Blackberries: planting and care, propagation of blackberries by cuttings, layering. Propagation of thornless blackberry

Blackberries: planting and care, propagation of blackberries by cuttings, layering. Propagation of thornless blackberry
Blackberries: planting and care, propagation of blackberries by cuttings, layering. Propagation of thornless blackberry

One of the features of the wild blackberry is its ability to multiply very quickly. This berry almost instantly fills vast spaces, is not afraid of drought, close occurrence of groundwater, low temperatures. However, the garden blackberry, which currently has about forty varieties, is, unfortunately, a much more delicate and capricious plant. This also applies to its "reproductive" qualities. Propagation of garden blackberries is a rather complicated procedure. This plant is also cared for using a special technology.

How to choose a seat

Blackberry is a sun-loving culture. Therefore, it should be planted in a well-lit area. In this case, it is advisable to choose a place in such a way that the bushes are protected as much as possible from strong winds. In the shade, this plant will also feel good. However, her berries in this case will not be so sweet and large.

blackberry breeding
blackberry breeding

In terms of soil composition, blackberries are not particularly demanding plants. However, she is bestgrows on humus-rich soil with a neutral reaction. Acidic soil can be improved by adding dolomite flour or lime. Blackberries cannot be planted in swampy or flooded areas.

Boarding rules

Dig a large hole for a blackberry seedling. The root system of the plant must fit in it completely. Its approximate width and depth is 50 cm. Before planting, a soil mixture suitable for this crop should be prepared. It is made from garden soil and compost. A very good solution would be to add 100 g of superphosphate and 35 g of some potash fertilizer to the soil.

Part of the mixture is poured into the pit immediately. Then a seedling descends into it. Next, the roots are covered with soil in such a way that the root neck of the plant protrudes about 1 cm above the ground. At the final stage, the earth around the seedling is compacted and thoroughly spilled with warm water. You can plant blackberries using the technology described above both in autumn and in spring.

thornless blackberry propagation
thornless blackberry propagation

Features of care

Growing blackberries on the site involves, first of all, the implementation of such procedures as watering, fertilizing, loosening and removing weeds. The soil under this plant is moistened throughout the growing season. Watering is especially important during the period of growth of shoots and the ovary of berries. The last time the soil under the bushes is moistened in October.

Every three years blackberries should be fertilized with compost (4-6 kg per bush). In intermediate years, nitrophoska is used in the amount of 20-30 g per 1 m22.

Blackberries, planting and care(reproduction of this crop can be carried out in different ways) followed by procedures that require compliance with a special technology, a crop that requires periodic pruning. Its stems are shortened in autumn so that the length of the remaining part is 1.6-1.8 m.

Propagation by layering

Thus, in order to get rich harvests, plants should be given good care. Propagation of blackberries is also a rather complicated operation. Top layers are most often bred creeping varieties of this plant. The essence of the method lies in the rooting of blackberry shoots without separation from the parent bush. This is one of the most effective methods, allowing you to get a lot of new young plants with a high probability. Blackberries are bred using this technology as follows:

  1. The soil around the bush is carefully loosened with a pitchfork to a depth of at least 30 cm.
  2. A little coarse garden sand is mixed into the soil.
  3. All lumps lying on the surface are crushed.
  4. The shoots cut off the leaves at a distance of 30 cm from the top.
  5. At the level of the node (approximately in the middle of the shoot) make an oblique incision with a "tongue" about 5 cm long.
  6. The wound is sprinkled with some kind of hormonal drug.
  7. Dig a saucer-shaped hole 20-30 cm deep in the ground.
  8. The “tongue” is folded over and pressed with a pebble or sliver.
  9. The shoot is immersed in a knot in a hole, fixed with a piece of wire and sprinkled with earth.
  10. The upper part of the shoot is tied to some kind of support in a vertical position.
  11. Soil on top of the sprinkled part a littlecompact.
blackberry planting and care reproduction
blackberry planting and care reproduction

This is how landing is done. Propagation of blackberries in this way will be successful, however, only if the soil around the bush is periodically moistened. Watering should be carried out until the top takes root. The process of formation of the root system on the shoot usually lasts about a year. In some varieties, it stretches up to one and a half years. In order to make sure that the roots have developed well, the shoot should be slightly lifted with a pitchfork.

blackberry propagation by cuttings
blackberry propagation by cuttings

Cut off the parent branch only in autumn or spring. The resulting bush itself is immediately transplanted to a new place.

Propagation of blackberries by layering is one of the easiest ways. However, you can try to breed a creeping variety and a little differently.

Propagation by cuttings

This is also a fairly popular method often used by amateur gardeners. Propagation of blackberries by cuttings is an operation that includes the following steps:

  1. In early June, green cuttings are cut from the shoots. Each should have one kidney left.
  2. The soil mixture prepared from peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1 is poured into large plastic cups.
  3. The cuttings are planted in cups and covered with foil on top.

In order for the planting material to take root well, it is necessary to maintain very high humidity (90-95%) in the "greenhouse". After about a month, the cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by root suckers

This method is usually used to breed bush varieties on the site. Propagation of blackberries by root offspring is a procedure that is best done in May-June. The height of the stems of suitable offspring is approximately 10-15 cm. The thickness of the seedling should be at least 8 mm at the base, and the length of the root system should be about 15-20 cm.

blackberry breeding care
blackberry breeding care

Propagation by root cuttings

This technology is used to breed creeping and bush blackberries of those varieties that produce too few root offspring. Propagation of blackberries by cuttings is an operation that can be carried out both in autumn and in spring. In November or at the end of March, the mother bush is completely dug up and cut into several parts. You can also separate the roots from it at a distance of no closer than 60 cm from the stems. If the operation is performed in the spring, the resulting planting material is immediately transferred to a permanent place. If the bush was dug out in the fall, the root cuttings are stored in the basement until spring (in wet sand).

propagation of blackberries by layering
propagation of blackberries by layering

Reproduction of thornless blackberry: features

Varieties of this variety usually have either creeping or semi-erect stems. Therefore, most often they are bred with apical layering. You can propagate thornless blackberries in any other way. The only thing is that it is impossible to use the technology of breeding by root cuttings for this variety. The fact is that when it is applied, new plants grow with thorns.

Reproductionblackberry thornless apical layering can be produced using a slightly modified technology. This method is convenient in that the plants can be immediately planted in a separate bed. The difference from the usual technique is that the top of the shoot is separated from the mother plant immediately. After that, it is placed in a small container with water, which must be dug on the prepared bed. Further, everything is done in exactly the same way as in the usual way. That is, a hole or groove is dug nearby, into which the top of the cutting is placed.

planting breeding blackberries
planting breeding blackberries

As you can see, blackberry propagation is a rather complicated procedure. In any case, it is quite different from the breeding methods of most other garden berry crops. Creeping and semi-creeping varieties are best planted with apical layering. For bush plants, propagation technology by root cuttings or offspring is more suitable. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the chosen methodology.
