Phloxes are different. The parade of their flowering begins in spring, when ground cover species flare up with bright pillows, captures the whole summer and continues until October. Probably, there are no people who look at them indifferently. The only difference is that one of these

flowers seem old-fashioned, while others are so in love with them that they collect collections of different varieties and types in their plots.
Paniculate, broad-leaved, spotted, awl-shaped, splayed, Douglas, stoloniferous - these are just the most common perennial phloxes. The reproduction of these species will be discussed in this article.
Dividing rhizomes or cutting off parts of bushes is the simplest and most commonly used method. The procedure is best done in spring or early autumn so that the delenki can take root before winter. It is advisable not to divide the bushes younger than 5 years. Having dug up an overgrown plant, it must be cut with a sharp knife or shovel in such a way as not to break a significant part of the shoots. Old roots should be shortened before planting in a new place so that young ones develop better. And, of course, water generously.
Situations often arise when the plant is young, but you want to have several bushes

or someone asks to share an interesting variety (species). In this case, the propagation of phloxes by cuttings will help. The only question is which ones and at what time.
In the spring, as soon as the plant emerges from the ground and grows up to 12 cm, the shoots at the base can be broken, but always with the "heel", part of the rhizome. Up to 40% of seedlings can be removed from an adult bush without damage to it. Propagation of phloxes by cuttings in this way gives almost 100% rooting. In this case, callus (an influx of tissue at the site of damage, on which roots appear over time) is formed in about a week.
In summer and early autumn, phlox can be propagated by stem cuttings. To do this, you need to choose he althy, well-developed shoots. The stem should be divided into parts with two pairs of buds. Remove the lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by half. Until the end of July, rooting is high, later the stems begin to become woody, only their upper parts can be used. In this case, glass jars are required to create mini-greenhouses.

Closer to autumn, reproduction of phloxes by cuttings is possible, but those that form in the leaf axils, especially after pruning faded stems. They need to be cut with a sharp knife, put in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 5 hours, and then planted in a prepared place, covered with a jar. For the winter, these landings should be insulated.
Amazing and hardy phlox plants. Reproduction by cuttings is possible and leafy. Aboutin the middle of summer, you need to cut off the leaves with a shield from the middle of the shoot with a sterile blade. Plant them in a stalk to a depth of 1.5 cm, placing them vertically and covering them with any non-woven material. Treatment with a root stimulator is desirable. This method is laborious, because requires increased attention in the form of watering, spraying, airing. With drying and accumulation of condensate, the cuttings may dry out or rot.
Propagation of phloxes by cuttings is a useful, interesting and varied process. Each grower will definitely find his own way, if there is a desire.