Primrose room: photo and home care

Primrose room: photo and home care
Primrose room: photo and home care

In winter, when a blizzard is still blowing outside, bright primroses appear on the shelves of flower shops. Increasingly, domestic flower growers are trying to grow these original plants at home. And this is not surprising, because the unpretentious nature and attractiveness are the main features for which room primrose is valued. Home care, photos, flower propagation methods - this and much more you will find in our material.

Primula - light-loving plant
Primula - light-loving plant


Primrose room, the care of which we will discuss in this material, belongs to the primrose family. There are about 500 species of this plant in nature. In addition, breeders have bred a lot of different varieties. Therefore, few flowers can compete with the variety of primroses.

But the following varieties are grown at home:

  • Primrose is soft. This annual variety is valued for its non-capricious character. In addition, the variety is distinguished by friendly and early flowering. The first buds appear on the bushes at the end of February, and the last ones go by May. The bushes reach a height of 50 cm, the leaves are -20 cm long. The flower stalks exude a pleasant aroma.
  • Primrosereverse conical. A perennial variety from China. The plant reaches half a meter in height. Differs in rounded drooping leaves. The buds are painted in pink, red and blue shades. Some varieties are non-toxic and non-allergenic.
  • Primrose stemless. It differs from other varieties in that the flowers of the culture are always solitary and not collected in inflorescences. In addition, the buds are quite large, often terry. As a rule, the petals are painted in white and yellow shades. But there are buds of pink, purple and purple.
  • Chinese primrose. A low-growing variety with a height of up to 30 cm. The flowers are wavy with a diameter of 4 cm. A distinctive feature is the leaves with jagged edges.
  • Cune primrose. Variety with heart-shaped leaves covered with white bloom. Peduncles are small, painted in yellow shades.

Each of these varieties will decorate the grower's collection. But in order for plants to please with their beauty, they need to be provided with care and attention.

Primrose indoor: home care

This attractive plant has an unpretentious character, and even a beginner grower will be able to grow it. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of care, which include:

  • temperature regime;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • support for optimal air humidity;
  • remove wilted leaves and flowers;
  • watering and fertilizing.

But remember that the primrose is a rather poisonous flower. Therefore, handle it with gloves and keep the plant pot away from children and pets.


Temperature conditions

The flower does not tolerate heat well, and it should be kept in a room with a low temperature. The optimal range is 18-20 °C. After flowering, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 12-15 ° C.

It is difficult to set such a temperature regime in an apartment, therefore it is recommended from spring to autumn to take out a flower pot to a loggia or balcony, or even transplant indoor primrose into open ground. But protect the culture from drafts and sudden gusts of wind, because the plant does not tolerate them.

In winter, it is desirable to keep the flower on the windowsill near the glass. But at the same time, make sure that hot air from batteries or heaters does not get on the plant, otherwise the culture will quickly wither.

Indoor primrose is valued for its beauty
Indoor primrose is valued for its beauty


Indoor primrose, the photo of which is presented in the article, belongs to light-loving plants. But at the same time, direct sunlight is harmful to her. Therefore, it should be kept in the east or west side of the room.

On the north window, as well as in the winter months, it is advisable to highlight the flower with a fitolamp. If you grow it on a southern window, then do not forget to shade from the midday rays, otherwise the delicate foliage of the flower will suffer.


Primrose room extremely negatively reacts to dry air. Therefore, for a flower, high or moderate humidity should be maintained. If the plant begins to dry out, then put the pot on a tray with wet claydite or place water containers next to the flower -this will increase the humidity of the atmosphere.

indoor primrose home decoration
indoor primrose home decoration


Regular hydration is the basic rule of care. Primrose room, the photo of which is presented below, does not like the drying of an earthen coma, because it has a bad effect on the he alth of the culture. But it is not recommended to allow waterlogging, as the roots rot from excess moisture.

It is recommended to moisten the flower with settled water at room temperature. Make sure that moisture gets only on the ground. Otherwise, the leaves and stem will rot. And in no case do not spray the culture. This will lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

During the flowering period, watering should be increased. At this time, it is desirable to constantly maintain soil moisture. In addition, it is recommended to place the pot on a pallet with wet sand, moss or expanded clay. During dormancy, water the flower when the topsoil dries.


Primrose at room conditions needs fertilizer. But overfeeding the plant is not recommended, because it does not tolerate excess s alts in the soil. Therefore, fertilize the soil 2 times a month with special mixtures intended for ornamental flowering plants. But halve the dose indicated on the package of the drug. During the dormant period, the flower does not need to be fed.

Indoor primrose blooms
Indoor primrose blooms


At home, indoor primrose grows quite quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant it annually, immediately after flowering. Since the roots of the plant are superficial, then use for itflat but wide pots.

