Today there are a huge number of home cultures that give positive emotions. Many flower growers know such a perennial herbaceous plant as primrose. This is quite a beautiful and unpretentious flower. In this review, we will look at how to properly grow primrose.

So, what do you need to know about this plant? The primrose flower has a superficial root system and is able to grow rapidly. The stem can reach a height of 25 cm. The leaves are whole and wrinkled, have a dark green color. Primrose is grown as an ornamental plant.
Flowers have the correct shape and consist of five petals. They rise above the rosette of leaves on a small peduncle. Usually the buds are arranged one by one or in tassels. There are also umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Coloring can be varied. The primrose begins to bloom in the spring. However, today there are varieties that will delight flower growers with bright colors even in winter. Under natural conditions, primrose grows intemperate climates of North America, China, Asia and Europe. The plant is found near water bodies on wet ground.
How to grow primrose at home?
This issue is worth dwelling on in more detail. Many novice flower growers today are interested in home flower primrose. To grow such a plant on your windowsill, it is enough to take suitable seeds. Sowing time mainly depends on the variety you choose. The best time for planting is from mid-spring to early summer. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a container with a mixture of sand and leafy soil. Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil as infrequently as possible. You do not need to deepen them, otherwise they will not ascend. After that, the soil should be carefully sprayed with a spray bottle.
In order for the seeds of the primrose flower to germinate better, they should be covered with film or glass. The container is placed in a warm, bright place. After a couple of weeks, the first shoots should appear. When this happens, the shelter can be removed. The air temperature and lighting should remain the same.
Seedlings should be moderately watered and thinned out as they grow. After about 3 months, the young plants will be strong enough to be transplanted into separate pots. For this purpose, it is better to use something like a spatula. You can take a fork, it will allow you to easily pick up the seedlings along with a clod of earth without destroying it. After transplanting, the plants must be watered. Caring for the culture is quite simple: it requires moderate humidity, diffused lighting and heat. When the flower grows up, it will be possibletransplant it into a permanent pot.
Reproduction by dividing the bush

What does this stage involve? The division of the bush is usually carried out in the process of transplantation. It is best to use plants older than three years for this purpose. It is necessary to remove the primrose from the pot, divide into 3-4 parts. In some cases, it is possible to distribute the bush into 6 divisions. Each of them must be planted in a separate pot. To create a greenhouse effect, plants should be covered with a film. When they take root, it will be possible to re-transplant primroses. With each transplant, it is recommended to remove dry leaves. The plants also require mineral supplements.
Propagation by cuttings
This method is used very often today. The best time for cuttings is spring and autumn. Part of the shoot, together with the leaf and the growth bud, must be separated from the mother plant. The sheet is recommended to be shortened by half. After that, a primrose stalk is rooted in a mixture of sand and earth.
Indoor flowers require diffused lighting. The air temperature should be at the level of 17 degrees. The plant should be watered sparingly. When 3-4 leaves appear on the flower, it is necessary to transplant it into a pot, the diameter of which is approximately 10 cm.
Choosing a place and lighting

The plant loves light and does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is best to choose windows for the flower from the west and east sides. But the primrose will grow normally even from the north side.
Temperature conditions
How to grow a primrose flower? Home care must include temperature control. The optimal value is 18 degrees. Lowering to lower values during the flowering period has a beneficial effect on the plant. Try to ventilate the room more often and protect the flowers from drafts from March to October.
This is one of the main processes during the cultivation period. How to water a garden primrose flower? During the appearance of buds, the soil should always be moist. The rest of the time, try to water the soil as the top layer dries out. It is better not to allow an excess of moisture. Do not over-moisten the flower. It is recommended to use soft boiled water for irrigation. The plant should not be sprayed. To maintain a normal level of humidity, the culture pot must be periodically moved to a pallet with pebbles, expanded clay and wet moss.

What does it include? The primrose flower at home definitely needs to be fed. Complex mineral fertilizers are best suited for this purpose. The dosage is chosen in accordance with the instructions. Top dressing should be introduced every two weeks.
Soil for primrose
For the culture in question, both ready-made mixtures that can be purchased at any flower shop, and home-made soil are suitable. To prepare the land for planting primroses, you must use the following proportions. Take one part of leafy earth, sand andpeat. It is also important to take care of drainage in advance. Otherwise, the roots of the plant may start to rot.
This is an obligatory stage at the time of the growth of culture. How to transplant a flower? For primrose, this procedure is carried out annually in early autumn or spring. As soil, it is best to use a mixture of sand, peat and soddy soil. It is preliminary recommended to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. The capacity is better to choose a shallow and wide. When transplanting primrose, it is necessary to carefully remove the plant, inspect the roots and remove damaged and diseased roots. The cut sites are treated with a fungicide. After that, the flower can be placed in a new pot. The container is filled to the brim with soil, lightly compacted and watered.

