Different ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the area

Different ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the area
Different ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the area

Out in nature in summer, everything contributes to relaxation, except for flocks of mosquitoes. Their presence is especially unpleasant for young children: bites irritate delicate skin and create discomfort for the child. It is not surprising that many are beginning to wonder how to get rid of mosquitoes on the site. Certain ways do exist.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the area
How to get rid of mosquitoes in the area

Fight mosquitoes with repellents

The simplest means of getting rid of unpleasant insects are repellents, as well as fumigators. A fumigator is a device designed to heat plates or liquids whose smoke kills mosquitoes. Repellents are applied to the skin and repel bloodsuckers with their smell. The handling of such products should be as careful as possible, as their misuse can be dangerous. The composition of such substances contains poison, which can harm the body no less than mosquitoes. It is worth thinking of another way to get rid of mosquitoes in the country if you have concerns about the occurrence of allergic reactions.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country
How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country

How to get rid ofmosquitoes in the area in an environmentally friendly way

First of all, ordinary mosquito nets can be used to protect the country house itself. The condition of such a grid must be carefully monitored: over time, small holes and cracks appear in it, through which insects can still enter the house. Another option is to plant tomatoes on the windowsill or near the windows. A couple of tomato bushes will spread a tart smell that repels many insects. No more like mosquitoes and the scent of tansy or wormwood. By growing these plants, or occasionally plucking a wild branch, you can keep mosquitoes away from your living quarters. Another effective way to get rid of mosquitoes in the area is the periodic use of essential oils. If you're building a fire, toss in mint leaves or drizzle in clove, anise, lavender, or tea tree oil. The smells of lemon, valerian or basil also repel mosquitoes. For a more permanent effect, you can use an aroma lamp. If essential oils are not on hand, fumigate the open area with cones or embers. A gas trap can be set up in a large area.

Mosquito control
Mosquito control

The device will distribute carbon dioxide similar to that emitted by human breath. Mosquitoes and horseflies will fly up to the device, after which they will be pulled inside by a special fan.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the water area

If you have a pond or pool in your country house, this place will be just perfect for mosquitoes. Try to run into the freshwater pondfish that are happy to eat mosquito larvae. You can also arrange a fountain in the reservoir, which will not allow the water to stagnate and prevent mosquitoes from breeding in it. Finally, you can place an ultrasonic repeller nearby. This is a modern device that does not harm the environment, but repels mosquitoes very well. There are models whose power protects an area of up to fifty square meters. The repeller works from the battery or from the mains.