As for the soil, choose a store mix for geraniums. But you can prepare the ground yourself. To do this, mix in equal parts sheet and sod land, sand and peat.

How the transplant procedure works:

  1. Turn the flower pot over and gently pull out the plant.
  2. Inspect the roots, remove dry and damaged ones.
  3. Put a 2 cm layer of drainage on the bottom of the new pot. For these purposes, use pebbles or expanded clay.
  4. Pour some soil on the drainage and place a flower.
  5. Fill the plant with soil and shake the container to fill the voids with soil.
  6. Water the flower and lightly press the earth around it.

After transplantation, it is advisable to put the indoor primrose in its original place. Then she will more easily endure the stress of the procedure.


Primrose room reproduces in several ways. The easiest way to get new plants is by dividing the bush. But this method is only suitable for 4-year-old flowers. In addition, reproduction should be started only 2-3 weeks after flowering. How to perform the procedure:

  1. Turn the pot over and carefully remove the plant.
  2. Shake off the ground to expose the roots.
  3. Use a sharp knife to divide the plant into several parts. At the same time, make sure that each bush has its own growth bud.
  4. Treat the cuts with charcoal or ash.
  5. Immediately plant bushes in a container or containers filled with moistened peat mixture.
  6. Cover the landing with glass or film and place in a warm, bright place.
  7. Keep the humidity high in the greenhouse.

After 2-3 weeks, when the seedlings get stronger, transplant them into separate pots. This will give you several viable primroses. Indoor care for young plants is the same as for adults. They are provided with regular watering and the correct temperature.

How to transplant indoor primrose
How to transplant indoor primrose

Seed propagation

This method is only suitable for experienced flower growers, because it is not so easy to grow indoor primrose from seeds. In addition, this method of reproduction takes a lot of time.

Start planting in late spring or early summer. For these purposes, use any containers filled with a mixture of leafy earth and sand. Work order:

  1. Moisten the substrate and evenly distribute the seeds over its surface.
  2. Sprinkle the seed lightly with soil and cover the planting with film or glass.
  3. Place the greenhouse in a bright room with a temperature of 16-20 °C.
  4. Ventilate the landing periodically.
  5. After 15-20 days, when the first shoots sprout, remove the glass, but keep the plants in a cool room.
  6. Moisten seedlings moderately using a spray bottle.

After 2-3 months, transplant strong sprouts into separate pots and provide them with moderate watering, protection from drafts and direct sunlight.

How to grow a primrose from cuttings

This breeding method is suitablefor plants with a single rosette of leaves or with weak roots that cannot be divided into parts. For planting, use a small pot filled with a 2-centimeter layer of peat or sand. How to work:

  1. Cut off the petiole with the leaf and bud.
  2. Use sharp scissors to cut the sheet in half.
  3. Deploy the cutting 1cm into the moist soil.
  4. Place the culture container in a cool room.
  5. Water the planting periodically.

After 3 months, when the cutting takes root and gives 3-4 leaves, transplant it into a spacious pot. For cultivation, use soil consisting of leafy soil, humus and sand, in a ratio of 4:2:1.

Primrose room
Primrose room

Diseases and pests

Despite strong immunity, indoor primrose is prone to various diseases. Most often, flowers are affected by brown spotting. The first symptom of the disease is round, pale spots on the leaves. In the future, the damage turns gray, and the plate itself is covered with plaque.

If you start the disease, the flower dies. For treatment, remove all damaged leaves and treat the crop with a fungicide.

Often the plant is attacked by spider mites and aphids. Therefore, periodically inspect the flower for pests. If you notice insects, then immediately spray the foliage with soapy water and remove the parasites, their eggs with a swab dipped in alcohol.

If necessary, treat the plant with Fitoverm or Actellik insecticide. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times at intervals ofweek.

Watering room primrose
Watering room primrose

Possible problems

With improper care, indoor primrose loses its attractiveness. The following phenomena speak of a lack of care and attention:

  • If the leaves of the culture have become soft and drooping, then reduce watering. Most likely the flower suffers from waterlogging.
  • If the plant has small peduncles, but large leaves, then take a closer look at the fertilizer. It contains a lot of nitrogen. In addition, similar symptoms appear if the culture suffers from a lack of light.
  • If brown spots form on the leaves, while there are few inflorescences on the bushes, then the culture suffers from a hot and dry climate. To get rid of the problem, lower the room temperature and increase soil moisture.
  • Shriveled and pale foliage indicates too cold conditions.
  • If a plant turns pale and yellow leaves, then the reason for this - excessive watering. In addition, such a reaction appears on low-quality water.

Now you know everything about how to provide competent care for room primrose at home. Follow these tips and your plants will enjoy their attractive appearance and delicate aroma for a long time.
