Putting a plasterboard ceiling for painting with your own hands

Putting a plasterboard ceiling for painting with your own hands
Putting a plasterboard ceiling for painting with your own hands

Drywall is one of the favorite materials of builders, including beginners. Nevertheless, puttying the ceiling is the process that causes the most difficulties, and during which, as a rule, they turn to specialists. However, you can do this work yourself if you pay enough attention to every detail. How exactly - we will tell in our today's article.

Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering: preliminary preparation

Finishing the ceiling can take place in different ways, depending on the condition of the room before the repair. If it is completely new, then it will only be necessary to prime the coating so that the putty lies more correctly and lasts longer in its place.

putty plasterboard ceiling
putty plasterboard ceiling

If the apartment has already been renovated, it will be necessary to remove everything, down to the concrete. You will also need to get rid of layers of paint and wallpaper. Only then can alignment be started.surfaces. What is this work for? This is necessary so that any material fits normally on the surface, and it does not look sloppy. In addition, the surface coated with a primer does not absorb moisture and this prolongs its service life. After priming, the putty also dries better and dries faster. This reduces repair time.

What is the best way to prime?

This work is done in several stages:

  1. The choice of a suitable primer material is made (depending on the material chosen for covering the ceiling).
  2. The primer must be poured into a convenient container, and then begin to be applied to the ceiling. It is most convenient to do this with a terry roller, which will allow you to cope with the task, even standing on the floor.
  3. Next, you can go directly to the putty.

Processing drywall

How to deal with him? Puttying the ceiling, when it comes to drywall, should be done with covering all seams, holes and even screws.

The mixture must be prepared immediately before application by diluting a small amount of powder in water. It is important to note that you only need to cook as much of the mixture as you can apply to the ceiling in a fairly short period of time.

plasterboard ceiling plaster
plasterboard ceiling plaster

The consistency of the resulting solution should resemble thick sour cream, and you can get it by mixing manually or using a drill with a special nozzle.

Please note that puttythe ceiling should be carried out exclusively in a thin layer and in stages. Otherwise, the material will crack and begin to fall off. After the previous layer has dried, you can apply another one.


How is the puttying of the ceiling for painting done by hand? You need to start by preparing the right mixture. In addition to the type of thick sour cream, readiness can be determined as follows: you need to put a spatula vertically and check how the mixture behaves. If it hasn't started to slip, then it can be used for work.

Stage 2

With the help of the resulting solution, we cover the joints. First you need to move the spatula across, and then along the gaps. If irregularities have formed during the coating of the ceiling or walls, they must be removed by grinding.

do-it-yourself putty
do-it-yourself putty

It can be noted that the processing of a plasterboard ceiling has no fundamental differences from the finishing of any other coating.

Stage 3

Proper puttying of the ceiling should include finishing. You can't do without it. This stage is important only when puttying a plasterboard ceiling for painting. After all, if the work is done under the wallpaper, then, as a rule, only the starting finish is used.

The mixture and its consistency here should not differ from the starting finish. Putty is applied to all places where joints are still visible. We need to eliminate their presence completely. After that, the surface is necessarily polished (ceiling or walls sheathed with plasterboard).


Let's consider the features of puttying and painting the ceiling of drywall. Are there any nuances in this work? Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling plastering has a number of features that you need to know about before you start repair work.

The main feature is that you don't actually need to level the drywall surface - you just need to smooth all the joints between its sheets. To do this, a primer is preliminarily made, which helps to get rid of dust in the gaps between the sheets.

All seams and joints must be additionally covered with fiberglass mesh. It will not be difficult to apply it, because it has a self-adhesive base.

What's next?

How is the ceiling painted with putty with your own hands? After the ceiling has already been successfully covered with mortar, and the surface looks perfectly flat, many are faced with a new problem. When they start painting the ceiling, pieces of material begin to stick to the roller and create dips in the ceiling along with it. Thus, the ideal surface is destroyed. But what caused it?

The thing is that for finishing it is highly recommended to use waterproof putty. If a regular putty has already been purchased, you can add a waterproof primer to it. Experts say that it will help get rid of the problem.

plasterboard ceiling plastering for painting
plasterboard ceiling plastering for painting

It will not be superfluous and just additionally cover the ceiling with a waterproof primer, which will help the paint infurther it is better to lie on the surface.

In the process of painting itself, it is strongly not recommended to press the roller with great force or drive it several times in the same place. You need to be as careful as possible and not let the surface get too wet to prevent peeling of the material.

Steps of painting the ceiling

After puttying, it is recommended to additionally sand the ceiling. Of course, experienced craftsmen can do the job so that sanding is no longer needed, but these are rare cases. It is better to sand the ceiling yourself or do it with an electric grater. During this process, it is worth arming yourself with a respirator and a protective mask. After all, any materials that will crumble from the ceiling at this moment can cause severe harm to the respiratory tract.

do-it-yourself ceiling plastering
do-it-yourself ceiling plastering

The next step is to clean the ceiling of dust and various remnants of the material. To do this with just one cleaning will not work, and therefore you need to re-primer. This is absolutely not worth saving. Otherwise, the enamel will roll into lumps and simply will not lie on the surface.

Before painting, make sure that the surface is hard and absolutely smooth. Otherwise, these defects will not be able to be eliminated later.

Painting Tips

Experts recommend using a wool roller for these jobs. Indeed, during painting, it leaves behind a bubbly surface, which becomes matte after drying.

If used for workfoam roller, this may cause glare on the ceiling. As experience shows, these highlights will look quite messy.

If you decide to paint the ceiling not in white, but in some other color, you need to consider that the solution should be done only once. The second time you will not be able to choose the same ratio of paint and solvent. This will cause the entire ceiling to be in different shades.

plastering the ceiling
plastering the ceiling

Before painting, it is also recommended to process the contact angle between the ceiling and the wall. After all, further work will be done exclusively with a roller, and this step will help to avoid carelessness in the process.

Painting should be done exclusively with water-based paint. It must first be placed in a special bath. You can do without it, but it helps to remove the remaining solution and leave it in the container.

After each time the roller is lowered into the paint, it must be carefully wrung out. This will help to avoid streaks on the ceiling and achieve an even distribution of color on the surface.

As a general rule, the ceiling should only be covered twice. However, this may depend on how the putty was made and whether all defects on it were eliminated. If there are greasy spots on the ceiling, they will have to be covered with paint. The maximum number of enamel layers is five.

It is important to note that before applying the next layer, you must make sure that the previous one is definitely dry. This can be seen as darker paint stains disappear from the ceiling.

If you begin to treat the ceiling before the last coat is dry, this will cause the enamel to mix and form unpleasant streaks on the surface.

putty ceiling
putty ceiling

If you decide to mix several colors while covering the surface of the ceiling, you need to use masking tape. This will help spread the paint evenly over the surface. It's also fairly easy to remove - users say it's the most convenient to use, unlike stationery tape.


So, we found out how to properly putty drywall for painting. As you can see, this process is not easy. However, it can be succumbed even to a beginner if enough effort is applied. It is important to pay attention to the nuances and in no case not to rush into the process of puttying, priming, sanding and even painting. You need to let each coat dry before moving on to the next repair step.

However, if you follow all the tips and pay attention to details, and do not neglect the extra layer of primer, putty or even painting itself, the result will pleasantly surprise you. It is important to achieve the maximum effect at each stage of preparing the ceiling, so that later you do not have to improve all the nuances with extra layers of paint. A smooth surface is the only condition that needs to be controlled every time.
