most common names.

installation of a double socket with grounding
installation of a double socket with grounding

How to mount a socket with two sockets?

Before you connect the device, it is important to determine the location of the phase and zero. To do this, you can consider the data on the marking of wires. Colourphases can be brown, black, white or red, the color of the zero is blue, white-blue. The color of the ground wire is yellow-green.

If you do not trust the marking data, it is better to check for yourself where the phase and zero are located. To do this, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Put on rubber gloves.
  • Test each wire with a special tester screwdriver;
  • Estimate the signal of the screwdriver when the light bulb lights up at the location of the phase.

Before installing a dual type outlet, be sure to de-energize the wiring. To do this, turn the switch knob on two machines or on the one you need now, turning it to the off position.

double socket for outdoor installation
double socket for outdoor installation

After that, do not forget to check the voltage again using a special screwdriver.

Features of installing a double socket

The procedure for installing a double socket has a number of features that are important to consider when performing installation. There are differences compared to single varieties.

A double socket will consist of two socket boxes, or glasses, which include two divorced terminals and a set of one installation section where the wiring is located.

Socket installation process

The center or top terminal is connected with a ground cable. Phase indicators will be located on the right side, and zero (neutral) - on the left.

It is important to consider when choosing a cable that exactly a similarby material, the same section as the main wiring.

rosette etude double open installation
rosette etude double open installation

If you need to install two sockets, drill a recess in the wall with a drill, observing the required distance for each hole. Before starting installation work, apply markings to the surface of the walls. This is necessary if there is no old outlet here.

Preparation of tools and materials

Installing a double grounded socket will require the necessary tools:

  • phillips and flathead screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • devices to strip braids, for example, a clerical knife;
  • level.

Are you planning to install the device in a different place than the old one? You can drill drywall, concrete or wood with a hammer drill.

Double open socket outlet requires additional materials:

  • isolation tapes;
  • socket box;
  • self-tapping screws.

The use of a cable, which must contain the appropriate material, is necessary when installing a new outlet, and not when replacing an old one. When such an opportunity arises, it would be better to conduct the wiring in the corrugation. Such a procedure will be an additional way to help protect the premises from the possibility of a fire.

Step by step instructions

Installing a double socket in one socket requires knowledge of the sequence of installation work. To begin with, correctly determine the connection scheme, selectplace, prepare all the above materials. After completing all the manipulations, you can begin installation.

If you have this type of product that is a solid block, put it where there was a single device before. You will need to slightly expand the dimensions of the niche.

How to dismantle an old outlet?

Before you start removing the old outlet, take care of the safety measures. It is important to make sure that it is not energized. To do this, turn off the machines on the counter.

The dismantling sequence will be as follows:

  • start by removing all screws securing the socket;
  • remove the part of the outer cover on the old device;
  • remove all cables, then proceed to unscrew the locking tabs.

It is important to prepare a new socket so that it is in a disassembled state. To do this, unscrew the front panel so that it is not connected to the working part.

The quality of the new socket, which is planned to be used with a double socket, is of particular importance. Since it is necessary to ensure a clear fixation of the device so that it can safely perform its functions.

The socket box and the wall surface are connected using a side holder. This part is sold separately. Sometimes it can be found in a kit with an outlet.

For more budget models, fastening is provided not with the help of special paws, but with screws.

How easy is it to mount an outlet?

Socket "Etude" doubleopen installation can be installed by you in minutes. Follow the instructions below and everything will turn out quickly and efficiently.

Tighten the screws in a clockwise direction until the screws diverge in different directions. So you can successfully fix the outlet. During operation, there is always a weakening of the glass, so it is advisable to immediately put it on alabaster.

installation of a double socket in one socket
installation of a double socket in one socket

Now go to the detailed list of actions:

  1. Dilute a small portion of dry powder of alabaster or cement to a creamy consistency. Take the powder in small portions, as the mixture becomes solid very quickly.
  2. Pour portions of the mixture into the hole where the socket will be located. This niche should be moistened with a little water.
  3. Wait 20 minutes and you can start fixing the socket.
  4. It is worth using a hammer and level to achieve a perfectly even position.
  5. Fix the areas between the rosette and the wall with alabaster.
  6. You can use a knife to remove the excess layer of the mixture.
  7. The cup is fixed with screws. They should not be overtightened, so as not to damage the fragile structure of the plastic. This is how a double outdoor socket is mounted.

Connect a new outlet

Open the cable to make sure the two-pole type wires are properly connected. Cut off the outer insulation layer from the cable to be used.

To connect an outletdouble ip54 open installation with grounding, immediately start by connecting the wires, considering their functionality. It is important to use color to determine where the zero, phase and ground cable are.

The main thing is not to connect the phase and neutral in one contact. This will result in a short circuit. The double flush-mounted socket is mounted according to the same principle as described above. With the exact implementation of advice, such work can be done independently.
