What is the voltage in the telephone line?

What is the voltage in the telephone line?
What is the voltage in the telephone line?

Modern civilization provides a wide variety of benefits that make our lives easier. These include mobile phones and wireless communications. They help us to hear the voices of relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances over long distances, without using wires in this case. However, today ordinary landline phones still continue to be relevant. Although they are large and require special wires to be connected, these devices can be useful at home with a dead mobile phone or if you want to chat, spending a small amount of money on a conversation (tariffs are usually less in this case). If you decide to connect such a phone or are just interested in this topic, then you should find out more information on how to check the voltage in the telephone line.


Stress concept

Before answering the above question, you should understand the concept of stress. It is a physical quantity that shows the work of an electric field performed when transferring an electriccharge from one point to another. It is measured in volts (abbreviated "V" in Russian and V in English).


Types of telephone line. How it works

Telephone communication lines are divided into two types: analog and digital. The first has existed since ancient times and is actively used today. It is relatively simple in functionality, and also has stable settings (for example, voice pitch or volume). When we speak into the phone, the microphone converts our sounds into an analog signal, which is sent over the wires at lightning speed to the central office. It digitizes the received data. The result is everything that we said, but only in a processed and improved version.


Thanks to such actions, the station clears the voice from interference and other noise, making it better. Then the signal becomes analog again and is transmitted to the device through which another person is listening to us. That is, we see that the first type of signal is used more often, and it is precisely this type that is used in landline telephones of our houses and apartments. So it's time to talk about the voltage in the analog telephone line. We will learn about everything you need, from basic knowledge to incredible things about our topic.

What is the voltage on the telephone line?

It is no different from the one found in ordinary electrical wires. More precisely, it differs only in its size. Voltage in sockets, chandeliers, householdappliances, switches and other devices is equal to 220V. In a telephone line, it is much less, since very little is required from it. She does not need to feed huge electric boilers or lighting fixtures. All that is required is the transmission of the sound of a voice at certain distances.


Therefore, it is necessary to quickly answer the main question: "What voltage should be in the telephone line?". As a rule, it is 40-60V (if the handset is on the phone). When a call is made to your landline device, the voltage begins to change. Fluctuations can even reach 120V. The voltage in the telephone line when the handset is lifted, on the contrary, begins to drop sharply. In this case, it is equal to 6-12V, which is quite small in its value. However, if the handset wire is damaged and you accidentally touch it, you can get quite uncomfortable.

Determine the voltage of the telephone line yourself

You may someday decide to install a landline phone in your home. It is likely that you already have it, but for some unknown reason it stopped working or performs its tasks very poorly. In the first case (in order to select a suitable device) and the latter (in order to correctly carry out repairs), it is necessary to measure the voltage in the telephone line. This can be done using a special device called a voltmeter. It is connected in parallel and indicates the voltage in the form of numbers or with an arrow. Please note that this device is capable ofshow the value of the DC voltage (indicated by the "-" sign) and alternating current (the "~" sign). You will need to know the value of the DC voltage.

Learn the meaning in unusual ways

If you do not have a voltmeter (which is quite possible, since this is not an essential item), then especially for this case, experienced people in this matter have come up with other methods for checking the voltage in the telephone line. The method is quite funny (at least it seems so at first glance), but very practical, easy and convenient. For its implementation, a well-known vegetable is required - this is a potato. Yes, yes, potatoes.


Cut the root crop in half, then stick (preferably into the core of the vegetable) the two ends of the stripped wire to a depth of one to two centimeters. The distance between two bare conductors must be very small. The main thing is that they do not touch, otherwise the network will close. And with potatoes, the following changes should occur. Around the conductor, which is connected to the positive field, the flesh of the vegetable will turn a little green, and foam will form near the negative one. In addition, the wire itself with the minus sign will become dark. This can be seen when you remove it from the vegetable.

Connecting a new phone

As mentioned above, the voltage in the telephone line is usually checked when a new device should be installed or an existing one should be repaired. Let's talk about connectivity first. But before starting this process, you need toconsider the main types of telephone sockets. The first and most common type is RTSHK-4. The connection is established in this way: the socket contacts (the wires of the line are connected to them) must match the contacts of the plug (the telephone wires are connected to them).


The 623K RJ-116P4C socket is a more modern option, but also outdated. It is used not only to establish a telephone connection, but also to provide Internet access. The two line conductors should normally be connected to the green and red wires.


You can connect a phone without an outlet, using an RJ-11 plug. To do this, you need to take a telephone line wire, strip its two contacts and insert them into the RJ-11 connector. The wire is clamped using special tongs (crimpers) or manually (for example, by tapping the lamellas with the end of a flat screwdriver to the required depth).


Telephone or telephone line repair

Let's consider the second case when voltage measurement in a telephone line is used. We said that such a situation includes repairs. There may be a situation in which the phone stops working for some reason. Then you should call the master: he will examine the device, find the cause of the malfunction, quickly and efficiently fix everything. Repairs can be done on your own. This is where the methods of measuring the voltage of the telephone network help. With their help, it is easy to determine what exactly is out of order. It may have broken itselftelephone. In this case, the voltage will be ok. If it is missing, then most likely there was a breakdown on the communication line. Then you need to check the wire that goes to the outlet or the phone itself for damage. If a fault is found, the wire should be replaced completely or directly at the point of failure.

Why else do you need to know the voltage of a telephone line?

Agree that you live in an apartment or house stuffed with modern facilities, devices and other gadgets. They are all wired in one way or another, as they cannot function without electricity.

Probably still useful to know what voltage this or that conductor has, since we use these devices almost every day. Therefore, if you know the voltage of the current passing through all the wires, then it is obvious that you can avoid danger. After all, a large electrical discharge can deliver a lot of discomfort to a person in case of damage to its carrier and contact with it. But in other situations, knowledge in this area and firm confidence in the inability of the wire for various reasons to shock will help to keep calm and good mood.


Thus, knowing the voltage in the telephone line, you can easily install a new device, repair the old one, and avoid contact with bare conductors. It will also broaden your horizons and erudition well, and you will be able to show off your unusual knowledge to your friends.
