A huge range of modern finishing materials can make the imagination of a person who wants to make their home more beautiful and comfortable work. Self-decoration of the walls in the apartment will allow not only to change its appearance, but also to master the finishing technique necessary for this.

Alternatively, creative forces can be applied to the surface finish with special compounds called decorative plaster. Their main feature is a fine structure with the presence or absence of large inclusions. The applied layer will harden for a rather long time, so there is enough time to improve the plastered surface. Performing the design of the walls in the apartment in this way, it is necessary to prepare the right amount of the mixture and water-based paint. In addition, you should have the following finishing equipment: a small container, narrow and wide spatulas, a drill with a mixing attachment, brushes, a roller, sandpaper and a foam sponge.

To startsurface needs to be leveled and cracks repaired. Then you can start decorating the walls in the apartment. Decorative plaster is prepared in this way: a dry mixture is poured into a container and filled with water in the proportions indicated in the instructions. Next, it should be stirred until a homogeneous mass. The solution is applied to a large spatula along its edge and distributed over the wall with arc movements. You should adhere to a large inclination to the surface, pressing the tool against it. The laid layer of plaster must be leveled with a narrow spatula. The surface does not have to be flat. Show your imagination - and it will turn out wavy or scaly. This method is especially appropriate when decorating walls in a children's room. In this case, you can take a little helper with you.
After the desired texture is formed, the wall is left to dry completely, the time of which is indicated on the package with the mixture.

Then the sharp edges of the applied layer must be improved by processing with coarse sandpaper. Water-based paint is applied to the finished surface with a brush or roller. If you want to increase the originality of the effect, you can rub it with a moistened foam sponge in certain places.
Not inferior to the first design method in terms of relevance and decorative painting of the walls. You can independently cope with several of its techniques. This will require building materials and tools such as water-based paint of several colors, brushes, roller,acetate cloth, foam sponge, eraser and paper.

Decoration of the walls in the apartment can be done using the sgraffito technique, which involves the initial application of paints of different colors to the surface.
After they are completely dry, a layer of glaze and water-based paint, mixed in the same proportion, is applied. Then, using an eraser, patterns are drawn before the layer dries. They can be done with a compressed sponge or a crumpled piece of paper.
The effect will be quite original, since the surface of the various colors applied initially will be visible against the background of the fresh layer.
Do-it-yourself wall decor, the photo of which is located below, can be done using the mono printing technique. The first layer should be a random base color, and after it dries, various spots or regular geometric lines are applied.

Acetate fabric is used for this, which is applied to the wall to get interesting prints in different colors.