The flower was young: description of varieties and types

The flower was young: description of varieties and types
The flower was young: description of varieties and types

Hare cabbage and stone rose - this is the name of this unusual plant. Its varieties can be grown in open ground and at home on the window. Caring for a youngster is surprisingly simple. For this reason, experienced flower growers recommend breeding this unusual plant to beginners in this field.

rejuvenated flowers
rejuvenated flowers

Young (flowers): types and varieties

Although young and called a flower, in fact it is an evergreen grass with lush villi, fleshy. It forms small rosettes that make up to fifteen leaves.

Rejuvenated - flowers exceeding 25 cm in height. Looking at the photo below, name the flower that looks like rejuvenated. In our opinion, the plant is very reminiscent of a rosebud or a rare variety of ornamental cabbage. The plant blooms only once, in summer. This usually happens in the third year of life, but flowering lasts 2.5 months. The rest of the time, the flower pleases with its unusual and very beautiful leaves: rounded or oblong, long and pointed.

flower rejuvenated signs and superstitions
flower rejuvenated signs and superstitions

Depending on the variety, the leaves may bepainted in brown, green, pink, red and even silver. Some species change color at different times of the year. The rich color palette appealed to modern landscape designers, and they successfully use this culture to decorate the territories of country houses and summer cottages.

Today, more than fifty varieties of young are known. Under natural conditions, the plant is found in the mountainous areas of Southern Europe, the Caucasus, and Southeast Asia. We present you the most popular of them.


One of the most famous varieties. The leaves are painted green with a spectacular red border.

juvenile-like flower
juvenile-like flower


It has tiny rosettes, about three centimeters in diameter. This flower got its name from the white villi on the leaves. From a distance, they resemble a cobweb.


The leaves are colored red-green. And their tips are soft pink.


Someone will find this variety too simple. However, many gardeners love him for the beautiful pale green color of five-centimeter rosettes.


A very spectacular plant, bred by breeders not so long ago. Features showy dark brown leaves.

rejuvenated flower in the apartment
rejuvenated flower in the apartment


Young - the flowers, the description of which can be found in our material, have an original look. Many believe that since the plant looks so unusual, then planting and caring for it is incredibly difficult. And thiscommon misconception. Experienced flower growers note the extraordinary unpretentiousness of this plant.

To grow young flowers in the open field you need:

  • outdoor sunny place;
  • Infertile, sandy, water-permeable soil.

If these requirements are met, after planting the plant, you can forget about leaving. The young take root much worse on heavy clay soils, do not tolerate excessive moisture and excess fertilizer. Rejuvenated - flowers with an underdeveloped root system, so you should not make large indentations when planting. Between large rosettes leave a distance of about 15 cm, between small ones - 5 cm.

After planting, the plants are watered. If you decide to grow young in an apartment, then drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot. Sawdust or sand can be added to the soil. The main requirement for successful growing young in an apartment is a well-lit place (usually a windowsill).

rejuvenated in a flower bed with other flowers photo
rejuvenated in a flower bed with other flowers photo

Plant care

Plant care comes down to getting rid of obsolete weeds and rosettes, as well as loosening the soil. Young flowers practically do not need watering. Like most succulents, they store moisture in their leaves. Every five years, the young needs a transplant. You can easily determine that the plant needs this procedure: the rosettes will become much smaller.

Dampness is contraindicated for plants - the lower leaves rot from it. It is necessary to ensure that the water in the open ground in the spring does notstagnated. Nazima is not covered with young people: the plant tolerates low temperatures well.


Permanent fertilizer, especially for organics, harms the plant. It loses its decorative effect, even the leaves can change color. Top dressing is useful for juveniles during the period of active growth. To do this, use complex fertilizer for succulents.

flower rejuvenated medicinal properties
flower rejuvenated medicinal properties

In the spring, during planting, you can add nitrogenous fertilizers to the soil, for example, ammonium nitrate (7-8 g per 1 sq. M). It stimulates plant growth.