It is best to use plants from two years and older for this purpose. In late autumn, the primrose is placed in a dark place, where the air temperature is approximately 3 degrees Celsius. You can also not water the plant. If by the beginning of March you want to get a flowering bush, then you need to start further operations at the end of January. Primroses need to be transplanted, provide them with diffused light and a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to moderately water the flowers. When the first buds appear, you can feed.
Diseases and pests
Is it possible to avoid them? What pests and diseases are primrose susceptible to? The flower is most often affected by jaundice, anthracnose, rust, cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, virusspotted wilt. You can save the plant by removing the affected areas and treating with a fungicide. With gray rot, a bloom forms on the flowers. This disease can develop with an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil and high humidity. To overcome gray rot, the plant must be treated with copper oxychloride. Affected parts are removed.
Another serious disease characteristic of primroses is ramulariasis. It manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. In the lower part, a white coating may form. This disease is also treated with copper preparations.
As for pests, most often the primrose is affected by spider mites, aphids and nematodes. To combat them, insecticides must be used. Try to check mother plants frequently for pests. If you notice the lesion at an early stage, it will be easier to cure the culture. It will be enough just to treat the flower with soapy water or mineral oil. In case of severe lesions, the use of "Akarina" or "Phytofarm" is indispensable.
Changing the color of the leaves
A possible cause of yellowing is excess moisture. In this case, the plant needs an urgent transplant. Affected parts should be removed and treated with a fungicide. Also keep an eye on the amount of watering.
Primrose leaves may turn yellow due to too high temperatures or dry air. The reason may be watering with cold hard water. As a result, the plant can drop buds and quicklyfade away.
How to choose the right kind of a plant like house primrose? Photos of flowers will help you decide. The flowering period usually falls on April-June. Inflorescences may have red, yellow or blue hues.
Here are just some varieties that are popular with flower growers:
- Sphinx Apricot is characterized by bright orange flowers.
- Eclipse Violet with Rim: Lilac buds with gold border.
- Sphinx F1 neon Rose - variety with rich crimson flowers.
- Primula Mars - plant with purple corollas.
- Enchantment - primrose with bright blue flowers.
- Snow Queen - a variety with snow-white flowers.
- Obconica can have pink, blue and red buds. It reaches a height of 20 cm.
- Twilly Touch Me - variety with purple, lavender rosettes.
- Primula Sinensis has serrated, wavy leaves. The diameter of the corolla can reach 4 cm.
Useful properties of a flower

Planting primrose is sometimes carried out not only for decorative purposes. This plant has many beneficial properties. The ground part of the flower contains carotene, ascorbic acid and other vitamins. The roots of the plant are enriched with essential oils and glycosides. A decoction is prepared from primrose, which has a hypnotic and sedative effect. It is also useful to drink such a drink to strengthen immunity. In addition, primrose has a diuretic, diaphoretic and expectorant effect.action. The roots of the plant contain saponin, which is used to protect the liver and fight cholesterol. In addition, they contain essential oils. Dried primrose flowers can be used to make tea. The drink is good for colds and headaches.
Where is the best place to grow?
Many are interested in whether indoor primrose can be planted outside. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Everything will depend on the type and variety of the plant. There are also hybrid specimens that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. One of the most common is soft indoor primrose. The composition of the inflorescence includes from 10 to 20 flowers. The leaves are light green in color. The plant can reach a height of 30 cm.
There is also a family of Chinese primroses. They are characterized by a large flower size. This perennial plant can reach 20 cm in height. With proper care, this type of primrose can bloom all the time. However, it should be borne in mind that some varieties of reverse conical crops can cause allergies.
Stemless primrose can be attributed to hybrid species. It will grow well both at home on the windowsill and in the garden. This species blooms from April to July and may have a different color. So that the primrose does not get sick, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. The plant loves sunlight. But direct rays can easily destroy the delicate leaves of primrose. Therefore, it is best to place plant pots on the east or west side. Then the sun in a limited amount will illuminate the primrose. With the right lighting andtemperature, the plant will bloom longer.

Many novice gardeners today are interested in a beautiful bright flower - indoor primrose (photos and care are presented in the article). A variety of this plant can be grown throughout the year on the windowsill. The primrose flower is a rather unpretentious and at the same time beautiful culture. You can easily find the right variety. On sale today you can find a large selection of seeds for every taste and budget. If you manage to provide quality care to the primrose, it will delight you with lush colorful flowers for a long time.