Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Wallpaper for the living room. Interiors of bedrooms with photo wallpapers

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Wallpaper for the living room. Interiors of bedrooms with photo wallpapers
Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Wallpaper for the living room. Interiors of bedrooms with photo wallpapers

Surely our mothers and grandmothers remember well the fashion for murals that reigned about thirty years ago. The choice of finishing materials in Soviet stores was so meager that the photo wallpapers seemed to be the height of perfection. With their help, it was possible to bring at least a small fraction of originality into the interior of typical apartments. In addition, the price for them was quite affordable.

wallpaper in the interior of the living room
wallpaper in the interior of the living room

The theme of photo wallpapers in those days was limited - forest, river bank, birch. Few people managed to connect their plot with the interior of the room. Therefore, when the market for finishing materials began to expand, photo wallpapers smoothly moved into outsiders.

Triumphant return

It's no secret that fashion moves in circles. Some thirty years have passed, and murals have again taken a leading position. One of the reasons for the renewed interest was the huge variety of plots and themes. Now you can choose wallpaper more carefully, taking into accountthe style of the room, its size, the preferences of the owners.

Modern murals in the interior of the living room, bedroom, kitchen perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function. They can hide the flaws of the room, visually changing its geometry.

Modern Wallpapers

Today this material is not only a multiply enlarged photo image, as it was before. Today it can be a reproduction of paintings, a comic strip, a fresco, an interesting frame from a movie, a starry night sky or a landmark of a big city. Such a huge range allows you to choose an interesting option for any room. Today we will tell you which wallpapers are most appropriate in the interior of the living room, bedroom, nursery.

bedroom interiors with wallpaper
bedroom interiors with wallpaper

Living room interiors with photo wallpapers

Experienced designers believe that murals are appropriate in any room. But they look especially good in the living room. It is ideal to place them in the relaxation zone. This applies to photo wallpapers with a beautiful landscape. That is why they are most often seen in living rooms or bedrooms, because people relax in these rooms. It is more expedient to place photo wallpapers in the interior of the living room directly in the recreation area. You can put the sofa directly against the wall, which is pasted over with such samples, or you can place it so as to admire a realistic landscape. Photo wallpapers in the interior of the living room will contribute to the creation of an original accent wall on which you can hang a TV, but only if they have an abstract pattern or their main part is occupied by the background. ATotherwise, you will lose part of the picture, and the TV will look like something completely inappropriate and superfluous.

All finishing materials can change the interior. The living room, the murals in which have an urban theme (city streets, buildings, squares), will appeal to lovers of loft, urban, high-tech styles. An excellent addition in this case will be bricks, stone, metal. Wall murals in the urban living room are perfectly complemented by minimalist modern upholstered furniture, glass racks and tables, chrome lamps and accessories.

Pop art style

photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen
photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

If the wallpaper depicts pop and movie stars, glamorous girls, characters from famous films, then you can create a living room interior with photo wallpapers (you can see the photo in this article) in pop art style. This room is good for parties for young and modern guests.

Other styles

If you prefer Italian, French or Mediterranean style in your living room, wall murals imitating wall paintings are the best for you. As a rule, they depict a luxurious view from the window or access to the veranda. Such options are suitable for a living room in a classic style. In addition, for the classics, photo wallpapers are appropriate, which are a reproduction of a famous painting. These samples will fill the interior with the spirit of luxury and antiquity.

Photo wallpapers in the interior of the country-style living room depict fields, horses, pastoral pictures. They are used to give the interior rustic motifs. Quite often theyused in country houses.

Flower wallpapers are very popular now. Roses in the interior are suitable for any style - a classic living room and a modern minimalist room.

Decorating the bedroom

interiors of living rooms with photo wallpapers
interiors of living rooms with photo wallpapers

In every home, the bedroom is a special room where you can completely relax, forget all daytime worries and fully relax before the next working day. To do this, you need to create maximum comfort in the room. It's not at all difficult to do this. The most important thing is to want it very much.

Modern wallpaper will help you achieve your goal. This forgotten material has returned to our homes. Bedroom interiors with photo wallpapers are not just a fashion trend. This is a unique opportunity to make your vacation complete. You have probably noticed that it is easier to fall asleep in a cozy and comfortable bedroom.

Choose the appropriate option

If you are an adherent of the classical style, and your bedroom is furnished with high-quality natural wood furniture, then you should not buy lime-colored wallpapers. Mixing styles and colors won't make a bedroom cozy.

If you like everything expressive, bright, then wallpapers with original and unusual images of rich tones are more suitable for you. The interiors of bedrooms with photo wallpapers for romantic natures should be filled with flowers, pictures of the night city, landscapes.