If you are fond of growing young and decide to increase the number of plants on the site, you can use two methods of reproduction:

  • use child sockets;
  • sow seeds.

They are sown, one might say, superficially, no deeper than 1 mm. Sowing time is February or March. Germinate seeds at a temperature of +20°C. Shoots appear very quickly - on the fifth day. Seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight. Young people are planted in a permanent place in the middle of summer.

Faster, and therefore more popular way of reproduction - child rosettes. They are separated from the mother plants in the spring, although you can do this in the summer. Large sockets can be immediately planted in open ground in a permanent place. Small ones are grown on the ridges before planting.

Rejuvenated: combination with other plants

Rejuvenated in a flower bed with other flowers (you can see the photo in this article) looks veryeffectively. A variety of varieties allows you to use it in landscape design. It goes well with other ground cover plants: saxifrage, stonecrop and others. With their help create magnificent motley carpets. Looks impressive on one site and a combination of different types of youth.

Very good compositions with flowers (phlox, for example). But when making a flower bed, you need to remember one rule. The young do not tolerate the neighborhood with lush flowering plants that create a shadow that is undesirable for a stone rose. Best of all, young looks on an alpine hill. Often they are decorated with rockeries (decorative slides built of stones).

rejuvenated flowers description
rejuvenated flowers description

You can plant this perennial along garden paths. The variety of species of this plant, simple care for it allow even novice summer residents to experiment with design on their site.

Signs and superstitions

Shrouded in omens and superstitions, the flower was young. Some peoples considered him the flower of Jupiter and were sure that he was able to protect the house from lightning. In the Middle Ages, young people were planted on the roofs of houses for this purpose.

The ancient Greeks were sure that by eating young flowers for food, a person protects himself from the action of any poisons - thanks to the unusual properties of the flower, the body was allegedly filled with energy and strength. Famous healers of antiquity firmly believed that the rosette of a flower could protect against the bite of a poisonous scorpion and increase resistance to many diseases.

rejuvenated flowers species
rejuvenated flowers species

Many people, adhering to ancient signs, still believe that this plant is unsuitable for growing in the house, because it causes various negative associations. In fact, it all depends on how a person relates to all this, whether it is a bad omen for him or not. Negative signs associated with a flower rejuvenated in an apartment are untenable, because this unusual plant is even included in wedding bouquets, and in organizing such an event, you see, every little thing matters.

Therefore, do not be afraid of the negative influence of the stone rose. This flower deserves attention, and every year it gains more and more admirers of its unusual beauty.

rejuvenated flowers
rejuvenated flowers

The flower was young: medicinal properties

Some varieties of juveniles are used only as ornamental plants, others have medicinal properties. Only the leaves of plants that are rich in microelements can be used to prepare medicines based on juveniles.

Traditional healers actively use this plant for medicinal purposes when:

  • migraines;
  • treatment of long non-healing wounds;
  • high temperature;
  • gynecological problems;
  • diathesis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • heart failure.

Used to correct some skin imperfections: eczema and psoriasis, freckles and warts. On the basis of the plant is prepared:

  • decoctions;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • pastes and ointments.

In the absence of individual contraindications, young people are consumed fresh. Only the leaves, which taste like broccoli, are eaten raw.

Recipes: decoction to treat the stomach

A spoon (tablespoon) of chopped young leaves is poured into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The decoction is infused for two hours. Consume it half an hour before meals three times a day.


Twenty medium-sized leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let the composition brew for about two hours in a thermos. Then it is filtered and taken in a spoonful (dining room) three times a day for gastrointestinal ulcers.

Alcohol tincture

Twenty leaves, rinse well with running water and place in a glass dish. Fill them with 300 ml of alcohol or vodka. Clean the jar in a cool dark place for ten days. The tincture is used 30 drops twice a day for gynecological inflammatory diseases.


  • Allergic reactions.
  • Increased sensitivity to components in the composition of the plant.

Overdose can cause serious poisoning.
