Transparent and translucent, light, with or without patterns - magnificent tulle curtains can definitely be called home decoration. Tulle is used to decorate windows in all rooms, giving the interior a touch of tenderness and romanticism. We propose to talk about how to iron the tulle correctly in order to maintain its excellent appearance for a long time. Consider the types of ironing suitable for different fabrics.

Synthetic tulle
To date, the most common products made of synthetic materials. The thing is that they are original, airy and incredibly light. Synthetic curtains after ironing need temperature exposure, in the event that you hang the product on the eaves in order for it to smooth out, this will not lead to the desired result. Non-natural fibers do not smooth out under their own weight. So how to iron tulle made of artificial fabrics? First, you should do itimmediately after washing. The curtain should still be damp. The fact is that dry synthetic tulle is difficult to smooth out, and moisturizing with a spray bottle leaves ugly stains on a light, thin material. It is necessary to start ironing on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe product. So you can check if the mode set on the iron is suitable. The optimum temperature is 120 degrees.

Useful information
By the way, experts do not advise touching the fabric with the soleplate, because of this, yellow marks may remain. It is better to use a special nozzle, or iron the tulle through a moistened cotton cloth. Silk tulle, for example, can be ironed with a plain white paper sheet. In order to prevent the product from becoming yellow, it is recommended to iron it only from the wrong side.
Cotton tulle
If you need to iron cotton tulle, you will need a special approach. The fact is that machine-washed curtains are extremely difficult to iron if the spin was at maximum speed. Experts identify two main methods for smoothing wrinkled tulle fabric:
No ironing. This method can be called the simplest. Crumpled cotton tulle should be hung on the ledge immediately after washing. How to wash tulle so as not to iron? Cotton fabric will need to be washed and wrung out only slightly, water should drain from it. By the way, do not forget to lay something on the floor to absorb water. Of course, it will take time to dry. However, curtains dried in this wayway, will be perfectly smoothed. The fact is that under the weight of its own weight, the cotton straightens out and looks like you just smoothed it out well.
- Using an iron. If the cotton curtain was heavily compressed during the machine wash and has already dried, it must be ironed with an iron. It is necessary to set the heating mode to no more than 100 degrees, you must first prepare a gauze cloth that needs to be moistened. It is necessary to iron cotton tulle from the wrong side exclusively through gauze. Of course, this work is very painstaking, but only in this way you can smooth out the delicate fabric without damaging it.

Organza tulle
Tulle made from material like organza is incredibly finicky and requires delicate care. Organza is an almost weightless transparent fabric made by twisting fibers. It can be made from polyester, silk or viscose.
How to iron tulle after washing? First, the fabric must be completely dry. There should be no burnt particles and scratches on the soleplate of the iron. Ironing can be carried out exclusively through silk or tissue paper. Steam mode is not recommended, otherwise the product may be covered with soft waves. Another great way to make an organza beautiful is to hang it on a ledge. In no case should you hang the curtain in half. It is necessary to hang it evenly in height so that the fabric does notfractures formed. If the organza has had time to dry before you hang it, just dampen the entire surface with a spray bottle. You will need a couple of days to fully straighten.

How to iron organza tulle? The ideal way is to use vertical steamers or steam generators. The curtain must be hung on the eaves, and then go through the entire product with hot steam. In the event that you did not succeed in steaming all the tulle the first time, repeat this procedure. You can iron the tulle, after rinsing it after washing in s alt water. For five liters of water, you will need 25 grams of regular table s alt. The iron will not stick to such material, and the fabric will become much easier to iron.
Washing Tips
Now you know how to iron tulle. And how to wash such curtains? For example, experts first advise soaking the fabric in a soapy solution, adding soda ash or table s alt to the water. Such a composition will allow you to quickly cope with stains, relieve tulle from gray and yellow hues. The solution should be changed as needed. It is necessary to wash tulle curtains in warm water with powder, in no case should the fabric be rubbed, you just need to lightly squeeze it with your hands and rinse. By the way, when you hang wet curtains on the ledge, you need to straighten them and make sure that the fabric does not stick together.

We hope youfound the answer to the question of how to properly iron tulle curtains. Now clean and immaculately ironed products will delight you with their appearance, and an atmosphere of order and comfort will reign in your home interior!