One of the most beloved children's toys is a slime. He is able to change shape, stick to doors and walls, while not leaving marks on them. However, many of these toys that are sold in stores do not meet all quality standards, namely, they are not environmentally friendly. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to make a slime at home, which certainly will not harm either you or your child.

Make a quality slime
There are many ways to make slime at home. Some of them are simpler, others require components that you need to buy at a pharmacy or hardware store. Therefore, first we will deal with the components that you will need to create such a toy. So, the first way to make a slime includes some components that you may not have at home, namely:
- fresh PVA glue (150 ml);
- slightly warm water (200 ml);
- food coloring or simple brilliant green;
- 4% borax solution (it can be purchased at any pharmacy, and if it doesn’t work, then replace it with borax in powder form);
- rubber gloves.
So, first we dissolve the dye in water. If this is a purchased mixture, then follow the instructions. If you use brilliant green, then a few drops will suffice. The main thing is to mix well so that the water acquires a uniform shade. Then pour the glue into the water and mix everything thoroughly again. The more glue, the bigger your toy will be.

Tracking the process in more detail
Many don't know how to make a slime further, because proportions are often neglected. We reveal the secrets and describe the further process step by step: it is necessary to dissolve the dry powder (borax) in water, strictly following the instructions on the package. Then gradually pour it into the mass of glue and water, mixing in parallel. While doing this, keep an eye on the viscosity of the slime. If you fill it with a lot of tetraborate, it will become too hard. If you do the opposite, the toy will spread and will not be able to retain any shape. After that, pour the entire mixture into a plastic bag and knead with gloved hands. Everything, the toy is ready!
Short-term pleasure
Now let's look at how to make slime without tetraborate. This method is much faster and more budgetary, so let's go. You will need plasticine, gelatin and halfglass of water. First, prepare the jelly from the powder. Boil it to the desired state, and leave for a while. Then boil 50 grams of water and boil the plasticine in it, disassembled into pieces. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour it into the jelly and mix everything thoroughly. The slime is ready, however, it will serve you no more than two weeks.

The easiest option
Many parents are worried about how to make slime without sodium, but at the same time, so that it lasts a long time. For this you need water and starch. In equal proportions, mix these two components and it's in the bag. Also, to give a more spectacular appearance, dye, glitter can be added to such a substance, and a little essential oil can be dropped for aroma.
Knowing how to make a slime at home, you can conduct various experiments, creating new shapes and shades. Such a toy can serve not only as entertainment for children, but also as a gift that will cheer up any adult.