If you suffer from insomnia, you experience constant fatigue, try using wallpaper in soothing colors with green elements. Maybe,it will be foliage against a warm background or a huge tree. We assure you that in such a bedroom you will quickly fall asleep and sleep well.

Pros and cons of this design

interior living room mural
interior living room mural

Bedroom interiors with photo wallpapers have their supporters and opponents. The first believe that this finishing material enlivens the room, tunes in to a certain wave. In addition, photo wallpapers visually expand the space, so they are especially relevant in small bedrooms.

Opponents of such a decision believe that such bedroom decorations quickly bother the owners. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully consider the interior.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

For such a complex room (high humidity, temperature changes), the use of photo wallpapers is a bold decision. It can radically change the interior. Basically, photo wallpapers are made on the basis of paper, but you can pick up samples on a non-woven basis. They have a number of advantages over paper ones - they fit perfectly on the wall, practically do not swell from glue, the constituent elements are easily adjusted to each other. Naturally, they are a little more expensive than paper samples, but for a spectacular accent, you can afford such high-quality and reliable material. If you were unable to find the desired plot on a non-woven base, then you can buy it on thick paper, but always with an additional water-repellent coating.

Some selection rules

children's photo wallpaper in the interior
children's photo wallpaper in the interior

Having decided to purchase photo wallpapers, you need tofollow a number of rules so that the result of the repair does not disappoint you. A small kitchen, one of the walls of which is completely covered with photo wallpapers, will not expand the room, but will lead to the opposite effect. In this case, it is best to use photo windows on the walls or small panels. But if you really want to see full-wall wallpaper in your miniature kitchen, choose images where at least a third of the space is occupied by air or water.

An image of a juicy slice of lemon falling into the water, from which thousands of sparkling splashes scatter, would be much more appropriate in the kitchen than a wall mural depicting a shady park.

Color solution

It is advisable to decide in advance what exactly you want to see in your kitchen, what color you need before buying wallpaper. Will it be a black and white image of New York at night or romantic Paris. You may be more interested in the orange-orange collage.

wallpaper roses in the interior
wallpaper roses in the interior

If your kitchen is decorated in monochrome or black and white, you can afford bright accents. It can be flowers or berries, luxurious still lifes. It would be appropriate to use abstract images.

In the event that the interior of the kitchen is made in bright colors, the requirements for photo wallpaper will be somewhat higher. Best of all, such an interior is suitable for black and white photographs or pictures made in the sepia technique. Cold tones (blue, green, lilac) make a small kitchen more spacious and taller, especially for rooms with south-facing windows. For example, a lilac flower swaying against a blue sky, or an endless lake with delicate lotuses.

Photo wallpapers in the interior of the kitchen represent a unique opportunity to make a cozy and original corner out of an unremarkable typical room.

Children's room

This room is the whole world for the little man. Here he grows, develops, his interests and passions are formed here. That is why it is necessary to design this room taking into account the interests of the child, and only then think about fashion trends.

wallpaper in the living room
wallpaper in the living room

There is an opinion that the room of a child aged one to three years should not be pasted over with bright wallpaper, it is better to use calmer and softer colors. Other experts believe that it is advisable to make one wall saturated and bright, so it will enliven the room. Photowall-paper brilliantly copes with this task. It is better to place them in the play area.

Children at the age of seven can already choose their own wallpaper for their room. During this period, they are very fond of images of animals. So, cute kittens and puppies, graceful horses, luxurious and proud tigers and lions can be to your liking. The main thing is that the depicted animals should not be angry and aggressive.

Children's wallpapers in the interior can be very diverse. Girls prefer to see delicate flowers in their room. Boys prefer images of favorite cartoon characters, pirates, ships and cars.

living room interior with photo wallpaper
living room interior with photo wallpaper

Not less thanoriginal solution - photo wallpaper-coloring. They are able to develop the child's ability to be creative. When decorating a room for a baby, remember the sense of proportion. It is not necessary to paste over all the walls from floor to ceiling with photo wallpaper. One wall or panel is enough. Consider the nature of your child when choosing compositions. For a hyperactive baby, wallpapers of aggressive subjects are categorically contraindicated.

Black and white wallpapers

This option is suitable for stylish people. For the production of such wallpapers, black and white, and sometimes color photographs are used, which are specially discolored to obtain a stronger effect. It should be noted that black and white photographs usually look sharp and contrasty. When choosing such wallpapers, do not forget that vertical patterns visually expand the space. For this reason, they look harmonious in small rooms with low ceilings.
