Sealants are substances used to seal joints in building or any other structures. They protect surfaces from moisture, steam, gas, pollution. Sealants are used for construction and repair, as well as in everyday life for various needs. They are the easiest to seal any holes and cracks. To choose the right type of sealant, you need to understand their varieties and the scope of each.
What are
All sealants are divided into classes according to distinctive features, among which are the chemical component, purpose and degree of elasticity. They allow you to indicate the need to use one or another type of sealant in various situations. Construction sealants are divided into:
- thiokol;
- polyurethane;
- acrylic;
- silicone;
- butyl.

Thiokol sealants
These are polysulfide sealants containingbased on thiokol. This type is considered the most durable, elastic and durable. Their validity period is approximately 30 years. Widely used in mechanical engineering, light industry, shipbuilding, radio engineering. Due to its strength and reliability, such material is considered an ideal sealant for a log house. Therefore, they are increasingly used in the construction of houses. Thiokol sealants according to their composition are divided into two- and three-component. The composition is kneaded immediately before use and fully vulcanized within 10 days.
Sealants of this type are excellent for sealing a variety of shapes, almost do not shrink and do not emit solvent. Construction sealants containing thiokol can be freely used in all weather conditions. They have an increased level of elasticity, oil-resistant, able to withstand aggressive substances and ultraviolet radiation. Available mainly in black and gray.
Polyurethane sealants
They are used in the construction of large-panel buildings, as well as facade sealants in the construction of large structures. The most popular sealant company "TechnoNIKOL". It is used for bonding and sealing various surfaces from:
- metal;
- stone;
- varnished sheet;
- ceramics;
- concrete;
- tree;
- PVC.

TechnoNIKOL polyurethane sealant is a sealing, adhesive and elastic substance that permanently preservesoriginal consistency. The main area of application of polyurethane sealants is the sealing of interpanel joints under conditions of increased deformation load. Sealant is suitable for log cabins, as well as for all joints subject to vibration or deformation. Thanks to its strong bonding ability, it can withstand even an earthquake up to magnitude 5.
Also, TechnoNIKOL polyurethane sealants are known for their resistance to frost, acids, corrosion, ultraviolet, weak alkaline and saline solutions. They can be applied to a damp surface and painted.

Acrylic Sealants
They are very popular due to their cheapness. Acrylic sealant is used exclusively for domestic, domestic work, as it is more plastic than elastic. He is completely unable to recreate his form after suffering a mechanical impact.
Use acrylic sealants to seal holes and holes that are not subject to vibration. For example, it can be a small space between a window sill and a window, floor boards, a door frame and part of a wall. Acrylic is well diluted with water, so it is convenient to apply it in narrow openings. Also, unlike other building sealants, acrylic can be easily washed off, the main thing is to have time to do this before it hardens.

They do not contain dangerous and toxic substances, they are easy to paint and plaster. Sealant is applied using a special gun or from a tube. The final hardening of the material occurs after 24 hours. Among the shortcomings can be identified fragility, inability to endure too high and low temperatures.
Silicone Sealants
Known as the leading percentage of distribution in the field of repair and construction. Suitable for industrial and domestic use. Silicone sealants are used for outdoor work (sealing the seams of a house, chimneys, sewer and drainpipes), as well as internal work (installation of mirrors, ceramics, double-glazed windows).

The following advantages are characteristic of this group of substances:
- UV resistant;
- ability to withstand temperature extremes;
- high level of adhesion;
- resistance to aggressive environment;
- durability.
Silicone sealants, although they are not painted, have their own varied palette. According to their structure, they are divided into one- and two-component. The latter are used in the field of industrial production. Single-component sealants are divided into neutral and acidic sealants. Acid ones are much stronger, but during vulcanization, acetic acid is released from them, which leaves an unpleasant odor and causes inconvenience during work. Due to the presence of acid, they should not be used with materials containing metal and cement. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of corrosion. But acid silicone sealants have a significant advantage - this is their reasonable price.
They are a thermoplastic mass based on synthetic rubber (polyisobutylene). It is extremely resistant to bleach, alkalis, acids and many other chemicals. The structure of vulcanized sealant is very similar to rubber.

Among the advantages of building sealants made of polyisobutylene, one can single out its absolute safety for human he alth, a high level of adhesion to glass, as well as aluminum and steel, galvanized structures. Important factors are elasticity, plasticity, durability and low price of the sealant. Its main area of use is the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
In the household sector, butyl sealant is often used to seal cracks, gaps and joints between structures. They glue heat-insulating panels with it, seal air ducts, air conditioning systems. The shelf life of these sealants is about 20 years. Of the shortcomings, only the black color of the substance and a narrow scope can be distinguished.
Selection of materials for sealing
Repair of a panel house, and especially its finishing work, will not work properly without sealing bathrooms, windows, doors and various seams. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality building materials with a long service life, paying attention to the country of origin, the company, the type of polymerization (acidic or neutral), as well as the scope. We must not lose sight of the film formation time on the sealant, the period for which it must dry,allowable temperature changes, and not only during the application of the substance, but also during the entire operational life.