Flowers with lilac flowers. Beautiful lilac flowers - names, photos and care instructions

Flowers with lilac flowers. Beautiful lilac flowers - names, photos and care instructions
Flowers with lilac flowers. Beautiful lilac flowers - names, photos and care instructions

The lilac branch pleases us with its flowering only once a year. But not only she is able to bring delicate colors to the garden. There are other flowers with lilac flowers that will liven up your yard throughout the summer and even fall. A variety of shapes and sizes will allow you to create interesting compositions for every taste. Beautiful lilac flowers - you will find names, photos and recommendations for care later in the article.

Unusual handsome man

Many kids don't like onions, but rest assured they will love this variety. It's allium. It has giant balls of flowers with lilac flowers-crumbs on a stem 80-150 cm high.

flowers with lilac flowers
flowers with lilac flowers

And with all this, allium (gigantic onion) is a plant that is easy to care for, and even perennial. It is unpretentious to the soil, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture and generally copes well with drought. He needs plenty of sunlight, butit is advisable to plant this flower in closed areas that are not blown by the wind.

The only condition that allium puts forward is autumn planting. In this case, the bulb must be buried in the soil to a depth equal to its four diameters and leave a free space between them, at least 20 cm. If the soil is not rich, it must be fertilized.

Different varieties of allium bloom at different times, but after flowering, its foliage dies off, so you should take care that other plants cover it and the flower bed is not empty.

Beautiful, fragrant and he althy

Listing flowers with lilac flowers, one cannot help but recall lavender. With it, not only a piece of French Provence will appear on your site, but also an excellent source of raw materials for homemade pillows and bags that help relieve stress and fall asleep. Putting them in a closet will not only give things a subtle fragrance, but you will also get rid of moths that do not like this plant.

Lavender grows in long-stemmed bushes with small flowers.

lilac branch
lilac branch

Propagated by seeds, which is very laborious, or layering. Also happens on sale in the form of adult plants in flowerpots.

Be aware that this is a thermophilic plant, so if you have a cool climate, then it is better to keep it in pots and bring it indoors when the temperature drops sharply.

The main condition for the successful growth of lavender is a sunny and ventilated area, with light sandy soils that drain moisture well. However, she loves watering, most importantly,so that the water does not linger. Otherwise, the plant may become a victim of fungal diseases.


This plant has a lot of color options: white, crimson, blue, and pink-lilac flowers will manifest themselves in all their glory in late spring and summer. It grows well, has a pleasant aroma, is good for cutting and attracts butterflies.

lilac flowers names
lilac flowers names

Growing phlox can only be difficult in hot regions with high humidity - then it is prone to attack by powdery mildew.

In all other cases, this is a rather undemanding perennial plant.

Phlox loves sunny areas, but can put up with light shading. The plant is easier to propagate by cuttings or layering than to grow from seeds. Soil requirements for different varieties may vary somewhat, but it must definitely be loose and well-permeable to water.

Phloxes should be watered at least once a week, fed with compost in the spring, covered with mulch, cut off dead inflorescences. For the winter, you need to cut to a height of 20 cm and cover.

Once every 2-3 years, phloxes will need to be divided.

Luxury aquilegia

If you plant this plant on your site, then be prepared in advance for the delight of the guests, the envy of the neighbors, and the questions: “What is the name of the lilac flower?” Because it is impossible to pass by aquilegia and not admire it. The name comes from the Latin aquila - eagle, due to the similarity of slightly protruding petals with outstretched wings of a bird.

pink lilac flowers
pink lilac flowers

Aquilegia can be propagated by seeds: they are sown in mid-spring. But in this case, the plant will bloom only next year. If this does not suit you, then you can buy aquilegia layering or already adult plants.

An interesting feature

Oddly enough, but this exquisite-looking flower belongs to self-seeds, which is quite convenient, since its lifespan is short - 3-4 years, and by the time the old flowers begin to die off, you will have a new shift ready.

Aquilegia blooms in late spring, for about 4 weeks. To form more buds, the old ones should be cut off. With such care, repeated flowering is sometimes observed.

what is the name of the purple flower
what is the name of the purple flower

Aquilegia loves sunlight, but in hotter regions in the summer it can suffer from too much sunshine, so it's best to plant it in light shade from trees. The soil should be abundantly fertilized with compost when planting and then do not forget to feed the flower monthly with a water-soluble plant fertilizer.

Unpretentious and beautiful

If you are looking for showy and easy care flowers with lilac flowers, then irises are perfect for you. Their palette is very wide, it does not contain only fiery red species. And there are many shades of lilac. They bloom in early summer, there are varieties with repeated flowering later. Some species have a delicate, delicate aroma, and some have almost lost it during the selection process, but have become larger and acquired an interesting color.

flowers with lilac flowers
flowers with lilac flowers

Irises need at least 6 hourssunlight per day - the more the better. Their rhizomes should not be sprinkled with earth, otherwise they may begin to rot, and this is detrimental to the plant. For the same reason, the soil should be light, with an admixture of sand, and mulching should not be used so that moisture does not accumulate.

Irises are self-sufficient plants, they feel best in plantings together with relatives. However, be sure to leave enough space between them, as they grow fairly quickly, and you should be able to freely divide the bushes as needed (once every 3-4 years).

Irises are propagated by rhizomes. Although they produce seeds, growing plants from them is not recommended, as this rarely allows you to maintain varietal characteristics. Planting material is planted or the bush is divided in August.

For the winter, the foliage needs to be cut.

flowers with lilac flowers
flowers with lilac flowers

As you can see, not only the lilac branch boasts a delicate color and aroma, it has many other no less worthy competitors. Although it is better to say - companions, because you should not limit yourself in beauty.
