The bulb is a versatile vegetable that is used both for food and for planting

The bulb is a versatile vegetable that is used both for food and for planting
The bulb is a versatile vegetable that is used both for food and for planting

The bulb is not only the edible part of the plant obtained by cultivation, but also planting material. Therefore, every gardener needs to know how to properly store onions in winter, which heads are suitable for planting, and how to perform these works with maximum success.

Meaning of the word

The bulb is a shoot that is underground and shortened. It has succulent, colorless scale-like leaves that are attached to the bottom. At the top of the onion head is the main bud, and in the axils of the scales are the lateral buds, from which new fruits will grow.

bulb it
bulb it

Soil preparation

The bulb is a rather capricious planting material, and despite the fact that it is recommended to plant this crop in the spring, it is customary to prepare the soil in the fall:

  1. First you need to decide on a place for future sowing. It is best to use land that has previously grown cabbages, tomatoes, legumes or herbs. In no case should onions be planted in those ridges in which cucumbers, garlic or carrots were grown. Besidessuch a root system does not tolerate the presence of fresh manure in the soil, so those places where this fertilizer was applied should also be excluded.
  2. The bow loves the sun, so stay in high, well-lit areas.
  3. The soil must be neutral. In autumn, it needs to be dug up and humus (5 kilograms per 1 m²) or ash (1 kg per 1 m²) added. Mineral fertilizers should remain in the upper layers so that the roots of the plant can immediately access useful substances.

Preparation of planting material

The bulb is not only the edible part of the plant, but also the material used for planting, it is called sevoc. The diameter of such fruits does not exceed 3.5 centimeters.

First you need to go through all the bulbs and weed out damaged, dried, sprouted or blackened specimens. They have already lost all their useful properties, and planting them will not bring any result.

Immediately before the work itself, the seedlings must be warmed up near the battery, the temperature of which should be 35-40 ° С. You can also dip the bulbs in hot water for 15 minutes. Then the planting material is placed in a container with complex fertilizer. The procedure time should not be less than 10 hours, after which the sevok must be washed and dried thoroughly.

onion bulb
onion bulb

Planting bulbs

For planting, the best time is the beginning of May, that is, the period when the earth warms up to a temperature of 10-12 ° C. It is best to use the following pattern:

  • Distance betweenbulbs should be no more than 10 centimeters, and between rows - at least 20.
  • Then the planting material deepens into the soil by about 3-5 centimeters.
  • It is best to plant the bulbs from the smallest to the largest specimens.
planting bulbs
planting bulbs

Crop preparation for storage

To answer the question of how to store the bulbs until spring, you need to pay attention to the preparatory work that will help the crop lie down as long as possible.

Onions should be harvested in mid-August, preferably after the 14th. In this case, it will be fully ripe. The presence of this factor is indicated by dried feathers and dense skin. Experienced gardeners recommend letting the bulbs dry completely, leaving them in the beds for 5-10 days after digging.

If this is not possible, then the crop is dried under a canopy or right in the room. The main condition will be the presence of good ventilation and ventilation.

Then you need to cut the ponytails, leaving a process of 3-5 centimeters. If you plan to braid the bow into braids, then you should not cut them.

Ways to store onions

Each bulb of onion can be stored for a long time using the following aids:

  • Boxes. You can buy them at the store or make your own. Both plastic and wooden samples will do. The main condition will be the presence of holes for ventilation. Also, the boxes will save a lot of space, because they can be stacked on top of each other.
  • Cardboardboxes are an improvised and most affordable means. For such purposes, dense samples are suitable, in which special holes will be made.
  • Baskets. It is best to use several baskets with a depth of no more than 10 centimeters. Otherwise, the bulbs lying in the middle will quickly rot and deteriorate.
  • Cloth bags. They must be made from natural materials such as linen or cotton.
  • Thick paper bags. One package should be designed for a serving of onions of 4-5 kilograms, otherwise the vegetables may deteriorate.
  • Polypropylene nets. They are the most common storage method. Such material is well ventilated, and in the event that one bulb begins to rot, it can be seen and removed without sorting through the entire crop.
how to store bulbs
how to store bulbs

Storage space

Many housewives are wondering how to store bulbs. To begin with, it is worth remembering that the optimum temperature for these vegetables is 18-22 ° C. Based on this, the following places are selected:

  1. Before the onset of cold weather, onions can be kept on the balcony.
  2. Then it must be moved to the pantry, it is recommended to avoid proximity to carrots, potatoes or beets.
  3. You can also store onions in the kitchen by placing vegetables in an empty space.
  4. For small volumes, the lower cabinets of a kitchen set or a special compartment of the refrigerator are well suited.

You can weave a braid and place it on the wall. This method will also be a great decoration.interior.

how to save bulbs until spring
how to save bulbs until spring

The bulb is a capricious planting material and at the same time the most common vegetable that is used in almost any dish. Therefore, every housewife should know the rules for storing it.
