A beautiful garden and a well-groomed garden - the fruits of the daily work of the hostess or the result of competent processing of plants? In today's world, where plant diseases and pests develop faster than they can be cured, the use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides is urgent.
What is the miracle cure?
Medication "Maxim" - a means for etching a modern sample of unique origin. At the heart of the sprayed substance is the active composition of natural origin. Country of origin - Switzerland, Singenta company, official distributor in Russia - Green Pharmacy Sadovoda LLC.

The drug is available as:
- powder sachets;
- suspension concentrate in ampoules;
- solution in cans from 1 to 5 liters.
The peculiarity of the fungicide is similar to the antibiotic composition released during the vital activity of the soil bacterium. "Maxim", similar in composition, has a deadly effect onbacteria that cause plant diseases, but in no way disturbs the microflora of the soil, which is very important for the fertility and he althy growth of plants.
Fungicide "Maxim" - contact type. Compared to potassium permanganate, which acts for a short time, "Maxim" has a long-term protective effect throughout the entire period of preservation and growth of plants.
Interestingly, the solution also has a beneficial effect on the he alth of the plant itself, strengthens immune activity and stimulates growth.
Area of application of the fungicide
Use fungicide "Maxim" for dressing:
- bulb system, tubers and corms of flower crops;
- lawns;
- seed potatoes;
- sugar beet;
- sunflower;
- cereals;
- legumes;
- onions and garlic.

When pickling perennial flower bulbs, it is better to treat them twice: before storage and immediately before planting the bulbs in the ground.
How the drug works
Maxim preparation is used for disinfection of planting material by creating a fungicidal-type protective film, which is a protective barrier against infections and bacteria. During the germination of the flower, a protective sheath is also formed around the root zone with the sprout.

How can the leftover solution be used?
Maxim preparation for bulbs dissolves in water. Aftertreatment of flower bulbs, you can use it as a disinfectant to water the area of \u200b\u200bthe ground where flowers are supposed to be planted.
Maxim pesticide does its job well: it protects any flowers prone to furasive and verticile wilt. To protect asters, dahlias, irises or other flowers, the root system and planting hole must be treated before planting flowers.

Protective agent properties
"Maxim" (a preparation for the treatment of plants) is the only one of a wide range of products for the treatment and protection of plants approved and authorized by the Ministry of He alth for the purpose of use and storage in personal subsidiary plots.
The action of the drug is immunomodulation:
- cereals and developing crop resistance against snow mold, rot and other diseases provoked by Fusarium spp;
- potatoes and the formation of protection against scab and rot of any kind.
Separately, breeders note a high level of resistance to rhizoctonia and late blight during the growing season.
The tool is characterized by versatility - only one powder of the drug is used for dressing a wide range of crops, garden plants, but the drug "Maxim" is most actively used for bulbs.

Instructions for use
The drug is sold in small sachets of 4 ml. The powder is diluted in water in volumes of 2 liters. This solution willenough to process up to 2 kilos of flower bulbs.
Planting material before planting is soaked in the prepared fungicide solution and allowed to infuse for 30 minutes. One solution is reusable and you can process up to 5 batches of flower bulbs in it. The only caveat that needs to be taken into account: before processing the next batch, the solution is filtered through a fine sieve. After that, the dissolved preparation "Maxim" is again suitable for use and pickling a new batch of material.

Fungicide-treated bulbs should be allowed to dry and only then planted in the soil.
The same actions are done with flower bulbs before being taken for storage: they are washed with water, cleaned of dirt, and treated with an agent, then dried and put in boxes for storage.
If babies have formed on the bulbs, they must be carefully processed.
Potatoes for planting before storage can be processed once. A solution is made for 10 kg of material: 100 ml - water, 4 ml - the drug "Maxim". Instructions for use with detailed steps are attached to the product and printed on the back of the sachet.
A weakly concentrated solution - 5 drops per 200 ml of water - can be used to treat indoor plants, which will protect them from possible pests and give them growth.

The tool does not have phytotoxicity, and the treated tubers can be under protectiveup to 12 weeks.
Be careful when using Maxim. Instructions for use contain information that the drug is a moderately hazardous substance (hazard level 3). It is toxic to fish and should not be used near bodies of water.
Caution - keep it safe
When working with fungicides, follow basic safety rules:
- do not use utensils or other food items to prepare formula;
- during processing, limit the contact area: keep children and animals away;
- use personal protective equipment in the form of goggles, a respirator, gloves and cotton cloth clothing;
- remember the rule of three NOT's: don't eat, smoke or drink while processing planting material;
- after finishing work with an unsafe substance, thoroughly wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth.
What to do if you have been in contact with the drug
In case of careless handling, when the drug has got on the skin, mucous membranes or eyes, the affected area is washed with plenty of water. There are cases when the fungicide enters the body. Many people do not know what to do in such a situation. Do not run in a panic, but immediately drink several glasses of water, dissolving activated charcoal in it in the required amount (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). After a few minutes - saline laxative solution and go to the hospital. Treatment of fungicide poisoning is carried out symptomatically. There is no special treatment regimen, however, as well asantidote.

Storage conditions and disposal of containers
Keep the product in a dry dark place out of the reach of children and animals with a temperature range from -10 °С to +35 °С. Do not store the fungicide close to medicines or food.
Working solution is suitable for use throughout the day. The remains of the solution are disposed of in a compost pit, and the remaining bags are burned or buried away from water resources.
You will be able to protect not only the flowers and crops in your garden and garden, but also to give resistance to indoor plants using the drug "Maxim". Reviews means deserved positive. Indoor flower lovers talk about its effectiveness, ease of use and reliability.
Indeed, such a tool is simple and not scary to use, because it does not have toxicity and does not cause irreparable harm to the environment. The treatment with the solution does not take much time, and the flower bulbs do not suffer from poisons.
In the future you will get an excellent harvest, regardless of the type of plant: the garden is full of crops, and the front garden is full of flowers, and all thanks to a simple tool, affordable and cheap.